Playing Fields

September 2011

Table of Contents

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar reported that, following an application of fertilizer on the Memorial Playing Fields, the grass had grown at such a rate that Jim Kimber, the council’s grass cutting contractor, had encountered major mowing problems. He has subsequently made a number of recommendations for improving the condition of the playing fields, including “verti draining” and “spraying for weeds”. The council agreed that, since these costs could be met from the grass-cutting budget, Mr Kimber should be authorised to proceed. The Sports Club will meet the costs of his other recommendations, i.e. “slitting” and further “fertilising”.

She noted that Ernest Pointer Fencing has yet to begin work on the fencing contract for Attwoods Drove/ Compton St Playground but assurances have been received that all the equipment has been received from their suppliers and work should begin shortly. [It is now scheduled to begin in the week commencing 11 September.]

July 2011

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar was pleased to announce that Ernest Pointer Fencing had agreed to commence work on the fencing around the Compton Street play area in the week commencing 18 July. Following a discussion on the inspection of play equipment, the council agreed that, in addition to the regular inspections undertaken by Councillors Millar and Evans, inquiries should be made with Simon White, a technical expert, to see whether he would be prepared to undertake a quarterly review of equipment at the Compton Street and MPF play areas. These would be in addition to the annual inspection undertaken by WCC. It was also agreed that John Richardson should be asked to investigate the possibility of the council entering into an agreement for the servicing and repair of the Jubilee Pavilion boilers.

June 2011

Concerns about vandalism at the Compton Street Playing Fields; the proposed closure of Compton Street to enable resurfacing to take place and the posting of legal notices, inviting representations about the proposed 30 mph extension along Otterbourne Road, were the subject of considerable discussion at this month’s meeting.

Playing Fields Management

Concern was expressed by representatives of the Compton Tenants’ Association about acts of vandalism at the Compton Street Playing Fields, which had been reported to PCSO Gavin Cooper, and the dangerous condition of the gate, which no longer closes properly. Councillor Millar noted that the council was about to award a contract to repair and improve the fencing at the Compton Street Playing Fields. (The council subsequently awarded the said contract to Ernest Pointer Fencing.)

The council agreed that, given his excellent work to date, Bill Goodyear should be asked to continue with his programme of renovating the parish benches, including those at the Memorial Playing Fields.

Councillors Southgate and Wilkinson reported that, at the Shawford Residents’ Association meeting, support for the play area at Shawford Down had been mixed, roughly 50% in favour and 50% against. Following discussion, the council agreed that the Playing Fields Management Committee should continue with the project, for which planning permission will be required. [The proposed play area will be located within a site of importance for nature conservation (SINC).]

May 2011

Playing Fields Management

Councillor Millar reported that Bill Goodyear had undertaken repairs and renovation to three benches in Compton Street but the concrete base of the one located on the corner with Attwoods Drove had been distorted by tree roots, which precluded a simple paving slab repair. She suggested that, if the bench is to be replaced next year, it would be an appropriate time to improve its surrounds. The clerk noted that Councillor Beckett had confirmed that maintenance of the fence, to the east of the Compton Street Playing Area, was the responsibility of the Parish Council.

Councillor Millar added that three tenders had been received for improvements to the netting around the play area. One was considerably less than the other two. Following discussion, it was agreed that the contract should be awarded to the lowest tenderer at a price of £2737.27 but that £500 should set aside in case extra costs were incurred in replacing the netting attached to the gate.

April 2011

Playing Fields

Mrs Wilmshurst expressed concern about the condition of the bench on the corner of Attwoods Drove and Compton Street. Mrs Haste added that several slats on the bench within the confines of the Compton Street Play Area were broken. Councillor Millar reported that she was already in discussion with a local contractor about effecting repairs to all benches within the parish. Action would be taken shortly.

Councillor Millar confirmed that the Sports Club was prepared to make a contribution of £1000 towards a second cricket net at the Memorial Playing Fields. The council subsequently agreed that, subject to obtaining funding from the WCC Open Spaces Fund, it should accept the quote of £6,970 from Durantcricket. Councillor Millar also reported that invitations to tender for improved netting around the Compton Play Area had issued. The deadline for quotations is 21 April 2011.

Following a request from Michael Greenhough, the council agreed that it should extend his authority to cull rabbits at the Memorial Playing Field until 31 August 2011.

March 2011

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar advised the council that three members of the Playground Committee had met on Shawford Down on Monday 21 February and agreed that an area at the base of the down, which is reasonably flat, could provide a location for a “kickabout field”, a cradle swing and a kiddies slide. Vita Play had been asked to provide an outline plan, which could be used to obtain initial planning permission for the development of the site, which is designated as a “Site of Importance for Nature Conservation” (SINC). Councillor Broomfield offered to help with the investigation into the whereabouts and depth of utility cables/pipes laid under the site.

The council also agreed to the proposals, submitted by Keith Evans, to provide adequate fencing around the Compton Street play area (around two meters high) and the replacement of the wood panels on the east side of the play ground.

February 2011

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar advised the council that there was a provision within WCC’s Open Spaces Long Term Strategy Document for the construction of a play area in Shawford. A site had been identified at the base of the downs and she sought approval from the council to take the matter forward. Funding would be provided by the Open Spaces Fund. All agreed.

Councillor Millar also reported that an accommodation had been reached with the parishioner whose vehicle had been in collision with a bench on the Memorial Playing Fields. She hoped that the bench, which would be relocated to a position nearer the MPF play area, would be repaired by the end of February. She also confirmed that a letter about the forthcoming rabbit cull had been delivered to all households adjoining the MPF. Authority to shoot had been issued to two named individuals: only .22 air rifles would be used.

