May 1996 PC Meeting Report

The first meeting of the new Parish Council was held on 7 May, when Mr AD Walmsley was unanimously elected Chairman, and Mr NJ Campbell-White unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.

Co-option of two councillors

Mr Walter John West and Mr David Ellis were co-opted to serve as Parish Councillors, making a full membership of nine councillors.

New District Councillor.

Members were pleased to note the presence of the newly elected District Councillor for the Parish, Mrs Margaret M K Campbell-White.

County Councillors’ Report.

Mrs Ann Bailey reported on several matters including the HCC support for National Bike Week, grant of £5000.00 to Inshore Rescue and promotion of private businesses.

Crime Report.

PC Clive Barham reported that there had been three crimes only committed in the Parish during the last month and asked members to report nuisances caused by children which is a growing matter of concern.

Playing Fields.

Reported that the external painting of the pavilion at the Memorial Playing Field had been completed and that an order is to be placed for safety surfacing to play equipment at the children’s playground.

Road marking on Compton Street.

The Area Surveyor, HCC, is to be asked to remark the worn white lining across Compton Street at the junction with Attwoods Drove.

Road Safety in Compton and Shawford.

Following the unsatisfactory response of HCC to various matters put by the Parish Council, including unlighted island refuge at the end of Compton Street, visibility at road junctions and traffic calming, the matters are to be further considered by the Highways, Byways and Environment Subcommittee.

Street lighting to garage compound at Martins Fields.

A meeting with a representative of the lighting section, County Surveyor’s Department, revealed that they will not provide a light at the garage compound or install a light on the road nearby. The Highways, Byways and Environment Subcommittee is to consider the issue of street and other lighting and consult with HCC.


Representations are to be made to HCC concerning problems of obstruction on Footpath 37, from Hurdle Way to Clease Way, and Footpaths 2 and 21 near the viaduct. Complaints had been received about the state of Footpath 58, between Hurdle Way and Clease Way.

Parish Hall Development Site.

The issues raised at the Annual Parish Meeting were discussed. After consideration of whether the distribution of an unsigned leaflet containing several inaccurate statements about the Parish Council’s intentions had prejudiced the issue, the Parish Council decided nevertheless to honour previous commitments and RESOLVED that “A Poll/Referendum/Questionnaire be carried out on whether the Parish Council sell the spare land adjacent to the Parish Hall”. The content and format of the poll was referred to subcommittee.

Future expansion of air traffic/noise over parish

A letter, with enclosure, had been received from Eastleigh Borough Council, setting out approved proposals for the routing of aircraft using Southampton International Airport. The agreed routing scheme will be introduced over the coming months and will result in less noise from aircraft flying over the parish. A regular review of the routing scheme will be undertaken by Eastleigh Borough Council. Members again expressed appreciation and grateful thanks for the work done by Group Captain MEH Dawson and Mr R Tice on behalf of the Parish to alleviate aircraft noise.