Notes for Advertisers, Contributors & Readers
Parish Magazine notes and contact form
Please read the notes below first.
Then if you would like to contact us about taking advertising space, or have other questions, please use the contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Magazine format
The magazine is printed monthly as an A5 booklet, in black and white (technically greyscale, not colour).
We began printing the front cover in colour from November 2020, and also started offering colour advertising space (subject to availability).
To keep the production costs down, the editorial content continues to be in black and white.
We can accept input in various formats, but we use Microsoft Word to assemble the magazine. If you would like to see how much you can fit on a magazine page, feel free to download the template below and experiment.
A5 Parish Mag Template 2014 (33 KB) , 821 hits
Booking advertising space
The advertising year runs from the November issue to the following October.
You can purchase advertising space by the full, half or quarter A5 page for any number of months up to the end of the current advertising year.
Full and quarter page ads are portrait format (i.e. taller than they are wide).
Half page ads are landscape format.
Our print run is about 400 copies each month. Because many copies will be read by more than one person, your advert will be reaching a good proportion of the population of Compton and Shawford.
To advertise, you should get a quote from our advertising manager, Eileen Young, using the contact form above.
Once you have agreed terms, you should send your copy by email to
You can send it as a Word file, a PDF or an image file and we can also handle several other formats.
Details of events run by local charities and non-profit making clubs, societies and organisations are published without charge subject to the availability of space and at the editors’ discretion.
We welcome articles that have local current or historical interest.
Content accepted for publication may be abbreviated to fit the available space. The editors also try to correct any obvious spelling or grammatical mistakes.
Press Deadline
We aim to have the magazine in the hands of our readers by the first day of the month.
The press deadline is usually the third Saturday of the month.
When there are five whole weekends (five Saturdays and five Sundays) in a month, the deadline is the fourth Saturday in the month.
There are occasional exceptions, for example the deadline in December for the January edition. The press deadline is always published in the previous month’s magazine and in the online Parish Diary.
The magazine, which is full of useful information about local events, is available on subscription for £10 a calendar year. Register for your copy by contacting your local distributor (if you know who that is), or Chris Schapira using the form above. The magazine will be delivered to your home just before the beginning of each month by a splendid group of volunteers spread throughout the village.
There is an introductory offer to new residents to receive a free copy for the remainder of the calendar year during which they move in.
Postal subscriptions are available by special arrangement at £17 a year. (2020 prices)