Following a discussion on the request for additional cricket nets at the MPF, it was agreed that, once Councillor Millar had received details of the third quote and the amount that the Sports Club was prepared to contribute towards the cost, she should approach the Open Spaces Fund for funding. There were no objections to a request from the Sports Club for the use of a cricket hut and advertising boards, during the summer months.

Finally Councillor Millar reported that, because the work involved in removing the cherry tree at the MPF had been greater than anticipated, the Playing Fields Committee had decided to forgo the £60 discount on debris removal. This decision had been taken in consultation with the chairman of the Finance and Administration Committee and the clerk. All work on cutting back overgrown vegetation at the MPF and Compton play area had now been completed.

January 2011

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar advised the council that she had been in contact with the parishioner responsible for the damage to bench at the Memorial Playing Fields: more time had been requested in order to establish the exact position with the insurance company. Councillors expressed concern at the delay and instructed the clerk to write to the parishioner explaining their desire to see the repairs to be effected in as short a time as possible.

Councillor Evans reported that residents in Martins Fields/Attwoods Drove would be content with the installation of additional netting along the boundary of the Compton Street Play area, which borders Attwoods Drove. It was agreed that she should ask her husband, who is an architect, to produce a detailed specification. Councillor Evans confirmed that he would not require any remuneration for this task.

The council also agreed that Councillor Millar should write to the young parishioner, who had requested the construction of a skateboard park at the MPF, indicating that it had received no support for the proposal but several objections.

Rabbit Cull

The council discussed Mr Staunton’s proposal, supported by the Sports Club, for a cull of the rabbits on the Memorial Playing Fields. It was agreed that “lamping” could occur on the MPF, provided that those involved met the following conditions:

  • Only named individuals to be allowed to participate in the shoot;
  • Original insurance certificates and fire arms licences of all involved must be produced;
  • Information must be provided on the type(s) of rifles to be used.
  • Shooting may only take place within the confines of the MPF and must always be towards the centre of the playing fields and under no circumstances in the direction of the boundaries.

The council also agreed that once the above conditions had been met, it would write to all residents in the vicinity of the MPF, and the police, confirming the date that lamping would commence [provisionally 1 February 2011].

December 2010

Playing Fields Management Committee

Councillor Millar advised the council that the contract for cutting back overgrown vegetation around the Memorial Playing Fields and Compton Street play areas had been awarded to the lowest bidder, Alexander Garden Services. Work was expected to commence on 13 December 2010, weather permitting. She added that the Playing Fields committee was waiting to see if there would be any reaction to the report in the last parish magazine, about the possibility of installing a skateboard and BMX park at the MPF, before making a specific recommendation to the council. Councillors Beckett and Evans were continuing to liaise over the potential project to install fencing at the Compton Street play area: a recommendation would be forthcoming in the new year.

Councillor Millar also expressed concern about maintenance of play equipment at the MPF and Compton Street play areas. She was in contact with two companies about the possibility of them providing a regular (i.e. monthly or quarterly) maintenance contract. This would be in addition to the annual inspection. Councillor Walmsley noted that there was currently no provision for a play area maintenance contract in the budget for 2011/12. If one was eventually approved by the council, funding would need to be allocated from the contingency or miscellaneous sub-heads.

October 2010

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar advised the council that all the outstanding work at the MPF play area had now been completed. Sadly, because the original contractor went into liquidation and there had been a need to employ another firm, Vita Play, the project was a little over budget. To try to reduce the problem of footballs being kicked over the hedges surrounding the Compton play area, two quotes had been obtained for the erection of 2.75m chain link netting. Councillor Campbell-White was trying to obtain the third, which will be necessary for any application for funding from the Open Spaces Fund. Councillor Millar noted that the secretary of the Sports Club had responded positively to the suggestion that the club should make a contribution towards the cost of installing two further cricket nets at the Memorial Playing Fields.

September 2010

Playing Fields

The council agreed that, given difficulties in communication with Playdale, the outstanding work at the MPF should be completed by Vital Play. The council also agreed that Councillor Millar should apply to the Open Spaces Fund for financial support for the purchase of high level (2.7m) mesh netting to the two sides of the Compton Play Area affected by ‘errant balls’. After some discussion it was agreed that Councillor Millar should approach the Sports Club Committee to see if the club could make a contribution towards the cost of two more cricket nets at the Memorial Playing Fields.

June 2010

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar advised the council that she had met the Playdale inspector/maintenance man, Andrew Parkinson, on Wednesday 19 May and the problem with the orbital roundabout at the Compton Street play area had been resolved. She would be meeting Mr Parkinson again, in the week commencing 7 June, to discuss outstanding work at the Memorial Playing Fields play area.

May 2010

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar was pleased to announce that a dog waste bin had been installed in Attwoods Drove, outside the play area. She added that the play areas in Compton Street and the Memorial Playing Fields are monitored regularly and that, while the annual safety report had indicated a few problems that needed attention, none were urgent. Councillor Evans noted that the roundabout at the Compton Street play area was sticking: Councillor Millar agreed to investigate and to ensure that any necessary remedial action was taken. Councillor Millar also advised that, Meridian, the company, which had recently undertaken maintenance work and the installation of additional play equipment at the MPF, had been declared insolvent. A small amount of work was still outstanding. It was agreed that Councillor Campbell-White should consider whether it might be appropriate for the council to purchase the remaining equipment and arrange for installation separately. He also undertook to contact Nathan Waller about the rabbit cull at the MPF, of which nothing had been heard of late.

