January 2002 PC Meeting Report

Report on the January Meeting
Tuesday 8th January 2002, Shawford Parish Hall

County Councillor’s report

County Councillor Ann Bailey, although not in attendance and having sent her apologies, had submitted a written report in which she had reported on her attendance at a Police Community Liaison Group meeting, the activities of the M3 Noise Committee and the Proposed South Downs National Park. It was of concern to Parish Councillors that Mrs. Bailey expressed her desire to see the boundary of the Proposed South Downs National Park include Compton Down as well as Shawford.

Finance and Admin Subcommittee

Cllr. Mr. George Beckett reported on the activities of the Finance and Administration Sub-committee, covering the Sports Club licence/Tennis Club Lease and the Budgets for the Financial Year 2002/2003. As a result of determining the Budgets for 2002/2003, a Precept for the financial Year 2002/2003 in the sum of £22,680-00 was recommended to the Parish Council, a modest increase of only 3.09% over the previous year. The Parish Council unanimously agreed this to.

New Pavilion Subcommittee

Cllr. Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported on the progress of the New Pavilion Project. Paul Murray’s New Pavilion Building Committee had now completed satisfactorily all issues raised by Sport England and as a result the proposals are being submitted to Winchester City Council for Planning Permission.

Due to additional requirements imposed by Sport England, together with other factors such as inflation, the anticipated cost of the overall project has risen by £41,000-00. It is envisaged that these additional costs will be met by additional grants from Sport England together with various additional fund raising activities. There will be no additional funding from the Parish Council over and above that already committed. It was confirmed that the resultant total anticipated cost of the New Pavilion Project, now anticipated as being £271,500-00, is only the consultant’s estimate. Precise costings cannot be determined until the Tendering process has been completed.

Play Equipment

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw advised that the Financial Agreement covering the final major charitable donation for the Children’s Play Equipment Project has now been received. This enables the project to move forward and work on the Compton Street Play Area may now commence. An initial part of this phase of the project is to publicise the proposals for the Compton Street Play Area and to obtain feedback from the local residents.

Dog Fouling

The subject of “Dog Fouling”, especially in Compton Street and Shepherds Lane, was raised as it appears that this problem is once again on the increase. Cllr. Mrs. Celia Simmons will be pursuing the matter in conjunction with Winchester City Council’s Dog Warden, with a view to installing additional Dog Bins in locations that do not impact local householders, but which does assist in resolving this growing problem.

Telephone Kiosk

The telephone Kiosk in Shawford, which disappeared some three months ago, has been re-installed. It is pleasing to note that an old style red kiosk has been installed and that the pay phone is fully operational.

New Code of Conduct

Much discussion took place concerning the New Code of Conduct that becomes mandatory for Councillors to observe as from May 2002. This Code of Conduct, whilst being applauded in its objectives, has far reaching implications for Parish Councillors and prospective Parish Councillors.

Proposed South Downs National Park

The importance on the proposed South Downs National Park was discussed. It was emphasised by the Chairman that it is essential that all Councillors should study the proposals so that a considered response on behalf of the Parish can be formulated.

Jubilee Celebrations

Cllr. Mr. George Beckett reported that a “Jubilee Celebrations Committee” had been established. This Committee had enquired as to whether the Parish Council would be able to underwrite the cost of these celebrations. This will be investigated and on the condition that legislation allows, the Parish Council unanimously agreed to support such a celebration.

Firework Nuisance

Cllr. Mrs. Celia Simmons raised the issue of fireworks being let off during unsociable hours on occasions other than 5th November and New Year. It is apparent that the usage of fireworks has increased in recent years and complaints have been raised. It was determined that little could be done in respect of stopping the letting off of fireworks, other than writing to the offending parties when the occasion and timing is considered to be unacceptable.