June 1995 PC Meeting Report
The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 6th June 1995, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.
Planning – Strategic Gap
Table of Contents
Mr Simon Birch, Chief Planning Officer, WCC, addressed councillors and 30 members of the public on issues concerning the proposed exclusion of land forming part of the Winchester/Compton Strategic Gap (land between Shawford and the M3) and inclusion with the Countryside Policy of the Winchester District Local Plan. He explained that legal planning advice recommended the exclusion in order to protect the status and definition of the Strategic Gap land, and that the Countryside proposals gave a large measure of protection against development other than small scale or agricultural buildings. Also, that the owner of the excluded land, HCC, has expressed no intention or desire for development and had not sought to have the land allocated for development in the Local Plan. Mr Birch apologised to members for the lack of the customary consultation process on this matter, but in view of the amount of issues and the speed of events at the current Public Inquiry there was no time for consultation; but a City Planning Panel meeting will take place shortly when representatives of the Parish Council will be invited to attend and submit views. Mr Birch took questions from the floor and responded to all accordingly.
Co-option of Councillors
Three candidates were considered to fill the two vacancies on the Parish Council, and following a ballot, Mrs M S Davis, of Shawford, and Mr H R Peake, of Compton Down, were co-opted to serve as Parish Councillors.
Relocation of Football Pitch
After consideration of correspondence and a wide ranging discussion, concerning the nuisance of footballs entering a resident’s garden from the Memorial Playing Field, the Council gave its agreement to a resolution passed by the Sports Club, that the southernmost pitch may be moved up to 15 metres east for a trial period of one year, during which period the effect on the tennis courts will be monitored.
Millennium Fund
It was decided to place a notice in the parish magazine inviting Parishioners to submit any ideas or suggestions for a Millennium Fund Scheme which could qualify for a grant from the National Lottery monies.
Hurdle Way
Following concerns regarding the dangerous angle of the new road joining with Hurdle Way, City Cllr Beckett agreed to contact the City Highways Department regarding the provision of appropriate road signing.
Parish Hall Development Site
It was reported that the Parish Hall Development Committee propose to meet with the Chief Planning Officer shortly, to discuss the possible residential development of the land adjacent to Shawford Parish Hall.
The report of the parish footpath representative indicated that agreement had been reached with Mott MacDonald and Hampshire County Council to reinstate the access to footpath 28 from Shawford Hill, which was removed with the excision of part of Shawford Down for M3 works. As it would be dangerous to renew the former steps at the corner of Shawford Hill and Otterbourne Road, the new access will be 40 metres down the hill. Also reported that the Place Lane underpass is open for use but certain works have still to be carried out. Three lamps have been installed at the east approach.
School Parking
Concerning the problem of parking on Compton Street, a meeting of representatives of School Governors, School Staff, Parish Council, HCC Education Department and Highways Department had been held, when the idea of a parking and off loading area within the school grounds was fully debated. Highways had no objection but the Education Department was not at all co-operative as the recreation area would be reduced below that required by statute. The suggested use of Church Field as a play area was agreeable to school staff, but the Education Department put up an argument regarding costs of levelling and drainage and were unhappy with a teacher having to supervise children across the road. Also, that the Education Department policy, approved by HCC, was that no money should be spent on parents’ parking problems. The Highways Department promised to investigate the possibility of providing a mini roundabout at Welshers Lane to ease parking problems.