April 2010

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar reported that the safety surface at the MPF play area had been replaced and a new rotating cone climber installed. Both play areas continue to be monitored and, despite adverse comments in the WCC inspection report, Playdale’s inspectors considered the roundabout to be in perfect working order. The chairman announced that rabbits continued to be a problem at the MPF: a controlled cull (lamping) would take place during the summer.

Councillor Walmsley noted that the Sports Club had requested assistance in the purchase of an appropriate notice board(s). He proposed that the Parish Council agree to contribute half the costs of the proposed new pavilion noticeboards, subject to the council having access to display parish notices. Following a short discussion, the motion was passed unanimously.

March 2010

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar reported that the Sports Club had requested a further cull of the rabbits on the memorial Playing Fields. She proposed, seconded by Councillor Walmsley, that, subject to certain safeguards (e.g. the provision of insurance certificates, police clearance and agreement on those areas where the shooting can take place), permission should be granted for ‘lamping’ to take place on the Memorial Playing Fields for another year. The chairman recommended that, like last year, the council should write to householders in the vicinity of the MPF notifying them of the decision but, this time, the area of householders receiving the letter should be increased. All agreed.

Councillor Millar also notified the council that Meridian should commence work on repairs and the installation of new equipment at the MPF play area in the week beginning 8 March. Weather permitting, the work should be completed within one week.

The chairman advised the council that discussions had taken place with the Sports Club over the possibility of installing an ‘all weather surface’ training area to the north of the pavilion car park. An estimate of potential costs had been obtained and the onus was now on the club to present proposals for funding the project. Nevertheless he recommended that the council should support the project ‘in principle’ and recommended that the clerk should advise the Open Spaces Fund accordingly. All agreed. The chairman also reported that progress had been made on the proposed play area at the base of Shawford Down. There was a potential problem with the siting of underground utility cables, which was currently being addressed by the Estates Surveyor, Hampshire County Council. Once this problem had been overcome, he was confident that agreement could be reached on the provision of a play area and car park on the proposed site.

February 2010

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar informed the council that a meeting was being arranged to discuss the provision of an all weather training facility at the Memorial Fields. This was likely to take place within the next fortnight. Councillor Beckett reminded councillors that Open Spaces funding required such a facility to be available to all members of the community, not just those belonging to the Sports Club. At the request of the chairman, Councillor M Bell agreed to act as the liaison officer between the council and the Sports Club.

Following a recommendation from Councillor Millar, supported by both Councillor Caffyn and Councillor Campbell-White, the council agreed to award the grass cutting contract for 2010-12 inclusive to Jim Kimber Landscape Maintenance. Although Mr Kimber had not submitted the lowest price he had proved, over the past three years, to be a reliable and understanding contractor and to produce work of a consistently high standard. Councillor Millar added that, following consultation with representatives of the Compton Tenants’ Association, it had been agreed that the Compton play area dog waste bin should be positioned near the newly installed green wheely bin. She hoped that, once installed, dog owners would ensure that all dog waste was removed from the play area. (Councillor Bailey had earlier reported that she had received a number of complaints from residents about their children returning from the play area covered in “dog poo”.)

January 2010

Memorial Playing Fields

The parish council has recently awarded a contract for improvements to the play area to Meridian, who successfully installed new equipment in the Compton Street Playground. The work, which is expected to commence shortly, includes the provision of a new rotating climbing cone and new cradle swing seats plus the replacement of the platforms at each end of the net walkway. It will also include the removal and replacement of the old safety surfacing and edges, which currently constitute a tripping hazard. While the work is taking place, the play area will be out of bounds to all bar the contractors.

Sports Pavilion

The parish council has also been in discussion with the new chairman and secretary of the Sports Club and agreement reached upon the amount of the Sports Club contribution for 2009/10. To avoid the possibility of users tripping over the uneven slabs, the parish council has also authorised work to level the paving slabs around the pavilion. This work will also be undertaken shortly.

December 2009

Play Areas

Councillor Evans confirmed that the Open Spaces Fund had agreed to meet the cost of repairs to the play area surface and the provision of new equipment at the Memorial Playing Fields. She also indicated that WCC would provide a dog waste bin at the Compton Play Area at no cost but the council would incur a small fee of £3.10 monthly for its emptying. The chairman asked Councillor Millar to consult her committee about the positioning of the bin and to inform WCC accordingly. Councillor Evans added that she had been in contact with SERCO about a replacement wheelie bin at the Compton Play Area. All agreed that it should be replaced and that SERCO should be asked to provide and install a T-bar. Councillor Millar was very grateful for the excellent work undertaken by John Richardson, who had replaced the gate at the Compton Play Area and effected repairs to the fence at the Memorial Playing Fields

November 2009

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar announced that Councillor Campbell-White was in the process of producing a specification for the grass cutting contract and that Playdale/Meridian had submitted the lowest tender for the repair of the Memorial Playing Fields play area surface (£7,787.80). An application would now be made to the Open Spaces Fund to obtain funding for the latter. She noted that the gate at the Compton play area was in a poor condition and recommended that it should be replaced. Councillor Millar added that she was extremely grateful to John Richardson, who had repaired a damaged fence panel at the MPF on his own initiative.

October 2009

Shawford Down play area

Councillor Millar reported that the chairman, Councillor Campbell-White, and Councillor Caffyn had had fruitful discussions with HCC’s David Ball regarding the principle of a play area about the size of a tennis court at the foot of Shawford Down. If formal agreement can be obtained, WCC’s Open Spaces Fund should be able to provide finance for the necessary play equipment. She also expressed concern at the condition of the safety surface of the MPF play area and since the Open Spaces Fund was prepared to fund full replacement of the surface, she recommended that the Council should undertake the work required as soon as possible. All agreed.

