PC Meeting Report 4 September 2018
PC Meeting Report 4 September 2018
Table of Contents
Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4 September 2018 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.
In Councillor Goulding’s absence the Vice-Chairman, Councillor Bell, chaired the meeting.
Highways and Public Transport
Councillor Bell advised that a new bus shelter had been installed on Otterbourne Road, close to the junction with Place Lane. It was awaiting a few finishing touches, including the provision of additional safety fencing. Since the latter is the responsibility of Hampshire County Council (HCC), Councillor Bell had spoken to County Councillor Jan Warwick. District Councillor Laming advised that a traffic survey on potential problems, caused by M3 diversion routes through the parish, would be conducted shortly.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Councillor Webster noted that the Council was scheduled to receive additional CIL funds of £6263.04 on 6 September 2018. He suggested that the Council should consider publicising the availability of CIL funds for local projects. The Council had a good story to tell e.g. help with the renovation of the Reeves Scout Hall, the school nurture room, and tree work at Sparrowgrove and Oakwood copse. All agreed.
Annual Parish Meeting
Councillor Wilkinson reported that she was liaising closely with District Councillor Laming on replacing the no cycling signs with ones containing the words ‘no cycling’ but progress was slow. The Council also discussed a proposal to improve/repair the audio loop equipment at the parish hall. It was agreed that Councillor Wilkinson would convey the Council’s concerns about the current equipment to the CASCA committee, when it meets on 21 September 2018.
Telephone Kiosks
Councillor Webster announced that defibrillator training will take place in the Reeves Scout Hall on 30 October 2018 and Shawford Parish Hall on 29 November 2018. He had received comments about the kiosks being in a dusty condition and wondered whether the Council could arrange for them to cleaned. He was reminded that the Shawford and Compton village associations had undertaken to keep the kiosks clean. Nevertheless, Councillor Wilkinson agreed to consult Chris Sparkes to see if he would tidy up the area around the Shawford kiosk, while cutting back an overhanging branch.
Footpaths and Environment
Councillor Wilkinson briefed the Council on the meeting of interested parties at Compton Lock on 3 August 2018. There were many action points, including asking the HCC Legal Department for an opinion on the possibility of a bye-law to protect the site. She added that she had been impressed with the number of volunteers, who were involved in litter collection. She wondered whether it would be worth forming a formal “Friends of Compton Lock”, to coordinate their work. She agreed to produce a short article for the parish magazine.
Councillor Wilkinson reported that the lengthsman had visited the parish on 22 August 2018. He had cleared the tarmac path from Becketts Nursery southwards to the first house on the right-hand side and the footpath from the Park and Ride to Place Lane. Councillor Bell noted that he appeared to have missed the work allocated for Shepherds Lane. Councillor Wilkinson agreed to investigate.
Finance and Administration
The Council agreed that it should ‘rollover’ its £30,000 term deposit with Lloyds Bank for another year, when it matures on 31 October 2018. It was noted that, in the External Auditor’s report, there had been ‘no matters for concern’.
The Council discussed the planning portfolio holder’s terms of reference, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, and agreed that they should be adopted by the Council and published on the parish website.
The Council discussed Councillor Strange’s draft update of the Village Design Statement (VDS). Concern was raised about how much weight would be given by planning officers to the revised document but, on balance, it was agreed that a revision would be worthwhile.
District Councillor Laming later added that ‘significant weight’ would be given to an updated VDS by planning officers but that it should only be considered as a ‘building block’ towards planning decisions.
Councillor Strange agreed to produce a draft document by the middle of October, which would provide time for consideration by councillors, prior to the Council’s next meeting.
The Council considered Councillor Strange’s draft responses to the WCC Local Plan 2036 consultation document, for which the deadline is 21 September 2018. Councillor Bell noted that the consultation document was the start of the process of updating the Local Plan. The consensus was that the current plan should be ‘rolled over’ for another five years and that it should not be separated into several documents.
Councillors were invited to submit individual comments to Councillor Strange by 15 September 2018.
Some concern was raised over the potential change of use of the former Captain Barnard site, from a care home to a housing development. It was agreed that the Council would not accept an offer from Footstep Living, for a presentation on a potential housing development in the area to the front of Beckett’s Nursery.
Councillor Strange noted that Winchester City Council was in dispute with the developer, who had felled several trees, in Compton Street. Councillor Bell informed the Council that he had been in discussion with District Councillor Warwick about the felling of a tree in Hurdle Way, which he felt was in contravention of the LADS.
Councillor Lockett had been approached by a parishioner, who was concerned about the upgrading of the track from Otterbourne Road to Attwoods Drove Farm. Councillor Strange believed that it was intended to use the improved track to provide milk tankers with a more direct route to the farm. She would check with HCC Estates.
Playing Fields Management
Councillor Wilkinson reported that the Play Inspection Company had undertaken an inspection of the play equipment at the MPF and QEII Field play areas on 10 August 2018. All equipment was considered to be of ‘low’ or ‘very low’ risk to users. She also reported that the Council had received a request from the Sports Club to Verti-drain the two football pitches. Two quotes had been received: one for £500 and the other for £750. The Council agreed to accept Jim Kimber Landscapes offer of £500.
Councillor Wilkinson advised that the Council had received a request, from Paul Murray and Adrian Walmsley, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Memorial Playing Fields (MPF) by planting a liquidambar tree on 11 November 2018. The tree would be donated by Mr Murray, who was also arranging for the MPF Memorial remembrance sign to be refurbished and reinstated on the same day. The tree planting ceremony would take place following wreath laying on Shawford Down. The Council was extremely grateful for Mr Murray’s generous offer and unanimously agreed to the joint proposal.
It was noted that pigeons were fouling the swings at the QEII Field play area. Chris Sparkes had been instructed to install plastic spikes on the cross beams. Following discussion, Councillor Wilkinson agreed to instruct him to apply similar devices on the MPF play area swings.
Concern was also raised about the tennis court lights being used beyond the deadline of 9.30pm. Councillor Wilkinson agreed to investigate.
Councillor Wilkinson advised that she and Councillor Goulding hoped to meet the CASCA nominees for chairman and treasurer at the 21 September 2018 committee meeting.
Date and Venue of Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 6 November 2018, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.
Anthony Duguid
The Council noted, with sadness, that Anthony Duguid, a prominent member of the local community, had passed away. He had been an active member of both the Shawford Village Association and the Shawford Rail Users Group. It was agreed that, as acting chairman, Councillor Bell would send a letter of condolence to his family.
David Drake, Clerk
- See the Minutes page for minutes of the 4 September 2018 meeting (available as a draft until approved by the Council).