March 1998 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 3 March with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.

Fouling by dogs

The Council’s policy regarding the matter was raised by a parishioner. Cllr R Whitaker agreed to consult Winchester City Council concerning legislation governing the problem and availability of grants, and obtain ‘poop and scoop’ costings.

Bushfield Camp

City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White is to find out the status of Winchester City Council’s plans as regards recreational use suggested by the Parish Council, and how the City Council intend to use the £250,000 they have budgeted for their millennium project. The Chairman will invite the City Council’s Millennium Project Director, Jan Field, to address the Annual Parish Meeting on April 28th. Parking on the road at Shawford Concerns about obstructions in the stretch of road opposite the Bridge Hotel had been raised by a parishioner. City Cllr Mrs M Campbell-White agreed to raise the matter with the Traffic and Engineering Department, WCC. Cllr T Threlfall will consult Shawford Village Residents’ Association about the views of local residents.

Refurbishment of the Parish Hall.

Plans for the hall have been submitted to WCC for planning permission. It has been agreed that they will be considered jointly with plans for the adjacent plot which are to be submitted by Goodall Barnard Ltd. The Parish Council noted that the hall refurbishment scheme as currently designed is likely to cost in excess of £150,000.00. Unless we obtain grants this figure would push us well over the amount that the Parish Council had budgeted for the scheme. A decision about this was deferred pending receipt of a confirmed estimate for the building work. The architect, R Guion, is arranging a builder’s estimate and will make his own assessment. Regular users of the hall are to be warned that the hall may be partly or completely unavailable while the building work is going on.


The vital matter of landscaping to enhance the hall and boundary with the proposed new housing development is to be the subject of a competition arranged by the Horticultural Society and consultations with Shawford Village Residents’ Association and local residents.

Transfer of Shawford Parish Hall to Compton and Shawford Community Association.

CASCA have expressed enthusiasm and need more details on overall costs. The Parish Council agreed to grant CASCA a 30 year lease to manage the hall, from a date to be agreed, and subject to agreement on finances.

Caretaker’s cottage windows and hall windows.

Estimates have been accepted in the sum of £5350.00 (incl VAT) to replace the cottage windows and the hall side window. These items have been on the maintenance list for 3 years as needing fairly urgent attention.

Public bench seats and notice boards.

Quotations are being sought for wood preservative treatment of nine public bench seats and two bus shelters.

National Spring Clean – Litter Pick.

Sunday 26 April chosen for a litter-pick throughout the parish. Parish groups will be invited to help – action during the week preceding would be welcomed if 26 April inconvenient. WCC to be contacted for the supply of plastic sacks and disposable gloves for distribution by Mrs VJ Smith, Caretakers Cottage, Shawford Parish Hall.

Planning – Patchings. Compton Street.

The planning officer’s improvement on the previous submission were welcomed, with the hope that the plans will be strictly followed and inspected for conformance.

Planning regulations enquiry

The Council had finally received a response from the City Council clarifying the type of use that is currently permitted at Kingsmere Acres and Cliff House.

Street lighting – bus stops and end of Compton Street.

Following further correspondence on this matter, the County Surveyor wrote stating that unless the night-time accident rate increases dramatically there are no grounds for the County Council to fund a lighting scheme at the junction Compton Street/Otterbourne Road near the bus stops. The matter is to be raised with Mr J Soutar, County Surveyor’s Department, when the council meet with him to discuss traffic calming measures for the parish.

Integra Liaison Group

A meeting was held at the Waste Transfer and Recycling Facility, Poles Lane, Otterbourne, on 24 February, revealed that the demolition of the chimney will probably be delayed 6 months because there is important electrical equipment incorporated in its base. There will be no change in vehicle routeing as a result of traffic calming measures introduced in Otterbourne.

Integra (Hampshire Waste Services) have agreed to carry out a survey and provide a printout every six months showing number of vehicle movements over a five day period and routeing of these vehicles. In addition, information on daily vehicle movements, without routeing, will be provided over a five day period at quarterly intervals. This means that we no longer have to seek volunteers to conduct our own survey.

Parking – Martins Field.

Following the provision of a disabled parking bay on the roadway, and the request for another, it was agreed to ask the Area Surveyor, HCC, to look into the whole question of parking on the estate in some detail. One suggestion is for parking to be extended over the grassed area at the end of Martins Field. The Parish Council will liaise with the Martins Field Tenants Association.

DWH Richman
Parish Clerk