June 1998 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 2 June with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.

Planning matters

received much attention. The Council was concerned that its views about the redevelopment of Appleshaw House into 9 flats had been misrepresented to the City Council Planning Committee. It was decided to write to Winchester Housing Group and the City Council regarding the lack of contact and expressing concerns that the current exit to the main road is dangerous and that any development should incorporate a wider driveway with good sight lines along the main road. The Council will also write to the Chief Planning Officer, WCC, expressing concern over the delays in handling the planning application for the site by at the Parish Hall, which could jeopardise our grants, and inviting him to talk to the Parish Council about the planning process.


Members were pleased to appoint Mr Michael Eyre as Parish Transport Representative, and were grateful to Mr R Tice and Group Captain MEH Dawson for their willingness to continue as Representatives of the Parish Council in the current matters of routeing of aircraft and noise. Mr R Tice will now be the main contact for this activity.

Compton Lock.

Terms of reference for the management committee responsible for the running of Compton Lock had been received from Twyford Parish Council, which stated that the key objective should be to balance the interest of nature conservation and historical heritage with public access for the enjoyment of swimming, fishing, walking and picnicking. Cllr TJ Threlfall has been appointed to attend meetings of Compton Lock Management Committee and maintain a watching brief.

Hockley Viaduct Access Project.

City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White reported that the access compound works are well under way. Winchester City Council will open the viaduct to the public on a permissive basis although they do not intend to establish a formal right of way.

Proposed Closure of Twyford Sub-Fire Station.

A meeting of local Parish Councils revealed no real information why the Fire Station was closing other than the stated “operational reasons”, which were questioned by Twyford Parish Council. Following the meeting, the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority agreed to defer the matter for public consultation. Closure will mainly affect the villages of Twyford, Owslebury and Colden Common but would have less impact on Compton and Shawford . It was agreed to support Twyford in their objection to the closure.

Proposed New Pavilion.

Following constructive discussions with the Sports the Parish Council is looking to appoint an architect with a successful track record to refine our plans and submit a Sports Council grant application on behalf of the Parish Council for the new pavilion on the Memorial Playing Field. Everybody involved in this project – from the Parish Council and the Sports Club – is now much more optimistic. Cllr Walmsley will act as convenor of the New Pavilion subcommittee.

Parish Hall Refurbishment

Because projected costs for the hall renovation have increased so much, the plans are having to be scaled down, mainly with a less ambitious treatment of the upstairs room. A review of the latest estimates for a revised plan had shown that, together with the grants already promised, a contribution of £142,000 from the Parish Council would give a realistic budget. Accordingly the Parish Council voted to contribute a maximum of £142,000 to the Parish Hall renovation project, which sum will not be increased even if grants are reduced.

Road Safety.

Councillors were concerned that the new roundabout at Poles Lane was “over-engineered” and more expensive than necessary. County Councillor Ann Bailey said that lorries had been timed at 40 mph on the old roundabout and that the new layout was needed to keep speeds down. Following discussion with HCC Road Safety Officer concerning reflectors at Shepherds Lane Bridge/Otterbourne Road junction, no action has yet been agreed as this is not seen as a high priority matter as the junction has remained accident free. There is a reluctance to replace the bollards due to vandalism on a number of occasions and concern that they may be thrown on the motorway; but HCC is to re-examine. The junction of Shawford Road with Otterbourne Road has suffered 4 accidents (injury to person) and is seen as a higher priority and HCC are planning some traffic calming measures at this junction by way of white lining, hatching, road narrowing and signing. Drawings are to be sent to the Parish Council when they have been prepared. It is possible that this measure could also improve the safety aspect of the junction of Hurdle Way and Otterbourne Road.

Grass cutting.

Cllr Whitaker had met representatives of Winchester City Council to discuss grass cutting in the Parish for this year including cutting inside the road barriers to provide clear sight lines. The handover from Mott Macdonald to HCC of motorway and ancillary works is imminent and the continued need for tree guards will be discussed. A problem area, as regards maintenance, could be the car park opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge as nobody accepts responsibility or claims ownership. The Parish Council take the view that as it mainly serves users of the Down, the car park, like the Down should be the responsibility of the County Council.

Fouling by Dogs.

Winchester City Council are about to start the consultation process as to whether to adopt the Dog (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, and apply penalties of on-the-spot fines or prosecution in the Magistrates Court. The Act covers pavements, playing fields and grass verges but not areas adjacent to 40mph roads or the Down. No mention has been made by WCC about dog litter bins or financial assistance to install and maintain them, but these matters will be raised in the consultation process. The Parish Council will decide their stance in this matter after attending the WCC meetings. The Parish Council would also welcome views of parishioners on this matter.

DWH Richman
Parish Clerk
10 June 1998