February 1995 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 7th February 1995, with Mr R E Jordan in the Chair.


It was reported that a number of footpaths had been walked and inspected, also, that it was decided to participate in the HCC Parish Paths Partnership Scheme, which would enable grants for the improvement of public rights-of-way, and provide an expert advisory service.

Phone Booth

The vandalised telephone and fittings in the telephone kiosk at Shawford, are to be replaced by British Telecommunications.

Annual Parish Meeting

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 27th April, in Shawford Parish Hall, commencing 7.30pm.

Wayside Cross

The churned area by the Wayside Cross is to be made good, and poppy wreaths are to be laid each Remembrance Sunday at both the Wayside Cross and War Memorial, situated on Shawford Down.

Spring Clean

It was decided to seek postponement of Spring Clean/Litter Pick event from the usual date in April until the weekend 20/21st May, when it is anticipated that the parish will need a tidy up following completion of M3 works.

Affordable Housing

Following Winchester City Planning Department’s U turn from their initial acceptance of suitability of the Martins Fields extension site for small scale low cost housing development, it was agreed to make a lengthy detailed submission asking Winchester City Council to reinstate their original policy.


It was reported that it is hopeful that a small bus on the route Olivers Battery/Winchester will be diverted to journey on Compton Street to serve Compton village.

The M3 landcaping plans have been examined and work should commence shortly.

Parish Hall

Following discussion on the possible residential development of land adjoining Shawford Parish Hall, it was decided to seek various valuations of the site and hold preliminary discussions with the Planning Officer.

Bushfield Camp

The Parish Council’s final comments on the Bushfield Camp Draft Study were approved and submissions made to Winchester City Council. The Parish Council’s principal comments concerned preservation of the area as an open green area but with use for recreational purposes, including a 9 hole municipal golf course, with only limited small buildings. The importance of the area was emphasised as a Strategic Gap to Compton and Shawford; and suggested that access to the site should be from Bushfield Roundabout with parking on the Camp site restricted to access for recreational and leisure use. With regard to park-and-ride, the Parish Council submitted that a more appropriate site than the Camp would be the M3 construction/site offices area adjacent to the M3 slip road at Bushfield.