April 1997 PC MeetingReport

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 1 April with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.


Compton and Shawford Community Safety Survey.

It was reported that our local Police Constable, Clive Barham, is carrying out a survey to obtain views of local people on safety and security issues. His questionnaire was distributed with the April issue of the Parish Magazine.

School traffic congestion, Compton Street and Carman’s Lane.

A letter has been sent by residents to the School and to the Parish Council on this subject. Similar problems are common throughout the country. Our County Council has decided it will use its education budget for direct educational purposes and not to improve car parking facilities for parents. The Parish Council is to write to the school to ask them to re-examine the possibility of making a new entrance to the school grounds adjacent to the bus stop. This would allow children to be dropped off in the bus stop area and could cut down traffic in Compton Street. Extra traffic is of course generated by the admission of 4 year olds to the school.

Street lighting to garage compound Martins Fields.

No progress at present due to change of lighting contractor to HCC, but estimate for adapting of street light is anticipated shortly.

Parish Transport Representative’s Report

submitted for report to the APM.

Parish Footpaths Representative’s Report.

A number of footpaths which had been blocked or obstructed have been cleared and the provision of a way marker for Footpath 37, between Hurdle and Clease Ways, is being pursued. It was reported that a tree has fallen on the footpath at the rear of Southdown Road.

Planning Appeals

Prior to the Appeal Hearings, members of the Parish Council are to have discussions with local residents regarding the application for a house on land at Wytchwood, Highways Road, and the application for a house on land adjacent to Laurel Cottage, Southdown Road.

Otterbourne Waste Transfer Station – weekend handling of green waste

. A copy letter, dated 12 March, had been received from the County Planning Officer, raising no objection to the use of the Otterbourne Waste Transfer Station for weekend handling of green waste for the period to the end of October 1997, subject to opening hours restricted to between 0900 and 1500, and routing of vehicles being to and from the Romsey direction only to the Waste Transfer Station, Poles Lane. 8 Loads on Saturdays 10 Loads on Sundays

Memorial Playing Field.

Cars have again been seen driven over the playing field damaging the playing surface. The local police have been informed but there is little they can do without details of the vehicle involved.
Tenders are being obtained for trees to replace those felled.

Lease Negotiations/Pavilion Replacement.

Matters for a draft Heads of Agreement for a Lease were circulated for study and comments and for discussion by the Sports Club.
Two alternative draft sketch plans for a proposed pavilion, car park and two additional tennis courts were circulated on which comments were invited for the meeting to be held shortly with the Sports Club, and which are to be displayed at the Annual Parish Meeting.

Parish Hall Land.

Cllr Ellis reported that there is little progress in this matter at present with replies only from three developers and two housing associations. It was agreed that the land should be sold for the best price and that the council should employ an agent to handle the sale. The subcommittee was authorised to approach potential agents to discuss terms.

Parish Hall

. Concerning refurbishment of the hall, draft sketch plans are being prepared and plans to be drawn up for submission and advice to WCC for grants list. Cllr Campbell-White and Mr D Attwill of HCCS are to meet WCC regarding grants and amounts available, if any. Agreed to pay the increased price of £584.00 for the carved wooden plaque ‘Chairmen’s Roll of Honour’ to be permanently mounted in the parish hall.

Parish Hall – transfer to Management Committee.

Nothing further reported regarding the status of the parish hall and formation of a Management Committee with charitable status.

Road and Speed Signs.

Southdown Residents’ Association will discuss the impact of 30 mph signs at their Annual General Meeting. Residents of Hurdle Way have asked for a ‘No Through Road’ sign to be erected, and this will be discussed with HCC.

