July 1998 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 7 July with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.

Planning process.

The meeting commenced with a talk by Mr Steven Bee, Chief Planning Officer, WCC, on the planning process and references were made to various matters raised by members, including the WCC proposal for park-and-ride scheme on Bushfield Camp, and the alternative former Tarmac office site suggested by the Parish Council, also, the meaning of “density” and “less density” within the EN1 planning designation. Appreciation and thanks were expressed to Mr Bee who is to look into the park-and-ride issues raised by the Parish Council, arrange a seminar for councillors, and hold another Open Day in the planning department.

Parish Hall Development Land.

A report from developers Goodall Barnard Ltd stated that they intend to commence building of two pairs of semi-detached houses early in September.

Re-siting of telephone kiosk, Shawford.

The Council decided to press BT Payphones for the very early re-siting of the telephone kiosk, on the hall development land, to the agreed location on the other side of the road near the Mission Hall.

Silkstead Lane.

Following receipt of a letter raising concerns about its condition, it was decided that no action be taken at present regarding clearance of Silkstead Lane, as it was considered that the path is adequately passable on foot and any further clearance might encourage motorised users which would not be in the parish’s interests.

Parish Transport Representative.

Appreciation and best thanks were expressed for the past services of Group Captain MEH Dawson, as Transport Representative and as Editor of the Parish Magazine, who, unfortunately, had retired on health grounds. It was unanimously agreed to make a presentation of a Camellia shrub and pot to Group Captain Dawson in due course.

The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.

WCC is considering adopting additional controls to reduce dog fouling, and is consulting members of the public, interested organisations and Parish Councils, prior to making a final decision as to whether or not these provisions should be adopted throughout the City Council’s district. The Parish Council are to complete a Parish Council Questionnaire from WCC for discussion at their meeting on 7 September. The Parish Council will arrange for the WCC leaflets to be made available in the Post Offices so that concerned parishioners may make their views known directly to the City Council.

Bus shelters, bench seats and notice boards.

An estimate has been accepted for treatment of bus shelters and seats with preservative and an estimate is to be obtained for the repair of three notice boards

Planning matters.

It was decided to object to the application for the provision of self-catering accommodation at Kingsmere Acres, Shawford as such use appeared to be in direct conflict with the conditions applied to the original planning permission. Also as a general principle to apply for Tree Preservation Orders on trees surrounding and shielding communication mast(s).

Skateboard Ramp.

Following enquiries from a parishioner about the practicability of providing a skateboard facility for local children, the Council has established that a Midi Steel Ramp (16′ wide x 37′ long x 6′ high) would cost in the region of £12,000.00 assembled, plus installation/site costs. In the absence of any known appropriate site, and the costs, it was decided to take no further action but to bear in mind.

Proposed new pavilion.

After consideration of alternative quotations received, it was decided to confirm the appointment of architects Michael Weakley Associates because of their experience with several local pavilion projects and successful grant applications. Productive discussions with the architect and the Sports Club over the detailed interior layout and the overall project are well underway.

Refurbishment of Parish Hall.

Discussions with CASCA revealed that they are still enthusiastic to lease and manage the hail after completion of the alterations, and are now thinking of fund-raising events. An update of the proposed building works indicated that commencement of works is unlikely before the end of the year.

Otterbourne Incinerator.

Demolition of the old incinerator and chimney is to start shortly and is expected to take 16 weeks.

Traffic Calming.

Sub-Committee members, City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White and CASCA Chairman, Peter Moll met with Mr J Soutar, County Surveyors’ Department, on 10 June, to discuss future traffic calming measures on Otterbourne Road and traffic parking problems at and opposite The Bridge Hotel, Shawford, as follows.

  • Shepherds Lane Bridge. HCC unlikely to alter road layout but to consider moving barrier back to the fence to make grass cutting easier in order to clear the sight line.
  • Speed limits – Otterbourne Road. HCC of opinion that the open character of the road would mitigate against reducing the speed limit to 30 mph but PC of the view that this should be considered.
  • Bus stops opposite to each other to the south of the Otterbourne Road/Shawford Road junction should be offset and set back off the road in a lay-by.
  • Hurdle Way Junction: Drew the attention of HCC to the difficult sight lines in both directions, but particularly looking south of the junction, which makes this a dangerous stretch of road.
  • Shawford Road Junction. As four personal injury accidents have occurred at this junction during the past three years, HCC are to put into effect a signing and road marking scheme of hatching and road narrowing in order to slow traffic down. Mr Soutar, HCC, to discuss further with his road safety staff to see if marking can also include the Hurdle Way Junction. Pedestrian Refuges to be considered for installation on footway routes and to be suitably illuminated.
  • Compton Street Junction area to be examined by HCC and lighting of the pedestrian island recommended by the Parish Council. Whitelining and hatching to be renewed.
  • Shawford Parking. Parking at and opposite The Bridge Hotel can cause significant problems particularly when traffic is parked over the bridge and as far back as the Old Mill. Double yellow lines recommended on the approach road from Twyford left hand side, starting at the Old Mill and continuing over the bridge stopping at the river footpath entrance. The parking sign to be moved to the front where the proposed yellow lines cease.
  • Reflectors – Shepherds Lane Bridge. Following parishioners’ concerns about the removal of the bollards at the junction with Otterbourne Road, and motoring safety, it has been suggested that reflectors would be of help to identify the junction in the dark, which was discussed with Mr Soutar, HCC, when he visited. Cllr R Whitaker has taken the matter up with the Road Safety Engineer who is considering a “best” solution.
  • Grove Road/Otterbourne Road Junction. Cllr R Whitaker to examine the location following a report that sight lines are affected by tall grass and a bush.

PC Representative to Winchester Rural District Welfare Trust.

The Parish Council expressed its sadness and regrets at the recent death of Mrs Caroline Harman who had been our parish’s representative on the Winchester Rural District Welfare Trust since 1970. The Trust administers small grants, often confidential, to persons in case of sudden need – for example transport costs for trips to hospital – where such aid is not available from public funds.

Mrs Harman discharged her responsibilities so discreetly that the present parish council only recently became aware of the debt that we owed her for this activity. If anyone feels that they would be able and willing to continue Mrs Harman’s work please would they make themselves known to the Chairman in the first instance.

Millennium celebrations.

Cllr Wilmshurst is to convene a meeting of parish organisations to discuss whether and if so how to mark the new millennium.

Garden Party.

The Chairman was honoured to receive an invitation to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on 14 July 1998.

DWH Richman
Parish Clerk
16 July 1998