Parish Hall – future plans




Parish Hall sketch D.W.H.RICHMAN Clerk

Compton and Shawford Parish Hall – plans for the future

You will by now know that we are in the process of finalising the sale of the lower part of the derelict land adjacent to the Parish Hall for £162,500.

The Parish Council’s intended allocation of funds has been changing over the past few years as our expectations for the sale of the land and grant income has become clearer. In October 1997 the subcommittee was authorised to draw up a scheme of improvements to the Parish Hall against a total budget of £120,000. We have also committed to make a contribution to the new Sports Pavilion and are currently expecting to put £60,000 of the proceeds from the Parish Hall land sale towards it.

We have instructed architects Guion & Brown to draw up plans for the refurbishment of and new rear extension to the Parish Hall.

Because we are not eligible to receive matching funding from the lottery, we have had to scale down our proposals. The present plans aim to provide:

  • modern toilets
  • more car parking spaces
  • modern kitchen suitable for weddings
  • enlarged main hall by removing stage
  • portable modular stage which would be able to serve as tables at large functions
  • use of current room above small hall for hiring out in place of the small hall (capacity 25)
  • purpose-built wardrobe storage for Heathcote players
  • additional storage
  • space for Post Office, to double as a Parish Information Office and as a cloakroom and/or ticket kiosk for large functions
  • a new central heating system
  • wiring to current I.E.E. standards

The new build and alterations will be in keeping with the existing Victorian style.

CASCA has been shortlisted for a grant from the 21st Century Halls for England scheme, and the application has to be returned by 9 January, results to be known late March 1998.

Funding projections now are:

Project Income contributions Projected Costs

Parish Council


Revised building costs


Grant from 21st Century/Lottery


Professional and other fees


Grant from HCC


Grant from WCC


Grants from other bodies







£134,700 £134,700

Once refurbished we are proposing to lease the hall to CASCA for 30 years, with the aims of broadening the management base and increasing use of the hall. All aims have been summarised in the CASCA letter overleaf which gives notice of their AGM.

This notice was distributed with the January 1998 Parish Magazine and delivered or posted to non-subscribers