Compton & Shawford Walkers Group : June-November 2012 dates

These dates are also in the Parish Diary

Unless stated otherwise, meeting point for walks is  9:30am at the pavilion

Day Date Leader
Tuesday 5th June Jubilee walks(10.30 and 11.00am)
Sunday 10th  June Bill Robinson
Sunday 1st  July Wendy Wharton
Thursday 18th July Evening (18.00)Bob Jordan
Saturday 28th July Roger Stevens
Saturday 11th August Pat and Ian Acton
Sunday 26th August Bill Robinson
Thursday 13th September Evening (18.00)Bill Robinson
Weekend 22/23rd September Isle of Wight weekend
Saturday 13th October Pat and Ian Acton
Sunday 28th October Bliss /Everett
Saturday 10 November Walk the Watercress Line / Bob Jordan