May 1997 PC Meeting Report

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 6 May when Mr A D Walmsley was re-elected Chairman and Mr NJ Campbell-White re-elected Vice-Chairman.

Subcommittees were re-appointed for the next year.


The Parish Footpaths Representative advised that obstructions had been removed and that all footpaths were open.

Litter Pick

Reported that the litter pick carried out in the parish over the weekend of 26/27 April had proved successful with many local organisations taking part whose efforts were greatly appreciated.

Street lighting -Martins Fields

New light awaiting connection by Southern Electric

Lease Negotiations/Pavilion Replacement

Letters from Mr and Mrs WI Acton and Mr JH Gray were reported to the Parish Council together with a list of 18 comments and suggestions that had been raised by other parishioners concerning the proposed pavilion, car park and two additional tennis courts. Following a wide discussion of the matters, and the availability of grants, with an input of concerns and suggestions from members of the public present, and the Parish Council’s responses, it was agreed to inform villagers of how the Parish Council intended to address the various concerns by producing a broadsheet, based on questions and answers, for distribution to all.

Parish Hall Land

Following a discussion of a list of options for the development and sale of the site, Cllrs Ellis and West were authorised to talk to potential purchasers regarding their offers.

Planning application

It was decided to raise no objection to the erection of a 24.7 metre high aerial tower complete with 3 no. dual polar antennae, 3 no. radio equipment cabinets, 2 no. dish antennae and ancillary works, at Compton House, Otterbourne Road, Compton.


This report, and reports of all the Parish Council’s meetings for the past two years can be found on the internet at, or, if you prefer,

