
PC Meeting Report March 2022

Report on Compton and Shawford Council Meeting
held at 7pm Tuesday 1st March 2022 at Shawford Parish Hall

The council meeting held on 1st March was the last meeting of the financial year. An internal auditor was appointed for the year ending at the end of the month and the Council’s risk management scheme and asset register for 2022-23 were approved.

Compton & Chandlers Ford Cricket Club’s Chairman Graeme Forward presented a grant application towards the upgrade of the cricket nets in the playing fields approved by the Council in January 2021. As the old nets had become unsafe and the cricket season is just about to kick off the club had to make the difficult decision to place the order for the works before having secured all fundings. A CIL contribution of £4,000 was awarded.

More works are required in the play areas. The council appointed a play equipment supplier to repair the gate, refurbish the safety surfacing underneath it and affix an information sign at Queen Elizabeth II Fields playground. The deed extending the sport pavilion lease to 2032 was also approved and it was agreed that the contribution would increase with the inflation as per the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the month it is due.

Other matters discussed included the distribution of the parish magazine April’s edition, the organisation of the annual parish meeting and Compton & Shawford Community Association (CASCA)’s vacancy for a chairman. Parishioners interested in the role are encouraged to contact the clerk, who will pass on their application to the association’s trustees.

By Alexandra Bond, Clerk to the Council

PC Meeting Report March 2022 – Links

  • See the Minutes page for minutes of the 1st March 2022 meeting (which will be available as a draft pending formal approval by the Council at its next meeting).