January 1995 PC Meeting Report
The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 3rd January 1995, with Mr R E Jordan in the Chair.
Bushfield Camp
Table of Contents
Members considered the Bushfield Camp Draft Study by Winchester City Council, and following wide discussion agreed on many matters for submission to the City Council, with particular references to preserving the area as an open green area but with use for recreational purposes with only limited small buildings. The Council noted that a Tree Preservation Order had been made in respect of The Quinton, Southdown Road, Shawford, covering all trees of all species within the curtilage.
Highways and Byways
Following complaints of the type of surface to the footway from Shepherds Lane to Cliff Way, the Council agreed to press for a tarmac surface to be laid.
Residents’ concern that the access steps, just north of Shepherds Lane Bridge to an M3 communications cabinet, would provide easy access to burglars, was referred to the Highways Agency, Department of Transport, who have advised that they are looking into the matter, and are taking into account the reported views of the Police.
Playing Fields
On recreation ground matters, it was reported that the Secretary of the Sports Club, Mr Gordon de la Mare, had fixed a security light and sensor at the sports pavilion; and that the Parish Council are prepared to permit the installation of floodlights to the tennis courts, subject to the Tennis Club’s lighting contractors confirmation, in writing, that the installation/connection will be in accordance with Southern Electric standards.
Parish Hall
The letting and hire charges for the Parish Hall and chattels were reviewed with no changes being made to the majority of existing charges.
Phone Box
It was reported that a letter had been sent to British Telecommunications regarding the removal of the ‘phone and fittings from the public payphone kiosk at Shawford.
Affordable Housing
Members noted correspondence between Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society and Winchester City Council, wherein the Society, following a resurvey of lands in the parish, submitted that the Martins Fields site still appears to be the only location suitable for a development to satisfy local housing need. The correspondence asked Winchester City Council to consider again the Martins Fields site following their recently amended views on the suitability of this site.
Following a report concerning the difficulty of negotiating the large gate on footpath 16 (East access to A33) near Hurdle Way, it was decided to write to Hampshire County Council asking for a single gate to be provided at the side of the existing gate.