CSPC comes to Facebook, News updates

CSPC on facebook

Visit CSPC on facebook

We have just created a CSPC page on facebook.

For many people, facebook is now their first port of call for keeping up to date with things that interest them.

If you Like our facebook page,  you should see all our latest news, including pointers to new articles on the PC’s website.

We’d welcome comments and suggestions about how we can make best use of facebook.

Or register for updates by email

If you don’t use facebook, you can ask to get an email every time there’s a new article on this website.

Just fill in the form toward the bottom of the right hand column of this and most other pages.

Feel free to comment below, or, better still, post your comments on our facebook page
You’ll be sent a confirmation email, and asked to click on a  link in it to complete your registration.

Note: The newsletters will come from . If you don’t receive the newsletters, your spam filter may be intercepting them.

Try adding to your address book or list of safe senders.

Why are we changing the email subscription service?
This method of signing up for updates replaces the one we have been using.

We hope that the confirmatory email will weed out a lot of what look like phantom subscribers.

We reckon that our of about 100 subscribers to our original email update service, 90% are not real people.

The old newsletter update service will be withdrawn and we will ask its users to resubscribe to the new service.