July 1995 PC Meeting Report
The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 4th July 1995, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.
Otterbourne Incinerator Site
Table of Contents
It was reported that Cllr Mrs Appleton will represent the Parish Council at the Public Inquiry, on 13th July, concerning Otterbourne Incinerator (due to close in 1996), when objections will be heard on various grounds including traffic generation, that the existing site is not a suitable location for a new incinerator and that it is far from ideal as a Materials Unified Recycling Facility.
County Councillor’ s Report
County Cllr Mrs Bailey reported that she is to attend the Public Inquiry, on 13th July, and make objections to the use of the present site of Otterbourne Incinerator for a new incinerator after the existing plant doses in 1996. Mrs Bailey also reported on other matters including cuts to be made in the Education budget, the monitoring of the mini roundabout at Pitmore, Otterbourne Hill, and examination of a possible cycle track between Eastleigh and Winchester.
City Councillor’s Report
City Cllr Beckett reported that the Council are prepared to offer help to parishioners who wished to complain to the Ombudsman; that the Planning Inquiry was in progress, but as yet no mention of Compton and Shawford; that limited funds are available to help Parish Councils with costs of works in applying for a grant from the Millennium Fund (Lottery Grant). Cllr Beckett also reported that the lax repairs to properties in Godwins Fields had been dealt with, and that there was no movement or change regarding the illegal occupant of 15A Martins Fields, Compton.
Affordable Housing Scheme
Cllr Mrs Millar reported that a meeting with the Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society revealed that it is necessary to, again, carry out a parish housing need survey before any further progress can be made on the Affordable Housing Scheme proposed on land in Compton. Questionnaires will be distributed throughout the parish shortly.
Footpath across Church Farm – Dangers
Following representations from parishioners, consideration is to be given to the safety aspects of footpath no. 19, extending from Compton Street (opposite the Church) across Church Farm and on to the dangerous junction with the main Winchester Road.
Lighting to Garage Compound
It was reported that a letter had been sent to Hampshire County Council seeking information regarding the possibility of providing lights at the garage compound, Martins Fields, Compton, which matter proved abortive in year 1994/95.
Airport Pressure Group – Routing of Aircraft
Following a letter from Airport Pressure Group, concerning routing of aircraft, it was agreed to join with the Group and that Cllr N J Campbell-White represent the Parish Council at meetings.
Strategic gap- Shawford
Concerning the deletion of land north of Shawford, from the Strategic Gap, without notice or consultation with the Parish Council or District Councillor for the Parish, a letter had been received from Winchester City Council extending a full apology for the oversight. The letter also stated that the Winchester District Local Plan Members Panel had fully discussed the possibility of reinstating the land into the Strategic Gap but finally agreed to adhere to its previous decision of excluding the land.