March 1995 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 7th March 1995, with the Vice-Chairman, Mr N J Campbell-White in the Chair.


It was reported that HCC are to try and protect the Willow trees, near the M3 on the boundary of Compton and Shawford Parish and Twyford Parish, from felling by a contractor who has offered to purchase them in view of their suitability for making cricket bats.

Bushfield Camp

In view of the issues raised following the submission made concerning the Bushfield Camp Draft Study, it was decided that the whole matter of park-and-ride and the strategic gap should be further and fully discussed at the next council meeting.

Members noted that the Tree Preservation Orders in respect of land at Shawford Parish Hall, and land at ‘Bramble Way’, Clease Way, had been confirmed by WCC.


Concerning the surplus M3 land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field, it was reported that a site meeting had been held with the District Valuer, but no progress was made regarding its purchase due to a covenant to be imposed by the Highways Agency, from whom information is awaited.

The M3 consulting engineers, Mott MacDonald, are to be asked to provide a hardstanding and kerbing in front of the post box and notice board in Southdown Road.

Playing Field

On recreation ground matters, the pavilion roof is to be repaired and advice sought regarding deterioration of some trees.

Otterbourne Incinerator

In view of the published emissions nuisance from the Otterbourne Incinerator and this emotive issue, Mr R Cooper, Incineration Manager, Hampshire Waste Services, has now agreed to attend our Annual Parish Meeting, on 27th April, to give a short talk and answer questions from our Parish Council and Otterbourne Parish Council, and take questions from the floor.


It was agreed that the Sub-committee appointed to consider the problem of parking on Compton Street, convene a meeting with all interested parties as soon as possible.

Spring Clean

Winchester City Council has agreed to support the Parish Council in a litter pick on the weekend 20th and 21st May, when, hopefully, all M3 works will have been completed. A skip will be provided at the Parish Hall and plastic sacks supplied. The event will be run and organised by Cllr Barrie Hazlitt who will be happy to know of volunteer helpers to tidy up the Parish.

Parish Hall

The Council decided to seek professional valuations of the land adjoining Shawford Parish Hall, based on development for various numbers of residential units.


It was reported that the (Olivers Battery/Winchester bus route diversion to Compton village is to be implemented shortly; also, that the temporary bus stops near the new Shawford bridge will both become permanent stops and that a hardstanding will be constructed on the north bound stop. The question of providing new bus shelters is under negotiation. The delay is due to Tarmac not admitting liability for damage.

Affordable Housing

Following Winchester City Council’s change of policy regarding the site for low cost housing in Martins Field, Compton, the City Council is again to be asked to review the matter, and our District Councillor is asking HCC to review again all possible sites.