September 1995 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 5th September 1995, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.

Door to Door Recycling Scheme

The Chief Environmental Health Officer, WCC, addressed members on the scheme for the collection of dry mixed recyclables in the parish with effect from 2nd October, and answered questions raised by councillors. He advised that leaflets and information packs will be sent to every household and that it is intended to attend meetings of local groups and societies in the area (see Winchester City Council notice).

Hampshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Public Inquiry

Cllr Mrs J P Appleton and County Cllr Mrs A Bailey submitted representations and objections on grounds that the Otterbourne Incinerator site is not a suitable location for a new larger incinerator, or as a site for a Materials Unified Recycling Facility. Cllr Mrs Bailey expressed thanks for the support she had received in this matter and at the Public Inquiry.

Car Parking and Park-and-Ride

Following the report on various matters, including the above, by City Cllr G Beckett, it was decided to write to the City Engineer expressing support of the proposed street parking to replace existing street parking arrangements in Winchester, and assert that the proposed parking scheme makes a case for extension of the Park-and-Ride to accommodate people residing south of Winchester.

County Surveyor’s Department – Open Day

The Chairman, A D Walmsley, and Vice-Chairman, N J Campbell-White, are to attend the Open Day on l9th September, to meet staff and discuss current and future issues about the work the department undertakes, which affect the parish and the county as a whole.


Cllrs A D Walmsley and Mrs J P Appleton are to attend a seminar convened by the Hampshire Association of Parish Councils and Hampshire County Council Surveyor’s Department, on 20th September, concerning signing and Traffic Management, which will provide an opportunity to discuss issues about road and other signs in the countryside and towns.

Parish Tree Warden Members were pleased to confirm the appointment of Mr T. J Threlfall as our volunteer Tree Warden, who is to compile a register of Tree Preservation Orders within the parish and carry out inspections. Mr Threlfall has also offered to assist our Footpaths Representative, Cllr Hazlitt, with regard to cutting of overhanging tree branches and shrubs on the many footpaths within the parish.


The Council decided to write to HCC reminding that a stile is still needed to Footpath No: 16 from Hurdle Way, and ask for an update concerning the long standing matter of provision of a small diversionary footpath at the bottom of Shawford Down into the tarmac approach to Shawford Station yard.

Future expansion of air traffic/noise over Parish

Group Captain MEH Dawson (acting as Parish Council representative), submitted a written report on the Southampton Airport Pressure Group meeting held 21st August, concerning noise alleviation, landings and departures, with recommendations for approval of the Parish Council. It was decided to defer a decision on the matter until discussions had taken place with Twyford Parish Council and Colden Common Parish Council.