September 2009

Play Equipment

Councillors Millar and Evans continue to progress plans for the installation of adult play equipment at the Memorial Playing Fields. They have held a meeting with John Conyer of Hampshire Playing Fields Association and seen the equipment in use at Kingsworthy Play Ground. The next stage is to gather together representatives of young footballers, tennis players and cricketers for further discussion.

June 2009


Mr Dolphin reported that Sparrowgrove and Oakwood Copse Conservation Trust is currently looking for volunteers who are willing to undertake training on woodland equipment and for companies willing to sponsor the copse as part of their charity programmes.


The chairman reported that the new footpath between the top of the M.P.F. was almost complete.

May 2009

New play equipment

Councillor Evans confirmed that new play equipment had been installed at the Compton Play Area and initial feedback from parishioners had been very positive. Councillor Clay was also pleased to report that the new gates for the footpaths on the Compton Estate had been installed.

Memorial Playing Field

The chairman confirmed that Hampshire County Council had approved the Council’s bid for a grant of £1500 towards the construction of the footpath between the Memorial Playing Fields and Cliff Way. Work would begin shortly.

April 2009

Sparrowgrove Copse

Mr Dolphin expressed his gratitude to the Council for the donation of £5000 towards the cost of purchasing Sparrowgrove and Oakwood copse. I have subsequently heard from SOCCT that the Trust is now close to achieving its target of raising £100,000. The Trustees are very grateful to all those parishioners who have supported the campaign. Later in the meeting it was agreed that Jeremy should be appointed as the Parish Council’s representative on the SOCCT board up to, and including, April 2010.

Play Equipment

Finally Councillor Millar reported that the installation of new play equipment should begin in the week commencing 20 April. I hope that by the time of my next report, it will be ‘up and running’!

March 2009

Children’s Play Equipment

Councillor Millar was pleased to announce that the Winchester City Council had agreed to the Council’s proposals to install new equipment at the Compton Play Area. Half of the funding would be received shortly, with the balance following an inspection of the completed project. She has subsequently been in contact with the successful bidder and we hope that work on the installation of the new equipment will begin in April or early May.

February 2009

Play Equipment

With regard to the Compton Play area, following consultation with local residents, the Parish Council invited three companies to tender for the supply and installation of new playground equipment, including a covered area where teenagers can ‘chill out’. The bids have been received and Councillor Millar is in discussions with the administrators of the Winchester City Council Open Spaces Fund to ensure that they are content with the Council’s preferred bidder. By the time of the next parish magazine, I hope to be able to inform you that a contract has been let and a date set for installation.


There continues to be a problem with rabbits at the Memorial Playing Fields. The Sports Club has sought the permission of the Council to try to reduce the number of rabbits by a process known as ‘lamping’. The rabbits, which are caught in the beam of a powerful lamp, are shot by a person, known as a “lamper”, shooting inwards, from the edges of the playing field, with an air rifle. After one shot the lamper moves to a different position while the rabbits settle down again. During the winter months, this normally occurs between 9:00 p.m. and midnight. The Sports Club believe there is no danger to the public because the pellets lose most of their power in roughly 25 metres, well within the range of the lamp. After very careful consideration, permission has been given for the Sports Club to proceed but on the strict condition that only air guns are used and that the Council is provided with, at least, three working days notice of the dates and times that “lamping” will occur. (These dates can not be altered, without the prior permission of the Council’s chairman, Nick Campbell-White.) Once the dates are obtained, the Council will ensure that all householders surrounding the Memorial Playing Fields are informed.

January 2009

Play Equipment

The chairman announced that invitations to tender for new play equipment at the Compton Play Area had been issued and should be received by 30 January 2009. The contractor, Jim Kimber, had started to cut back the overgrown vegetation around the play area and Community Pay Back workers had been employed to undertake similar work at the Memorial Playing Fields. Tenders for other work at the Memorial Playing Fields were subject to further consideration.

December 2008

Play Equipment

Councillor Millar reported on a very well attended meeting to discuss the provision of new equipment at the Compton play area. But, since such equipment needed to be robust, it was quite expensive. She proposed that the Council should be prepared to spend up to £30,000 from the Open Spaces Fund, managed by Winchester City Council, to purchase and install the equipment. Earlier the Council had reviewed its position with regard to the fund. During the discussion, some reservations had been voiced that the Open Spaces Fund should be used primarily to purchase land, as a lasting legacy for sport and play. However, the chairman, supported by others, thought that such land had proved impossible to find within the parish and, given the need to improve and upgrade facilities at the Compton and Memorial Fields play areas, it was time for the Council to revise its policy. It was agreed that, in future, the Parish Council “will only endorse a withdrawal from the fund if it benefits the wider Parish and concerns leisure or related qualifying projects” but “it is not general policy to use it for helping out small projects”. On this basis Councillor Millar’s proposal was accepted and invitations to tender have now been sought from three prominent suppliers.

November 2008

Play Equipment

Councillor Millar reported that a meeting had been arranged with interested parents to discuss the purchase of potential equipment for the Compton Play Area. The Council agreed that Councillor Millar should submit a detailed proposal for an allocation of funds from the Open Spaces Fund, which would be discussed at the Finance and Administration meeting on 1 December. The plans, if approved, could then be displayed at the CASCA Christmas party on 5 December.

