Compton Street Conservation Area

See separate page for a map of the Conservation Area

Compton Street Conservation Area

[The text of a City Council leaflet distributed to residents of Compton Street when the Conservation Area was created in 1989. Out of date contact information has been omitted]


Compton Street and Place Lane were formally designated a Conservation Area by Winchester City Council on 19 April 1989. The map over leaf shows the boundary which you will note includes your property. Set out below for your guidance is a brief outline of the reasons and consequences of the Conservation Area designation.

What is a Conservation Area?

A Conservation Area is defined as an area of special architectural or historic interest the character and appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance. The designation of a Conservation Area places a duty on the Council to pay special attention to its character and appearance and to preserve and enhance it.

Why Compton Street?

Compton Street, a linear village, lies on an ancient east/west route no longer usable by through traffic. It contains a number of attractive historic buildings including the Manor House, Manor Farm with its impressive barns, the Church, 19th century school and a few 17th and 18th century cottages, which intermingle with more modern houses. Although in total there are comparatively few statutory Listed Buildings, the walls, hedges, banks and trees are very important features which in combination with the buildings give the area a special character which is desirable to conserve.

How are you Affected?

In four main ways:

1. Planning Controls

Tighter controls apply to properties in Conservation Areas. You are for instance more likely to require planning permission for an extension to your property. Dormer windows and the application of timber, stone, plastic or tiling to the exterior of the property also requires permission.

2. Design Control

In Conservation Areas, tighter control is exercised over design and the choice of materials. Applications for new buildings or alterations to existing buildings are carefully considered to ensure that they harmonise with the architectural and historic character of the area.

3. Demolition

Usually, the demolition, including partial demolition (e.g. widening an existing window opening etc), of a building in a Conservation Area requires the prior consent of the Council. Certain walls and larger out buildings are also subject to this control. Wherever possible, buildings which make an important contribution to the character of the area should be retained.

4. Trees

Before any work is carried out to trees in a Conservation Area, six weeks written notice must normally be given to the Council. This is to give the Local Authority sufficient time to determine whether or not a Tree Preservation Order should be placed on the trees. A special form is available from the Planning Department for this purpose.


Planning applications which are likely to affect the character of the Conservation Area to any significant extent are advertised on the site and in the local press.


This leaflet provides a brief guide to the legislation as it currently applies to Conservation Areas. If you are contemplating work to your property or trees, further advice and information is available from the Planning Department. Correspondence should be addressed to the Director of Planning, Winchester City Council, City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9LJ.

June 1989

Web editor's note: Search Historic England for details of listed buildings in the parish