January 1997 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 7 January with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair.

Resiting of telephone kiosk at Shawford.

By a majority decision it was agreed to write to British Telecom asking when they will move the kiosk, as agreed on 13 November.

Traffic congestion at Bushfield roundabout.

The council had received a letter from the HCC giving the background to the decision that they had taken, in conjunction with WCC, to investigate the feasibility of providing a park-and-ride scheme within Bushfield Camp rather than the Tarmac site. After some discussion it was agreed to reply to HCC reiterating the Council’s objection to park-and-ride at Bushfield until the traffic congestion at Bushfield roundabout is alleviated.

Height of parapet on Shepherds Lane Bridge over the M3.

The Council has received a letter advising that, because there is a pedestrian pavement, the one metre height of the parapet (railings) does meet applicable safety standards. Nonetheless the Council believes that the parapet is too low, particularly for horses, and will write to the Highways Agency setting out our safety concerns and asking for the height of the parapet to be increased.

Parish Project 1997/98.

Decided that the Parish Project for 1997/98 be the provision of a bus shelter at the bus stop in the lay-by on Otterbourne Road and nearly opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.

Fouling by dogs.

Following complaints of fouling by dogs on Shawford Down and on the Memorial Playing Fields, it was agreed to republish the notice about health hazards by Dr J O’Sullivan, originally in the Parish Magazine of December 1995.

Parish Transport representative

With effect from 5 January 1997 a revised 27B Bus Service is being operated by a different company, Countrywide Travel instead of Jacob’s Coaches. The new service provides a daily return journey Monday to Friday, including Shawford Station and Compton Street, stopping at Sainsbury’s Badger Farm, Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester Broadway and Tesco’s.

Lease negotiation/pavilion replacement

The subcommittee had met sports club representatives on 2 January. The Sports Club have agreed to try to raise the suggested sum of £30,000 towards the new pavilion. The suggested site for the pavilion is to be marked out with stakes.

Sports Club representatives are to come back to the subcommittee within a month with comments on the first draft design so that the architect can be instructed to draw up a revised scheme as the next step in the preparation of a lottery grant application.

Once the subcommittee is ready to recommend a design to the full Council, the Council will decide on the most appropriate way to get public feedback.

White Star Plates

The Parish Council had received an offer to purchase all the remaining stock of White Star plates. Our policy up to now has been to sell plates in small batches to avoid flooding the market. But because of the heavy administrative burden of selling plates in ones and twos the Parish Council decided to accept this offer subject to: agreement on price, the retention of a few plates for the archive, and parishioners being given a last chance to buy plates through a notice in the Parish Magazine.

Parish Hall Management

The subcommittee was authorised to open negotiations with relevant local bodies to further their investigations into the pros and cons of transferring the Hall to a management committee.

Planning application – use of Appleshaw House as private school.

Parish Council to be represented at the Site Viewing Meeting on 17 January, and will raise objection unless we can be convinced that the traffic management can be handled satisfactorily.

Shawford Parish Hall.

We have been asked to consider putting up a “No Smoking” sign in the large hall.

Parish Hall Centenary Celebrations

have been a great success with participation from so many parts of the community. We plan to give a small memento to the main organisers and contributors.

Budget/Precept 1997/98.

Detailed budgets were circulated which provided for a Precept on Winchester City Council, to cover expenditure, of £18,035.00 representing an increase of 3% over that for 1996/97.


