February 2005 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 1st February 2005, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall


The Chairman, Cllr. George Beckett, opened the meeting with the regretted announcement of the resignation of Councillor Mrs. Joanne Ford. Mrs Ford had resigned from the Parish Council for personal reasons. Accordingly, the Clerk was instructed to implement the procedures for filling a “Casual Vacancy” on the Parish Council, such procedures to run from the 2nd February 2005.

Police Report

Whilst Police Constable Mark Smith was not able to attend the meeting, he had submitted a written report in which he reported that the culprit who caused significant graffiti damage at Shepherds Down School, the M3 underpass and the Bus Shelter opposite Shepherds Lane, was known to the police but no action could be taken due to a lack of evidence. The culprit has now left the area.

Pavilion Car Park

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported on a successful meeting with the Contractor who had built the Jubilee Pavilion. The meeting centred upon the list of outstanding issues and snags relating to the Building and Car Park, which must be finally resolved prior to the remaining retention monies being paid over to the Builder. There are some 12 issues remaining outstanding, all of which will hopefully be resolved in the next two months.

As a result of the Public Meeting held on the 20th January 2005, at which members of the Public together with the Sports Club expressed their views concerning the Car Park extension at the Jubilee Pavilion, there was significant discussion. The Parish Council accept the Sports Club proposals and agreed to work towards providing the required additional thirty car parking spaces. However, it was also agreed that the Parish Council might not be able to implement the full proposal immediately due to financial constraints. It was agreed, though, that by following a staged approach the full requirement would eventually be achieved. The Parish Council recognises its responsibility to ensure that the likelihood of parking on the roads surrounding the Memorial Playing Field is eliminated as soon as possible.

With the need to increase the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park, it is recognised that the original capped cost of the Jubilee Pavilion together with associated facilities may well now be exceeded. This matter will be considered by the Parish Council and voted upon at the next Parish Council meeting.


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported upon various planning issues, one of which concerned the proposal by the Rev. Paul Baird to build a Community Room at Compton Church. This development will require the removal of some very old Yew trees located in the Churchyard. Advice and guidance from the Arborcultural Officer, Planning Department, Winchester City Council, is being sought prior to formal Planning Applications being submitted. The Parish Council are to be kept informed on the tree question, which is significant as the area in question is within the Conservation Area, and also to a listed building.

Finance & Administration Committee

Informal approaches had been made to the Parish Council, proposing expenditure from the Open Space Fund. The Parish Council considered that the Open Space Fund should only be used for certain purposes. Accordingly, clear guidelines covering the use of the Open Space Fund are to be drawn up by the Finance and Administration Committee


Cllr. Jean Millar reported that Mr. John Griffith had agreed to take on the role of Chairman of CASCA. The Parish Council expressed their pleasure over such an appointment, which has alleviated what would otherwise have been a difficult situation for the future of CASCA.

Highways and Byways

Cllr. Patricia Caffyn highlighted the problems of damage being caused by contractor’s lorries to the road leading to the Malms development. It was requested that should anybody witness such damage being caused, a record should be kept so that eventual re-instatement of the road can be claimed from the Developer. Cllr. Nick Campbell-White will be documenting the Parish Council’s concerns on this issue to the developer, this to ensure that a record is held on file.

Church Service of Celebration

Cllr. Jean Millar advised the meeting that Compton Church is holding a Service of Celebration on the 7th May 2005. This service is to celebrate all those who were married in Compton Church and therefore it was requested that anybody who was married at the church to get in touch with the organisers of the event and to be included in the Celebration.