Playing Fields

The chairman submitted two specifications for cutting back vegetation in and around the Memorial Playing Fields. Since £5000 has been set aside for this purpose some time, he felt that it was time for the Council to proceed. The estimated cost would be in the region of £3000. He had produced a specification for the construction of a wheelchair accessible footpath between Cliff Way and the area behind the cricket nets. However, since the trees and shrubs in the area needed extensive work, this project could also cost up to £3000. The Council agreed that invitations to tender should be issued but the total cost of the three tenders should not exceed £7000.

The chairman noted that the Compton and Shawford Lawn Tennis Club wished to install floodlights on the 3rd court. It was agreed that the Council would not object “in principle” but would need to take soundings from those householders whose properties are located close to the courts.

October 2008

Play Equipment

Councillor Millar reported that she had consulted several parishioners about new play equipment and produced a potential purchasing list of five items, costing around £9000. Following a suggestion from Mrs Evans, a Compton resident with two young children, it was agreed that a meeting should be arranged to enable users of the Compton Street Play Area to comment on the proposals. The chairman indicated that the Council intended to review its policy on Open Spaces, which could result in a substantial budget for the purchase of play equipment within the parish.

September 2008

Compton Street Play Area

The 2nd September meeting was lively and productive, helped considerably by the contributions from members of the public, particularly with regard to the use of the Compton Play Area.

The chairman, Councillor Campbell-White, explained that the Council had received a number of enquiries from members of the public requesting clarification of the age of the children entitled to use the play area. He sought the views of the community and invited suggestions for new equipment for both young and teenage children. It soon became clear that the Play Area is valued by both groups and there was a general consensus that an ‘age level limit’ on the children using it, would, not only be inappropriate, but unpopular. Nevertheless, concern was expressed about the use of ‘foul’ language by some of the teenagers. Opinion was divided. While some members of the community felt such language was now ‘common place’ in society others, including the chairman, felt that it was unacceptable and hoped that it could be reduced, if not eliminated.

Several suggestions were received regarding new equipment. These included a roundabout, slide and climbing frames for the younger children and a basketball net and a seating area for the teenagers. Mrs Evans agreed to provide the Clerk with detailed recommendations for the younger children and Gemma Alexander agreed to assist the Playing Fields Convenor, Councillor Millar, in the purchase of appropriate equipment for the teenagers.

District Councillor’s Report

Councillor Beckett said that he had been advised by the Planning Open Spaces Officer, Mr Stuart Dunbar-Dempsey, that support would be forthcoming for the provision of a ‘locally equipped play area’ at the foot of Shawford Down, subject to agreement on the site, fencing, surfacing and equipment. However because the area has been designated as part of a site of importance for nature conservation, Councillor Beckett advised that a provision for additional car parking on the area would need to be well justified.

June 2008

Compton Street Playground

In her report, Councillor Jean Millar reported that the proposal to put up notices restricting the age groups who could use the Compton Street Play Area, will not now proceed. However, further discussions will take place to find a way to ensure that the younger children do not feel intimidated and that the play area is not taken over by adults.

May 2008

Compton Street Playground

Discussion on Youths, Adults and Dogs using the Play Area in Compton Street makes it necessary for the Parish Council to investigate the putting up of Notices restricting the use of the Play Areas to Children below the age of 14 years, together with accompanying Adults. The playing of Football by adults alone, together with fouling by Dogs within the Compton Street Play Area cannot be tolerated.

March 2008

Sparrowgrove Copse

The subject of the Parish Council pledging money to the project to purchase Sparrowgrove Copse and Oakwood Copse from Southern Water, was discussed at length. It had been determined that under current regulations, use of the Open Space Fund was precluded. This may change when the New Local Development Plan has been adopted, but this is unlikely to be relevant for two to three years. Accordingly, any pledge made by the Parish Council will have to be made out of reserves. However, the Parish Council are cognisant of the issues arising in respect of on going maintenance of the Woodlands and therefore agreed to making a pledge of £5000, providing that the Trust established for the purchase can satisfy the Parish Council in respect of 1) Completion of the Purchase, 2) Being satisfied as to the legal status of the Trust, 3) That there shall be Public access indefinitely, 4) Being satisfied with the maintenance plan and the funding thereof, 5) and the right to nominate a Parish Council Representative to the Management Board.

Playing Field

Councillor Mary Shaw put forward proposals for some work to be undertaken at the Memorial Playing Field. These included the creation of a “hard standing” by the post box, “dragons teeth” to protect the grass verge opposite Bramley House and ground repairs within the Children’s Play area. Funds to do this work exist within the Playing Field Management Budget and therefore authority to proceed was given by the Parish Council.

February 2008

Open Space Fund

During discussions concerning usage of the Open Space Fund held by Winchester City Council on behalf of the Parish Council, there was some support for refurbishing some of the Children’s Play Equipment, especially the “Cradle Swings” at both the Compton Street Play Area and Memorial Playing Field. The possibility of adding to the Play Equipment in the Compton Street Play Area has up to now been discounted due to the lack of space. Only if the space for Football was reduced could additional Play Equipment be installed there. Additionally, the outcome of the “Parish Plan” and “Village Design Statement” projects is awaited, which will give a greater understanding as to how the Open Space Fund could be used for the benefit of the Community as a whole.

Sparrowgrove Copse

A significant point of discussion was the proposal by Southern Water to sell Sparrowgrove Copse and Oakwood Copse. Cllr. Jeremy Dolphin outlined proposals covering the establishment of a “Working Group”, set up to explore the possibility of a “Community” purchase of these parcels of Land. Should such a purchase be possible, the Land would be owned in perpetuity by the Community, for the benefit of the Community as a whole. Time is short, and leaflets have been delivered to every household in Compton and Shawford as well as Otterbourne, requesting that an indication be given as to the interest in this proposal together with likely sums of money which may be donated to the project.

