June 1996 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 4 June, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.

Acquisition of M3 surplus land adjoining Memorial Playing Field

The Chairman reported that there may be a short delay in completing the transaction while two covenants on the land, dating from 1906 and 1911, are discussed with the parish council’s solicitors.

Bus Shelters

The bus shelter opposite Compton Street has been re-roofed. Estimates are to hand regarding site works for the replacement of the shelter opposite Southdown Road.

Road naming

The Parish Council will ask the City Council why our proposals for road name signs have been ignored, especially in view of a letter received from the City accepting our suggestions.

Playing Fields

Weed killing at the Memorial Playing Field has been undertaken and grass cutting is under way. Three prohibition notices are to be erected – “No cars/motorcycles/cycles/fouling by dog/horses.”
An order has been placed for safety tiles to be laid at the Children’s Playground

Sports Pavilion

It was agreed to accept an estimate £1500.00 for the services of an architect to prepare a scheme for outline planning application for a replacement sports pavilion.

Parish Referendum

Following the commitment made at the May meeting to hold a referendum on the sale of land adjacent to Parish Hall and the development of the Parish Hall and Sports Pavilion, it was decided to conduct the referendum by a postal ballot of all electors. The subcommittee was asked to come up with a final version of the ballot sheet in time for the referendum to take place in July. The meeting was closed to listen to the views of two SVRA members present.

Provision of Subpostoffice

Following the closure of Shawford Subpostoffice in July, the Parish Council agreed to investigate the possibility of Shawford Parish Hall being used as a part time Subpostoffice, managed by the hall caretaker, Mrs V J Smith, subject to the satisfactory agreement of all parties. Post Office Counters Ltd to be advised accordingly.