April 2005 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 5th April 2005, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Police Report

Police Constable Mark Smith reported that there had been only four crimes in the Parish during the previous month. These were the theft of two White Star plates from Shawford Parish Hall, two acts of vandalism to cars parked in the Captain Barnard Car Park and an interference with a Car in Otterbourne road. When questioned about cars parked in Shawford village, PC Mark Smith advised that the Police will issue Parking Tickets to cars parked inconsiderately and which are causing an obstruction. Whilst the Highways Authority is reluctant to increase the Yellow Lining, the Parking of cars opposite the Bridge Hotel is viewed as a Traffic Calming measure.

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Ann Bailey was in attendance and she gave her last report to the Parish Council. Ann Bailey will not be standing for re-election as County Councillor in the County Council Elections due in May 2005. She thanked the Parish Council for the support she had received over the past twenty years. The Chairman, Cllr. George Beckett, thanked Mrs. Bailey for all her work on behalf of the Parish.

District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor Murray Macmillan advised the meeting that the first in a series of meetings with Eastleigh Airport Management is to take place in Shawford Parish Hall at the end of May. These meetings, whilst not being Public Meetings, will involve the appropriate Parish Councils, Eastleigh Borough Council and the Airport Authorities. The subject under discussion will be the ongoing issue of Aircraft noise and disturbance to residents on the flightpaths.


Cllr. Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported on various planning issues, which included Sparrow Grove, Woodlarks, and 10 Attwoods Drove. In addition, Cllr. Walmsley advised the meeting that the Planning Application for the demolition of four houses in St. Cross and the subsequent construction of 34 houses and 30 flats in their place, had been refused by Winchester City Council. It is understood that the reasons for refusal was only on the grounds of increased traffic and access problems, which is cause for concern as such issues could be addressed by the developer.

Co-option of a new Councillor

This month saw the need to co-opt a new Parish Councillor onto the Parish Council. There were two candidates who had put their names forward for co-option, Mr. C.Barton-Briddon of Martins Field and Mr. John Richardson of Shepherds Lane. After due consideration, the Parish Council undertook a vote and Mr. John Richardson was duly co-opted. The Chairman expressed the Parish Council’s thanks to Mr Barton-Briddon for his interest.

Annual Parish Assembly

The Annual Parish Assembly will take place at Shawford Parish Hall on Wednesday, 27th April 2005. Mrs Pat Edwards and Mr. Jim Humberstone, of “City of Winchester Trust”, will be attending as guest speakers, talking about the future of Bushfield Camp

Annual Parish Council Meeting

The Chairman, Cllr. George Beckett, advised the meeting that this meeting would be the last that he would Chair. The May meeting will be the “Annual Parish Council Meeting” at which the Chairman and Officers of the Parish Council are due for re-election. Cllr. George Beckett will not be offering himself for re-election as Chairman, and thanked members for their support during the three years of his Chairmanship.