March 2002 PC Meeting Report

Report on the March Meeting
Tuesday 5th March 2002 Shawford Parish Hall

County Councillor’s Report

Whilst County Councillor Ann Bailey was not in attendance, she had submitted a written report in which she advised that Budgets had been increased by 7.9% which represented just over £1 per week increase on Council tax band D for County Council Tax. Despite this increase there will be some cuts in services together with increases in the costs of Meals-on-wheels, library charges and fines and Parking charges at beauty spots. Rural bus services could suffer a £400,000 shortfall in subsidy. Councillor Bailey also reported on Potholes in Otterbourne Road and the strengthening of the carriageway resultant from the Traffic Calming scheme, her support for the Parish Council response to the South Downs National Park proposal and the recent requests for Street Lighting in Otterbourne Road. This latter item is to be investigated further by the Parish Council.

District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on numerous issues included in which was the reinstatement of monies for Parish Projects for the next Financial Year, Planning Applications for Land in Cliff Way being refused due to insufficient density of proposed dwellings, the resurfacing of Pavements in Martins Field and further activities on the M3 noise issue.

New Code of Conduct

The New Code of Conduct that comes into force in May 2002 was further discussed with agreement for Compton and Shawford Parish Council to adopt it in principle now, with formal Adoption to take place at the next Parish Council meeting in April 2002.

Compton Lock

Cllr. Mr. Tom Threlfall reported on work nearing completion concerning Compton Lock and the Meads, being undertaken by Twyford Parish Council. Discussions with Twyford Parish Council have indicated that the precise location of the boundary between the two Parishes is uncertain, different maps show different locations of the boundary. This issue is being pursued.

Finance & Admin Committee

Suggestions that the composition of the Finance and Administration Committee should be changed in order to handle the Tennis Club Lease negotiations, under the requirements of the New Code of Conduct, were discounted. The New Code of Conduct has been established to formalise the concept that Parish Councillors act with integrity when undertaking the business of the Parish Council. As all Councillors have always acted with such integrity, the formalisation of the Code does not change those Councillors ability to undertake the duties they have been given. Accordingly, it was agreed that the Parish Council has full confidence in the composition and arrangements of the Finance and Administration Committee and are fully competent to address issues such as the Tennis Club Lease.

Jubilee Celebrations

Cllr. Mr. George Beckett reported on Mrs Judith Harris’s activities on the Golden Jubilee Celebration Sub-committee. A Marquee together with sufficient tables and chairs has been hired together with a “Spit Roast” for the evening. Musical entertainment is planned together with other attractions such as vintage cars, horse/pony rides, inter village games and a Carousel and barrel organ. These celebrations are to take place on the Memorial Playing Field on the 1st June 2002.

Memorial Playing Field Committee

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw reported on various activities of the Playing Field Management Committee, included in which were proposals for repair to the football pitch in the Compton Street play area and the preliminary investigations into the provision of Basketball facilities. Additionally, discussion took place concerning the possible screening of the resurfaced Tennis Courts on the Memorial Playing Field. This would be part of a proposed landscaping exercise necessary once the existing Courts are resurfaced and the new Court constructed. All immediate Residents in the area are being contacted to establish their wishes.

Parish Boundary

Proposals received from Badger Farm Parish Council to the effect of moving the boundary between the two Parishes so that Badger Farm have responsibility for the Bushfield Camp area, were discussed in detail. The conclusion was that there was no arguable reason to change the boundary and the general view was that it would be undesirable to make such a change. However, it was agreed that both Parish Councils should actively discuss all appropriate planning and development issues relating to this site, that have relevance to each of the two Parish Councils.

Annual Parish Assembly

Initial discussions took place with regard to the Annual Parish Assembly, which is due to take place on Wednesday 24th April 2002.