Magdalen Hill Cemetery consecration 4 Oct 2017

Magdalen Hill Cemetery consecrationLatest news from Winchester City Council

The extension of Winchester’s Magdalen Hill Cemetery will be consecrated tomorrow (4 October 2017).

The Bishop of Basingstoke, the Right Reverend David Williams, will conduct the ceremony at 2pm.

The new extension will provide burial spaces for the next 40 years for a variety of faiths.

It will have designated areas for the Muslim and Ghurka Faiths, as well as one for travellers. The Church of England and Catholic areas have also been extended.

The extension will be officially opened next spring.

Michael Carr
Senior press officer
Winchester City Council

Editor’s notes:

The original project to build a new cemetery for Winchester started in 1906, when the West Hill cemetery was almost full. 

The site on Magdalen Hill (or Morn Hill as it was then known) was chosen, and the cemetery opened in 1914.

It is near the current site of Intech.

The Cemetery is nationally listed as a Grade II Registered Park and Garden for its special character and historical interest. Its mature planting and iron railings are noted as key features.

Because of the limited available grave space remaining at the Magdalen Hill Cemetery, the City Council prepared a proposal to extend the Cemetery onto adjacent Council-owned land, which has always been reserved for this use.

The new extension, which had to be in keeping with the style of the existing Grade II Cemetery, received planning permission in April 2015.
