PC Planning Policy

Compton & Shawford logoPlanning Policy statement

First adopted in June 2003, modified in May 2009 to remove a reference to an obsolete document.



Parish Council Planning Policy Statement May 2009, reconfirmed 6 January 2015
The parish council accepts the inevitability of modest development in our parish.

The council will strive to obtain the maximum positive influence with the planning bodies over the longer term.

To this end the council should adopt a reasoned and consistent policy towards new developments.

Within those constraints the parish council will specifically oppose developments that do not reflect and preserve the character of the area.

We also recognise that we are a low sustainability area with minimal infrastructure.

The parish council will oppose any extensions to the current policy boundaries within the parish.


See also this extract from the section on Planning on page 4 of the Parish Council’s 2013 Annual Report


Parish Council Approach
Our approach is generally to take a neutral approach to planning applications, and to object if they conflict with planning policy or the guidelines in the Village Design Statement.