The Parish Council was asked for its support for this project. Whilst the Parish Council was cautious about making any financial commitment, both in terms of the capital purchase cost and the ongoing maintenance cost, the Parish Council is supportive of the proposal in general terms. The Finance and Administration Committee were charged with examining the details of the proposal and making recommendations to the next Parish Council meeting, as to possible sums of money that the Parish Council could put into the project.

June 2007

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw advised the meeting that the Parish Council had received a letter from Mr. Jim Kimber, the contractor who cuts the grass on the Playing Fields, confirming that Grass cutting would in future not commence before 7-30am.

February 2007

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported on further work to be undertaken on the scrub and trees surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion. Such work was approved and will be put in hand by the contractor, Jim Kimber.

January 2007

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on the obtaining of quotations for grass cutting on the Memorial Paying Field and the Compton Street Pay Area. As previously, a three year contract has been sought. The current contractor has proven to be the most competitive and was awarded the contract.

Councillor Shaw also raised the issue of scrub clearance on land to the south of the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park. This area has become considerably overgrown with weeds and brambles, but the Parish Council appreciates that it had given assurances to the neighbouring householders that such land would not be cleared entirely. Accordingly, Councillor Shaw will pursue the clearance of a one metre wide strip around that part of the Car Park. This is primarily to minimise the risk of brambles encroaching into the parking area and causing damage to cars or their occupants.

December 2006

Playing Fields:

Councillor Mary Shaw reported upon various matters, including the Landscaping around the thirds Tennis Court at Memorial playing Field, the delays in painting the goal posts at Compton Street Play Area, work on obtaining a three year contract for Grass cutting on the Parishes Playing Fields and scrub clearance in the Compton Street Play Area.

November 2006

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw reported upon various issues concerning the Playing Fields. Quotations for Grass Cutting over the next three years are being sought, the existing Contractor having already submitted his quotation. Refurbishment of the Bench Seats around the Parish has been undertaken and it was noted that a particularly good job has been undertaken on the Bench seat opposite the Church in Compton Street.

September 2006

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on various matters relating to the Playing Fields, one of which was the request from the Tennis Club to install another tarmac path to the third Tennis Court. In addition it is proposed to install a chain and padlock on the main gate to the Play Area in Compton Street. This to prevent un-authorised Car Parking on the Compton Street Play Area.

July 2006

Memorial Playing Fields

The recently commenced Landscaping work around the third Tennis Court at Memorial Playing Field, has not progressed as expected. Because of this, it was found to be necessary to terminate the contract with the selected contractor and to arrange for the work to be finished by the Parish Council’s existing contractor who currently maintains the Playing Fields.

Children’s Play Area

At a recent meeting in Shawford, the issue of a new Children’s Play Area in Shawford village was raised. Unfortunately, there appeared to be limited interest in the proposal fro local residents. However, as this issue is specified as being a requirement for Shawford in the Winchester City Council, Open Space Strategy document, Councillor Mary Shaw will continue her investigations.

June 2006

Playing Fields

Under the Playing Fields Management report, Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White advised that significant problems had been experienced in getting the contracted Contractors to commence the various Landscaping works at the Memorial Playing Fields. The situation is being closely monitored and it is hoped that the work will be undertaken shortly.

A proposal to extend the terrace outside the Jubilee Pavilion, was considered by the Parish Council. The proposal put forward by the Sports Club is to extend the terrace in a South Westerly direction to enable members to sit out there overlooking the Tennis Courts and the playing field Pitches. Neighbouring householders are being consulted by the Sports Club. This is a very small extension to the terrace, but is considered to be significant improvement in the amenities offered. The Parish Council approved the proposal. There will be no costs to the Parish Council associated with this project.

May 2006

Play Areas

Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw continues her investigations in respect of a possible Children’s Play Area in Shawford Village. Certain issues have come to light such as the very high Insurance premium should such a facility be located on Hampshire County Council land at the bottom of Shawford Down. Additionally, the fact that all the main utilities pass through the piece of land at the Bottom of Shawford Down which was considered suitable for a play area, may prevent that piece of land from being utilised. Investigations will continue.

April 2006

Jubilee Pavilion Landscaping

The proposal to proceed with the landscaping of the area surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park was deferred until the next Parish Council meeting. It was considered incorrect to proceed on the basis of only one quotation for the work, contrary to the Parish Council Financial Regulations. A further two quotations must be sought, however it is appreciated that it may prove to be impossible to obtain the required quotations from suitable Contractors to undertake this work. Should this be the case, the Parish Council will be forced to go with the one quotation already received.

New Tennis Court Landscaping

The landscaping around the third Tennis Court at Memorial Playing Field haws been delayed due to the weather which has resulted in very wet ground. However, the Contractor has given his assurance that the remaining work will be completed by the end of the coming month.

Play Areas

Discussions took place upon the proposal to develop a Play area in Shawford Village. It has been suggested that a simple flat grassed area, suitably fenced, is all that is needed. The provision of Play equipment is not part of the suggestion. However, before this matter can be progressed toward any definitive proposals, Councillor Mary Shaw was charged with identifying a piece of land which the Parish Council can either purchase or lease. Various enquiries will be made and proposals will be submitted to the next Parish Council meeting. Such a proposal conforms to the Open Space Strategy as published by Winchester City Council and could be funded out of the Open Space Fund.

