
PC Meeting Agenda 6 July 2021

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PC Meeting Agenda 6 July 2021

Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Parish Hall, Pearson Lane
Shawford, Winchester SO21 2AA
Phone: 07 762 844 976

Members of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of
Compton and Shawford Parish Council

at 7.30 pm Tuesday 6 July at Shawford Parish Hall

PC Meeting Agenda 6 July 2021

Members of the public who wish to attend the meeting are asked to inform the clerk
by 1pm on Monday 5th July 2021 at


  1. Apologies for absences and declarations of interest
  2. Minutes of the Council’s annual meeting held on 18th May 2021
  3. Matters arising and outstanding actions from the annual meeting
  4. Co-option of new members
  5. Enrollment of clerk into Local Government Pension Scheme
  6. Budget amendment proposal
  7. Health and safety
    • Maintenance and repair of play equipment
    • Play area weekly routine inspections
    • Fields Way road side
    • Tree inspections
    • CCTV
  8. Policies and agreements
    • Amendment to CIL policy and grant application form
    • Approval of Parish lengthsman scheme agreement
  9. Grant applications and Community Infrastructure Levy
  10. County and District Councillors Reports
  11. Parish Councillors Reports
    • Finance and administration – Cllr Webster
    • Environment, playing fields and play areas – Cllr Cooper
    • Trees and footpaths – Cllr Hunt
    • Planning and constituency boundary – Cllr Strange
    • Highways, roads and transport – Cllr Bell
  12. Date and venue of next meeting

Alexandra Bond, Parish Clerk
24 June 2021   

See also:

Minutes of earlier meetings

Printable version of the agenda