
Boomtown 2017 Traffic Management

Click to view Boomtown 2017 Traffic ManagementBoomtown 2017 Traffic Management

Boomtown 2017 will be taking place this coming weekend 10th to 13th August at Matterley Estate.  The Boomtown Community Liaison Officer has provided details of road closures, local traffic routes, control room contact information and opening times in a Public Information Sheet.

Because of the weather conditions, some changes have been made, in the interests of public safety, to previously published plans.

Local Traffic Information

Traffic management will be in place from Thursday 10th August until Monday 14th August.

The following routes will be most heavily impacted at the following times:

  • A31 from M3 J9/Spitfire Link to Alresford Thursday 10th August 08.00 -18.00 and Monday 14th August 10.00 – 17.00.
  • A272 from A31 to Rodfield Lane – Thursday 10th August 10.00- 18.00 and Monday 14th August 08.00 – 17.00.

Coach and Campervan Routes

Some coaches and campervans will be directed to site via Twyford, Morestead Road and Longwood Road: Inbound on Thursday 10th August 10.00 – 18.00 and outbound Monday 14th August 08.00 – 16.00.

On Thursday 10th August the A31 entrance to Rodfield Lane will be accessible only for campervan and Rodfield Lane residents only.  The A272/Rodfield Lane junction will be exit only for this traffic.

There will be staff available at the Twyford Traffic Lights to assist traffic past the Post Office from 08.00 – 20.00 on Thursday and Monday. Vehicles will also be directed to use routes from the A34 via Junction 9 from the Midlands and the A32/A272 route from London.

Local Traffic Management Signage

Direction and information signage will be erected on the local network during the event.

Temporary traffic signals will be used to maintain traffic flows and increase safety at key locations.

40 mph speed limits will be in force on the A31 and A272 from Tuesday 8th to Monday 14th August.

A31 gap closures: The gap closures on the A31 will be in operation from 05.00 on Tuesday 8th to 18.00 on Monday 14th August.

Pedestrians walking to the festival site will be encouraged to cross the A31 at the Percy Hobbs roundabout where signs will direct them along a track inside the field away from the A31.

Road Closures

Newburgh Street near Winchester Train Station will be closed from 07:00 – 19:00 on Thursday 10th August to prevent a build up of shuttle buses on local roads in that area.

Additionally, on Thursday 10th and Monday 14th August, a number of roads local to the festival site may be subject to closure to protect local residential areas from excessively heavy traffic congestion.

Residents wishing to use a road that is closed may approach the accredited staff on duty in these locations to request access.

These closures will be between Rodfield Lane and the A32 on the northern side of the A272 and also on the northern side of the A31 from Percy Hobbs to Alresford.

Additionally, on the western side of the A32 between West Meon Hut services and the A31 at Chawton.

Footpath Closures

The South Downs Way will be diverted from Monday 7th to Wednesday 16th August inclusive.

There will be signage in place signifying the diverted walking route around the perimeter of the event site. The diversion is necessary in the interests of public safety.

All enquiries to;
Caroline Johnson
Community Liaison Officer


With acknowledgements to the Twyford Information Email service, this is an amended and extended version of one of their newsletters.

Also see the City Council website:  http://Boomtown Fair 10 – 13 August 2017

Boomtown 2017 Public Information Sheet
Boomtown 2017 Public Information Sheet
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