May 1995 PC Meeting Report
The Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council was held on Tuesday 2nd May 1995, when Mr Adrian D Walmsley was elected Chairman, unopposed, and Mr Nicholas J Campbell-White re-elected Vice-Chairman, unopposed.
The resignation of the former Chairman, Mr R E Jordan, and of Mrs S J Priddle were accepted with reluctance and understanding, followed by a unanimous Vote of Thanks to Mrs Priddle and to Mr Jordan for his committed and tireless work during his time on the Parish Council.
Following complaints of the road signposting off M3 south slip road, the matter is to be raised with Mott MacDonald with a view to pressing for plainer and improved signing; also, the matter of graffiti on M3 fencing.
Concerning the naming of roads and roundabouts, it was agreed to write to Winchester City Council suggesting that the road from Bushfield Roundabout to the Otterbourne name sign be known as Main Road, Compton; that the small roundabout on the new slip road from Bushfield Roundabout known as Shawford Roundabout be formally named as such; that the large roundabout at Badger Farm Road/Bushfield Camp and known as Bushfield Roundabout be formally named as such.
Consideration was given to issues raised at the Annual Parish Meeting, including the important matter of a change to the Winchester District Local Plan, to exclude an area between Shawford and the M3 from the Strategic Gap between Shawford and Winchester, without either the Parish Council or the District Councillor for the Parish being notified or consulted. It was agreed that the City Planning Officer be invited to the next Council Meeting to explain the reasons for the change and to make a formal complaint to the Chief Executive, WCC, on the subject of the Local Plan consultation procedure prior to Public Inquiry.
A thorough survey of all trees on the Memorial Playing Field has been undertaken by contractors and quotations for felling, remedial works and grinding out stumps are awaited. The generous offer of Cllr George Beckett to donate replacement trees was gratefully accepted with the Parish Council agreeing to provide labour.
Following near completion of the Shepherds Lane subway, a date is to be sought for handover by Tarmac when the Parish Council will accept liability for cleaning.
It was reported that the Parish Council had negotiated a reduction from Valuation Band E to C in respect of the Parish Hall Caretakers cottage with effect from 1st April 1993, with consequent savings to both the Caretaker and Parish Council.
It was noted that a Tree Preservation Order had been made covering 27 trees at Tangley House, Southdown Road.