September 2000 PC Meeting Report


Councillor Mr N. Campbell-White was in the chair and welcomed 35 members of the public.

Locum Clerk

The Chairman introduced Mrs J. Oliver who was to take the minutes of the meeting. The present Clerk, Mr. Andrews, has agreed to continue the role of Clerk until a replacement is found but will not take minutes of meetings. [advertisement for a new clerk]

Questions from the public

Questions were asked by the public concerning the development at Shawford Park, the replacement pavilion, the chairman’s letter and the threat of development between Hurdle Way and Shepherds Lane.

County Councillors Report

Councillor Anne Bailey. No HCC meetings were held during the summer recess. Clarification of the footprint of the Shepherds Down School has been received and concerns about increased traffic and safety have been expressed.

City Councillors Report

Councillor Charlotte Bailey was away and a written report was read out.

Parish Transport Representatives Report

Concerning the Real Time Display system at bus stops, the system is unlikely to function in the short term. The Parish Council will ask ROMANSE its intentions, with a view to removing the “gibbets” if the system is not to work.

Planning Sub-committee

Three major items were discussed: Chilterns dyslexic unit, Shawford Park equestrian centre and a proposal submitted for consideration in the Local Plan review for development around Shepherds Lane. The Chilterns and Shawford Park applications will be decided at the City Council Planning Control meeting. In the absence of our City Councillor, it was decided to send a parish council representative to speak against both applications. A motion was proposed and passed opposing any development on the Shepherds Lane sites (this proposal is considered unlikely to succeed). A Brownfield Housing seminar will be attended by two councillors.

Playing Fields Sub-committee

Costings and proposals for dog bins were discussed. Formal proposals will be put before the next parish council meeting. Councillor Shaw has confirmed that £2000 is available for Millennium tree planting. Following a meeting with the City Council planting plans have been drawn up and were agreed by the Council. Specimen trees will be planted at the Memorial Playing Fields and All Saints’ School. Councillor Shaw has obtained a number of quotations for the provision of new play equipment on both sites. To help finalise plans an open meeting will be held (Monday 2nd October 8.00 p.m. at The Scout Hut ). The meeting is to get ideas and feedback from parishioners. Firm proposals will then follow.

New Pavilion Sub-committee

Councillor Bell made a proposal to pursue a self funded wooden pavilion. Councillor Ray Wilmshurst suggested the parish should apply for a lottery grant for a better building. Concern was expressed that car parking and tennis court position were not included in the proposal and it was amended to read “The Parish Council should pursue the construction of a self-funded wooden pavilion as part of an overall scheme involving car park and tennis court(s) leaving aside the Sport England funded project for the time being”. This was passed 7 for 2 against. A letter had been received from Bewley Homes offering funding towards the pavilion in return for considering their development plan, possibly requiring parish land. It was agreed that the parish would not sell any land or enter into correspondence with Bewley Homes.

Highways, Byways, M3 and Environmental Sub-committee

Progress on bus shelters continues. The City Council has agreed to place and maintain a dog bin on Park View. A request has been made for signing on Place Lane to stop inappropriate school run parking. Parish noticeboard replacement will continue.

Annual Civic Service

This year’s Civic Service will be held at Otterbourne. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

Martin Bell Vice Chairman