June 2008 Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 3rd June 2008, Shawford Parish Hall
Police Report
Table of Contents
Police Sergeant Ally Hibberd attended the meeting and reported on incidents within the Parish during the month of May 2008. A moped was removed from the Station Car Park and was found again elsewhere in the Parish. A motor vehicle’s tyres were deflated, some garden furniture at a house in Southdown Road was moved and damaged, these incidents being attributed to youthful high spirits. Complaints about an incident of noise disturbance and the sighting of a suspicious person in Compton Street were also noted.
Sergeant Hibberd also advised that Police Constable Mark Smith, together with the support of the PCSOs are on occasion, meeting the late night buses arriving in the village. This to evidence a police presence and hopefully eliminate rowdy behaviour by youngsters arriving home late at night.
District Councillor’s Report
District Councillor Eleanor Bell reported on, amongst other things, the success of the “Flashing Speed Sign” that was installed for a short period of time in Hursley. It is understood that this moveable sign had the desired effect on reducing the speed of cars passing through the village. Whilst it is unlikely that Hursley will have the sign back in the village, enquiries have been made about purchasing such a sign. As the cost is significant, it was suggested that possibly the three parishes of Hursley, Otterbourne and Compton and Shawford could jointly purchase such a sign and all three Parishes reap the benefits. This matter will be discussed further at the next Parish Council meeting.
County Councillor’s Report
Within her report, County Councillor Charlotte Bailey referenced the proposal for part of Bushfield Camp to have “Village Green Status” granted on it. As part of Bushfield Camp is within Compton and Shawford Parish, it was considered appropriate for this Parish Council to be involved in this issue. Accordingly, Councillor Martin Bell was charged with investigating this matter and ensuring that any conclusion conforms with the Parish Council’s response to the Local Development Framework consultation put out by Winchester City Council.
New Clerk appointment
Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on various Finance and Administration matters. Due to the resignation of the Clerk, a lot of time has been spent on selecting a new Clerk. There had been fourteen applications for the post, of which four were interviewed. It was concluded that Mr. David Drake was found to be a suitable candidate and was therefore recommended to the full Parish Council. The Parish Council formally accepted this recommendation and formally appointed Mr. David Drake as the new Clerk as from 3rd June 2008. Due to the significant amount of work involved in a handover to the new Clerk, it was accepted that Mike Langford will continue in post until after the July Parish Council meeting, at which time David Drake will assume sole responsibility.
The current Clerk reported that the Internal Audit had now been completed and that there were no issues requiring the Parish Council’s attention, to be addressed. Accordingly, the Annual Return will be submitted to the External Auditor for the External Audit to take place on 11th August 2008.
During the session concerning Planning issues, there was significant discussion concerning the proposal to convert the Captain Barnard, Otterbourne Road, into a residential Nursing Home. Whilst it is not Parish Council policy to allow developers to make presentations to the Parish Council on proposed Planning Applications, it was considered that an exception in this case was appropriate as the proposed residential Nursing Home could be a benefit to the community. Accordingly, a presentation of what is proposed will be given at the July Parish Council meeting where it is hoped that many members of the Public will attend. This presentation will be published on the Notice Boards and in the Parish Magazine.
Compton Street Playground
In her report, Councillor Jean Millar reported that the proposal to put up notices restricting the age groups who could use the Compton Street Play Area, will not now proceed. However, further discussions will take place to find a way to ensure that the younger children do not feel intimidated and that the play area is not taken over by adults.
Parish Plan
Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on the progress of the Parish Plan Project. The final document is nearing completion and a copy will be delivered to every household within the Parish. Within the Parish Plan document, there are numerous actions to be undertaken under the auspices of the Parish Council. It is therefore evident that additional resources will be required for these identified actions to be progressed. Accordingly, the Parish Council will write a letter, which will accompany the Parish Plan as delivered to each household, calling for volunteers to assist with the progressing of the actions identified within the document