April 2002 PC Meeting Report

Report on the April Meeting
Tuesday 2 April 2002 Shawford Parish Hall

New Code of Conduct

The Parish Council formally adopted the new Code of Conduct by adopting the “Model Code of Conduct”, without any additions of local provisions. As a consequence, all Parish Councillors present at the meeting signed new Declarations of acceptance of office. The adoption of the Model Code will take effect as from the 5th May 2002. It was emphasised that this only serves to formalise the integrity with which Councillors have always conducted themselves when acting on behalf of the Parish Council.

District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on the rationalisation of the Highways departments of Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council, the Winchester District Local Plan, Bushfield Camp, M3 noise and the resurfacing of pavements in Martins Field.

Transport Representative

Cllr. Mrs C.Simmons reported that Charlotte Bailey had agreed to take on the role of Transport Representative on behalf of the Parish Council. The grateful thanks to Charlotte Bailey for taking on this role, were expressed by the Chairman.

Finance & Admin Committee

Cllr. G.Beckett, as Convenor of the Finance and Administration Committee, reported on his Committee’s deliberations concerning the erection of the new Pavilion on the Memorial Playing Field.

Now that planning permission has been granted for the smaller size Pavilion on its revised site, the next steps were necessary. Regrettably, Sport England had changed the “ground rules”, and did not like design and build, and required full specifications to be issued on which builders could tender for the work. This meant heavy expenditure without absolute certainty that Sport England would grant us the requested money, on Professional Fees and certain pre-contract work. The New Pavilion Building Committee have, in recent months, been undertaking various fund raising events. From the funds so raised, the sum of £15,040 was paid to the Parish Council for the specific purpose of paying for the Professional Fees and pre-contract work in respect of the New Pavilion. The Parish Council expressed their gratitude to Mr. Paul Murray and his Committee for their efforts in raising such a large sum of money and thereby enabling the New Pavilion Project to proceed without expenditure from the Parish Council’s own limited funds.

The Parish Council voted to commit to the expenditure of the £15,040 on the necessary Professional Fees and pre-contract work, to put the project in a position to seek Tenders for the building work.

Jubilee Celebrations

Cllr. G.Beckett also reported upon the progress of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations Sub-committee, which is being led by Mrs Judy Harris. Much work is being undertaken by the Sub-committee, arrangements being made for a dog show, vintage car show, helium balloon race, music from a four-piece Jazz Band and a Children’s Party at which souvenir mugs will be distributed. This is all over and above those items reported last month, which therefore promises to make a memorable occasion in the village on Saturday 1st June 2002.


Extensive discussion took place with regard to Planning Applications and various Building Developments, which have been proposed, within the Parish. Various changes in Planning Policy within the District Council have made it difficult to determine what conforms to policy and what does not. The desire by the Planners to increase the occurrences of High Density housing is apparent. However, such High Density developments must be appropriate to the environment in which they are proposed. Currently, the Parish Council is not fully informed by the Planners as to the criteria on which their policies are determined. Clarification from the District Council has been sought and an answer is awaited.

Memorial Playing Field Committee

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw reported on her investigations concerning the possible installation of Basketball facilities in the Compton Street play area. Initial enquiries result in a potential cost of approximately £2,000, funds which the Parish Council do not have in this financial year. However, a smaller facility would cost less, but such a smaller facility would not attract any possible grants. The matter continues to be pursued.

Cllr. Mrs. Shaw also reported on her discussions with local residents concerning the landscaping and screening of the Tennis Courts at Memorial Playing Field. Having obtained the views of affected residents, a plan of proposals will be put together for further discussions and hopefully agreement from all parties concerned.

Street Lighting

Discussions concerning Street Lighting took place from which it was agreed that Cllr. Mrs Celia Simmons would pursue the possibility of installing a Street Light in Martins Field with Winchester City Council. The request for Street Lighting in the unlit part of Otterbourne Road was discounted as the need could not be justified on the basis of past road accidents, together with the view that some residents do not want such Street Lighting. Even with a possible 50% grant from Hampshire County Council, there is no way that the resultant huge cost could be met by the Parish Council.

Annual Parish Assembly

The Annual Parish Assembly is to take place on Wednesday 24th April 2002, and Mr. Steve Opacic, Forward Planning Team Manager of Winchester City Council, has agreed to be the Keynote Speaker. His subject will be ” How revised Government Planning Policy is affecting Compton and Shawford”; he will entertain questions from members of the Public afterwards.

In advance of the Annual Parish Assembly, a Newsletter covering the activities of the Parish Council over the past twelve months, together with a copy of the Agenda for the Assembly, will be delivered to every household within the Parish.