January 1998 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 6 January with Mr AD Walmsley in the Chair

Southdown School and Traffic Calming.

County Councillor Mrs A Bailey reported that the poor external condition of Southdown School is to be programmed for repairs, and that Mr J Soutar of the County Surveyors Department has agreed to meet with the Parish Council, in April, to discuss priorities and low level works for traffic calming. She also reported that the 1st Phase of traffic calming will be works to the roundabout at Poles Lane. Mrs Bailey further reported on the Winchester Southern Route Strategy and that next year’s phase will be to ameliorate dangers at black spots. Cllr Whitaker is to contact Mr Soutar for an early appointment.

Sustrans – The National Cycle Network in Hampshire.

The Chairman reported that the residents of Shawford had expressed unease with the proposed route(s) and with inaccuracies in the HCC Feasibility Study. The matters were noted for the attention of the Parish Council when they make a submission on the proposed scheme not later than 13 February.

Traffic Calming and Future of Bushfield Camp.

City Councillor Mrs M Campbell-White reported on traffic calming measures and that the City Engineer had written to the County Surveyor concerning the effect on Compton as only one route to the Waste and Materials Recycling Facility, Poles Lane, Otterbourne, is being considered for calming. She also reported on the future of Bushfield Camp where it is possible that money may be diverted by WCC from recreation to housing purposes. Cllr Mrs Campbell-White advised that she is keeping a close watch on developments.

Bushfield Camp and Park-and-Ride.

Disappointment was expressed with the newspaper report by Hampshire County Council, “Pleasure Park Plan Axed”, when it was agreed to write to Winchester City Council deprecating the recent lack of consultation over plans for Bushfield, reminding them of our submission in 1995 in favour of recreational use of the area, and asking to be consulted on all possible park-and-ride sites south of the city.

Parish Transport Representative’s report.

No report this month but Grp Capt Dawson had published, in the January Parish Magazine, a detailed account of negotiations over noise disturbance with the Airport management.


Following recent strong winds, areas have been inspected where falling trees have been a problem in the past, but no problems were found nor have any been reported.

Trees at Parish Hall.

Trees on the lawn on the south side of the Parish Hall have been removed and the protected Yew tree lopped, in preparation to making the bigger car park following the proposed development of part of the site with houses.

Public Participation in Council meetings.

The Council passed a resolution to accept questions and submissions from members of the public near the beginning of future meetings. Discussion by the Council of matters raised during the public session will take place immediately after the coffee break, at about 9.p.m. The full text of this resolution will be submitted for publication in the February Parish Magazine.

Bridge Hotel.

Following a letter about noise disturbance, it was agreed that Cllr Threlfall would talk to the complainant and the landlord.

Centenary of Mrs Beryl L Croker.

The Parish Council agreed that a public bench seat be purchased to commemorate the centenary, on 23 January, of parishioner Mrs Beryl L Croker, and that Cllr Wilmshurst consult Mrs Croker and agree the siting.

Transfer of Shawford Parish Hall to CASCA.

Significant developments have taken place with positive meetings with CASCA. Proposed terms of lease, and rent of hall to be submitted at the next Council meeting, also, proposed terms and rent for part of the hall contents. A further important matter to be discussed and agreed, following study of estimated income/expenditure, is the level of subsidy by PC to CASCA over an initial period of 4 years. CASCA to discuss this at their AGM on 7 January.

Amended Plans – Patchings, Compton Street.

In view of the previous history and controversy arising from planning applications for this site, the Council considered that any variation, however small, to the application granted on 9 December 1993, should be considered as a fresh application, and is writing to the Planning Authority accordingly.

Sports Club Lease/New Pavilion Building.

Negotiations for a lease of the pavilion and playing areas are nearing conclusion but the Council still needs to finalise agreement on terms which will preserve parishioners’ interests while providing the Sports Club with a sound basis for grant applications and fund raising.

Parish Hall Development Site.

Felling and lopping of trees on the site carried out, and following removal of other trees to be cleared, the site is to be marked out and the boundary defined. The Committee has been authorised to approve the developer’s drawings and site boundary.

Waste Transfer Station, Poles Lane – Vehicle Movements.

A letter from the County Planning Officer to Otterbourne Parish Council, dated 10 December, stated that Hampshire Waste Services weighbridge information showed that the average daily lorry movements for the week of Otterbourne’s survey were at levels indicated in the planning application. The letter went on to say that the lorry traffic associated with the waste transfer station and materials recycling facility is not significantly in excess of that indicated in the planning application.