March 2006

Playing Field

Mr. Gordon de la Mare, Secretary of the Sports Club, was in attendance to explain the problems that have arisen over the surface of the Memorial Playing field. It appears that the surface of the Football Pitches has become very uneven and undulating, so much so that it is thought to be difficult to play Football upon. Additionally, the cricket outfield has deteriorated to a point where it is considered to be the worst in the league. Initial quotations for remedial work in two stages on the playing field indicate a likely cost of £8,600-00 and £8,400-00 respectively. The Sports Club sections, i.e., Football section and Cricket section, are investigating possible sources of funding for this work which is hoped to commence before the end of August 2006. The Sports Club are not necessarily looking to the Parish Council to fund all of this work, but would appreciate a contribution towards the total cost. Some members considered that the Open Space Fund should be used but it is known that other members are strongly opposed to this. It was concluded that the Parish Council would consider the matter further once the Sports Club’s fundraising is determined. Additionally, the Sports Club are to obtain additional quotations for comparison purposes.

January 2006

Playing Fields

As part of the Open Space Strategy discussions, Councillor Mary Shaw had been approached by representatives of the Sports Club concerning problems that had arisen in respect of the Football Pitch on Memorial Playing Field. It is understood that the surface of the Pitch has become very uneven and is bumpy in places requiring major earthworks to resolve. The cost of such work is currently unknown but is understood to run into thousands of pounds as opposed to just hundreds of pounds. It was suggested by Councillor Mary Shaw that some of the money held in the Open Space Fund by Winchester City Council could be used for this work.

There was strong objection by some Councillors to this suggestion for the following reasons:

  • The Sports Club currently have a reduced and subsidised rent; the balance of costs of maintaining the Playing Field is met out of the annual Parish Council Precept (i.e. local Council Tax).
  • The Parish Council and local residents have already contributed significantly to the capital cost of the new Sports facilities.
  • Many users of the Sports Club are not resident in the Parish.

Accordingly, some Councillors objected to the use of Open Space funds to assist with major repairs to the Football Pitch. As the Sports Club lease the Memorial Playing Field from the Parish Council, it was suggested that it is the Sports Club’s responsibility to maintain the pitches. We await more information about the extent of works required.

December 2005

Tennis Court Landscaping

Cllr. John Richardson reported that there had been delays in the completion of the Landscaping project adjacent to the third Tennis Court at Memorial Playing Field. The delay has been caused by the water logged ground which is presently unsuitable for seeding. It has been necessary to suspend further work until the end of February 2006 at which time it is hoped that the ground will have dried out and settled.

November 2005

Memorial Playing Field

Landscaping at the Memorial Playing Fields has commenced, however this has had to be suspended due to the very bad weather. Work will continue when the weather allows.

Registration of land owned by the Parish Council

Significant discussion took place concerning the proposal for the Parish Council to register Parish Council owned land with the Land Registry. Most of the Parish Council owned Land is held under Deed of Title dating back many years. To register this land at the Land Registry would simplify future transactions affecting this Land. Additionally, it is deemed preferable to clarify the ownership whilst there are people still living within the Parish who have knowledge of this issue. The Clerk was charged with establishing the cost of registering with the Land Registry.

October 2005

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on the progress made in respect of landscaping the area surrounding the newly opened third Tennis Court and the site of the now demolished old Sports Pavilion. Quotations have been received for this work and the Company, Designer Gardens, has been selected. The work will commence as soon as possible. Additionally, Councillor Shaw and her Playing Fields Management Committee are to review the state of the land surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion and Car Park with a view to put together plans for its tidying and scrub clearance. Proposals will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

September 2005

New Tennis Court

The new third Tennis Court has been completed and is due to be opened on Sunday 11th September 2005. Landscaping of the areas around the third Tennis Court has been specified and quotations for this work are awaited. It is anticipated that all this work will be completed by the Spring of 2006.

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported that the new Cricket Nets on Memorial Playing Field had been installed and had already proven to be a great success. The cost of this facility has been met out of the Open Space Fund.

July 2005

Memorial Playing Field

The construction of the third Tennis Court is progressing: completion is expected in approximately five weeks time.

Significant problems were encountered when numerous water pipes and electrical cables were found whilst digging out the foundations of the new Tennis Court. The Parish Council expressed their thanks to Councillor Nick Campbell-White and Councillor John Richardson for their work in resolving these issues.

Discussions were held on a letter received from a Parishioner who complained about the proposed location of the proposed Cricket Nets to be installed in the northeast corner of the Memorial Playing Field. Some of the assumptions in this letter were factually incorrect and some of the concerns about access to the footpath from the Memorial Playing Field to Cliff Way were ill founded. It had been concluded that there would be no suitable alternative for the location of the proposed Cricket Nets and the Parish Council has not changed its view on this.

June 2005

Memorial Playing Field

It was finally reported that the long awaited notices prohibiting Golf Practice, amongst other things, on the Memorial Playing Field have been installed. It is unfortunate to note that despite these notices, instances of people undertaking Golf Practice on the Playing Field continues to be seen.

May 2005

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported that the long awaited Cricket Nets due to be installed on the Memorial Playing Field, have been ordered from the supplier. Unfortunately, due to pressure of work, the supplier cannot install these Cricket Nets until July or August 2005.

March 2005

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw reported that the required number of quotations for the supply and installation of Cricket Nets on the Memorial Playing Field have now been received. These quotations are far in excess of the anticipated costs, the least expensive quotation being £8,938. As this sum is significantly greater than anticipated, the matter was deferred until the April Parish Council meeting where a formal advertised motion to spend this sum of money on this facility can be voted upon.

