Sport & Leisure
Local Sporting Facilities
The Parish Council, on behalf of the Parish, owns the Memorial Playing Field and the pavilion on it, and leases them to the Sports Club.
Day to day organisation of sport is handled by the Compton and Shawford Sports Club. To become a member of the Sports Club you need to join one (or more) of the cricket, football and tennis sections.
On 20 December 2003 the new sports pavilion was opened thanks to a grant from Sport England and significant local contributions. It replaced the old wooden building, some 70 years old, which was originally a golf club house over at the foot of Shawford Down. Following a referendum in 1996, confirmed by a further referendum in 1999, we obtained planning permission for the first designs of a new pavilion on the east of the field.
Following some local controversy, and the results of the local council elections in 2000, the design was scaled down. Which may explain why, if you came to the opening ceremony on 20 December 2003, you couldn’t get in because the room was full.
The small playground at the corner of Compton Street and Attwoods Drove also belongs to the Parish and is maintained by the Parish Council.
Use of the playing field.
To protect pitches, please don’t ride horses or bicycles on the field.
If you have a dog, please keep it under control and don’t let it soil the grass. If the worst happens, for the sake of other users of the field please scoop it up. There can be serious health risks from dog mess. The use of the field for golf practice is NOT permitted.
A children’s playground with swings etc. is at the north entrance, next to Field Way.