October 1995 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 3rd October 1995, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.

Future expansion or Air Traffic over the Parish

The report of Group Captain M E H Dawson, Parish Transport Representative, concerning noise alleviation, landings and departures, was adopted together with his recommendation that he meet with the Director, Southampton Airport, to discuss the report. The Council expressed grateful thanks to Group Captain Dawson and to Mr R Tice for their interest and actions in this issue.

It was decided to write to the Chief Planning Officer, WCC, asking that the application of Vodafone Ltd. to erect a free standing eight metre high telecommunications mast etc. on land adjacent to Otterbourne Road be screened from the village road between Compton village and Bushfield roundabout. Also, if appropriate, that Tree Preservation Orders be made in respect of trees affording screenings.

County Surveyor’s Department Open Day and Seminar re. Signing and Traffic Movement

The Chairman reported that he attended the Open Day on 19th September, and with Cllr Mrs J P Appleton, attended the Seminar on 20th September. Some of the brief conclusions were: that the huge County Surveyor’s Department seem to be successful in competing for central Government funds with very imaginative schemes; many Parish Councils are competing for their attention, a group is actively looking at ways to reduce dependence on the car and will run ‘Headstart’ discussion workshops for schools and parishes and anyone else interested in thinking about traffic problems; in the absence of injuries from road accidents it is difficult, if not impossible, to get funds for traffic calming; Government funds for traffic calming are available but only for sites where there is a record of personal injury accidents that have been reported to the police. The County Council has a ‘Parish Projects’ scheme for improving the look of selected county villages and small towns.

M3 surplus Land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

A letter had been received from the Highways Agency with a proposed covenant and suggested terms, other than price, for disposal of the land to the Parish Council, which was agreed. The next step is for the District Valuer to prepare a valuation of the land and when the sale price is agreed the Council will instruct their solicitors to complete.

Bus Shelter – Southdown

The Council are in negotiation with their insurers concerning this damaged shelter, seeking terms and agreement enabling a new bus shelter to be provided with part funding by the Council, on a new adjacent site forward of the present one.

Cleaning of M3 Underpasses at Place Lane and at Shepherds Lane

A letter had been received from Winchester City Council, advising that they are responsible for the cleaning of these subways under the terms of the Environmental Protection Act, but the Parish Council have written seeking agreement for the cleaning of Shepherds Lane to be continued by the Parish Council with Winchester City Council paying costs.


It was reported that (i) two stiles have been installed at the start of F/P 16 where it leaves Hurdle Way (ii) F/P 21 in the water meadows, re-aligned as a result of M3 works, is obstructed at the north end by barbed wire fencing, where a stile or gate should be installed (iii) the stile has been removed or destroyed where F/P 37 leaves Clease Way and the line of the path made obscure as the former trellis at the side of the footpath has been removed, and earth works undertaken on the line of the path. An appropriate letter is to be written to the Rights-of-Way Officer, HCC.

Compton Children’s Playing Field

Following complaints of a caravan and vehicle being driven across the children’s playing field to gain vehicle access and parking in a garden of adjoining property, it was agreed to write to the resident advising that the route over the field was not a right-of-way.

Future Use of Otterbourne Incinerator Site

The Council decided to invite Hampshire Waste Services, the company appointed by Hampshire County Council to handle waste for HCC, to make a presentation to the Parish Council of their plans for the development of the incinerator site prior to submitting a planning application in November.