March 2005 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 1st March 2005, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Public Session

During the session for members of the Public to raise issues, Mr Roy Freeland raised the matter of Hampshire County Council granting licenses for the construction of new access points to residential sites. It appears that such licenses are granted without the usual Planning Application and consultation procedures. Having granted such licences, the Landowner is then able to apply for Planning Permission from Winchester City Council who is more likely to grant the necessary Planning Permission as Hampshire County Council has already granted the appropriate license. The Parish Council was requested to investigate this apparent loophole in the Planning process and make appropriate representations.

Jubilee Pavilion

Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon progress with resolving the few remaining outstanding issues in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion. The list of outstanding snags is being actively worked upon and it is anticipated that all outstanding issues will be resolved in the next few weeks. With regard to the Car Park extension, quotations for the necessary work have been received, these are considered to be excessive, so further investigations are in hand.

The question of additional expenditure on the Jubilee Pavilion, over and above the original £399,225 capped limit was discussed at length. Additional expenditure is required, primarily to cover the cost of the Car Park extension. Whilst it is accepted that it is undesirable to continually raise the question of additional expenditure on this Capital project, it was considered necessary to place a limit on the overall Jubilee Pavilion project cost. Accordingly, it was agreed that any additional Capital expenditure on the Jubilee Pavilion be limited to a maximum of a further £12,000.


Cllr. Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported upon various Planning matters, the most notable one of which is the proposal to demolish four large houses in St. Cross and build 34 new houses plus 30 flats on the site. This development site is partly in the Parish of Compton and Shawford, but the Parish Council were not advised of this Planning Application, although they are statutory consultees, by Winchester City Council, Planning Department. Appropriate representations have been made to Winchester City Council and details of the proposed development are being sought so that the Parish Council can formally comment.

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw reported that the required number of quotations for the supply and installation of Cricket Nets on the Memorial Playing Field have now been received. These quotations are far in excess of the anticipated costs, the least expensive quotation being £8,938. As this sum is significantly greater than anticipated, the matter was deferred until the April Parish Council meeting where a formal advertised motion to spend this sum of money on this facility can be voted upon.

The matter of putting up notices on the Memorial Playing Field, prohibiting Golf practice was again raised. Cllr. Nick Campbell-White has the required notices and he assured the meeting that they will be put up as soon as possible. It was commented that instances of people undertaking Golf practice on the playing field is a daily occurrence. Such activities are considered to be a danger to other users of the Playing Field.

Open Spaces Fund

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw had been in discussion with the Rector who is keen to establish a garden of remembrance/quiet garden to the south of the Churchyard. This was generally thought to be an ideal proposal in which the Parish Council should be involved. Providing the proposed piece of land is not to be used for burials and on the understanding that the Parish Council would be the owner of the land acquired, then it would be appropriate for the Parish Council to investigate further. The cost of such an acquisition could be met out of the Open Space Fund. Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw will pursue the matter with the Rector.

Aircraft Noise

District Councillor Murray Macmillan and Mr. Robin Tice reported to the Parish Council on issues related to Aircraft Noise. Whilst it appears that the results of last year’s trials were uncertain in their outcome, there was concern that the Airport Authority may not be serious in their attempts to resolve the many complaints from residents living under the flight path of incoming and departing aircraft. The ability of the Airport Authority to enforce restrictive flight paths was questioned. A bi-annual ad hoc meeting between representatives of the affected Parishes, Eastleigh Borough Council and the Airport Authority is to be established so that all parties can work together and achieve a mutually beneficial outcome to the problems. Complaints about not being able to get through to the Airport Authority to register complaints on Aircraft noise, were raised. Mr. Robin Tice was charged with preparing a short article for publication in the Parish Magazine, detailing the process of registering complaints with the Airport Authority.

Council Vacancy

The Clerk reported that following the resignation of Cllr. Mrs Joanne Ford, the procedure to fill the “Casual Vacancy for a Parish Councillor” had been completed. There had been no requests submitted to the Electoral Registration Officer, Winchester City Council, for an election. Accordingly, the Parish Council now moves on to the co-option procedure. There appears to be a number of Parishioners willing to be co-opted, therefore it is hoped that co-option can be completed at the April 2005 Parish Council meeting.