The matter of putting up notices on the Memorial Playing Field, prohibiting Golf practice was again raised. Cllr. Nick Campbell-White has the required notices and he assured the meeting that they will be put up as soon as possible. It was commented that instances of people undertaking Golf practice on the playing field is a daily occurrence. Such activities are considered to be a danger to other users of the Playing Field.

Open Spaces Fund

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw had been in discussion with the Rector who is keen to establish a garden of remembrance/quiet garden to the south of the Churchyard. This was generally thought to be an ideal proposal in which the Parish Council should be involved. Providing the proposed piece of land is not to be used for burials and on the understanding that the Parish Council would be the owner of the land acquired, then it would be appropriate for the Parish Council to investigate further. The cost of such an acquisition could be met out of the Open Space Fund. Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw will pursue the matter with the Rector.

January 2005

Memorial Playing Field

Cllr. Mary Shaw’s proposal to install cricket nets at the Memorial Playing Field has met with a setback. The selected provider, having had their quotation accepted, advised the Parish Council that they had made an error in the quotation and therefore could not provide the Cricket Nets at the cost quoted. The difference being so significant necessitates the Playing Field Management Committee to start again and obtain three current quotations for the provision of the facility.

November 2004

Playing Field

The proposal for developing a BMX cycle track for the youth of the Parish, on the northeastern piece of scrubland to adjacent to the Memorial Playing Field continued to be expounded by Councillor Mary Shaw. Whilst it was conceded that there were currently no other plans for this piece of land and the cost of the proposal could be met out of the Open Space Fund, it was also acknowledged that there was not a universal support for the proposal within the Parish Council. The previously requested in depth survey to establish the needs of the youth of the Parish, together with an indication of possible usage of such a facility must be undertaken in order to support such a proposal. Additionally, it was questioned whether other elements of the Parish should be considered in preference to providing more facilities to Children and Youth. The ongoing survey being conducted by Councillors Mary Shaw and Joanne Ford will hopefully clarify this matter.

October 2004

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw put forward proposals for the construction of a BMX Cycle track on the “reclaimed land” in the north-eastern corner of Memorial Playing Field. This proposed project would be funded out of the Open Space Fund held by Winchester City Council on behalf of the Parish. The purpose of such a proposal is to provide facilities for the Youth of the Parish. Significant discussion took place on this subject. Some members felt it was a good use of the land in question, which badly needed clearance, and such a proposal would not necessarily be a permanent structure.

However, other members felt that alternative locations for provision of facilities for the Youth of the Parish should be sought. If this facility was installed, all Parish facilities would be concentrated in the one place at Memorial Playing Field. The potential users of such facilities live predominantly in Compton Village and Shawford, both areas being effectively cut off from the Memorial Playing Field. Cllr Mary Shaw and Cllr. Joanne Ford will undertake a review of the issue and obtain input from the youth of the Parish together with input from local schools.

Bottle Bank

Requests from the Sports Club for the installation of a “Bottle Bank” in the car park at the Jubilee Pavilion are to be researched. Whilst this proposal was welcomed by some members because various Bottle Banks located in local Public House locations had recently been removed and also because of the need to encourage the recycling of waste. However, some members were opposed to the idea because facilities already exist in places such as the Sainsbury Car Park at Badger Farm and because such a facility may increase traffic to and from the Jubilee Pavilion.

September 2004

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw put forward proposals for the installation of a new Children’s slide in the Compton Street Play Area and the provision of Cricket Nets on the Memorial Playing Field. The anticipated cost for these facilities is anticipated to be approximately £8,000-00 and £6,000-00 respectively. It is understood that these costs will be funded by the Open Spaces Fund held by Winchester City Council. The Parish Council approved these proposals and authorised Councillor Shaw to developing her proposals.

May 2004

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported upon her progress in obtaining new signs to be put up around the Memorial Playing Field prohibiting motor vehicles, golf practice, horse riding and dog fouling on the playing fields. People undertaking these activities and causing complaints to be raised have occasioned the need for these signs.

April 2004

Memorial Playing Field

Councillor Mary Shaw reported upon plans to obtain signs to be put up on the Memorial Playing Field prohibiting Golf practice. Such signs will also incorporate various other activities such as dog fouling, the riding of motorcycles across the playing field and other anti social activities. Whilst it is accepted that such signs do not absolve the Parish Council from its responsibilities, it is considered appropriate that the public’s attention be drawn to what is acceptable behaviour.

March 2004

Memorial Playing Fields

Having taken advice from The Hampshire Playing Fields Association, it was determined that notices prohibiting Golf Practice on the Memorial Playing Field will have to be installed. Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw will undertake a review of the suitable locations for the placing of these notices. It is regretted that such activities as Golf Practice have to be prohibited, but for reasons of safety of the Public, the Parish Council considers it has no option.

December 2003

Memorial Playing Field

Councillor Mrs Mary Shaw raised the issue of members of the public undertaking Golf Practice on the Memorial Playing Field. It was considered by some that such activities were a danger to the public in general and should not be allowed. However, there are no signs on the Playing Fields, which indicate that Golf Practice is prohibited. Accordingly, the Clerk was asked to make enquiries of the appropriate authorities seeking guidance as to what the Parish Council’s position should be on this issue.

November 2003

Memorial Playing Field

The subject of the Tennis Club’s proposal to erect “windbreaks” on the northern wire fencing surrounding the Tennis Courts at Memorial Playing Field was discussed at length. A sample of the material to be use had been provided, but full details of the size and positioning had not been identified. Similarly, no details concerning the anticipated advertising on such windbreaks had been advised to the Parish Council. Without this information, the Parish Council is unable to give adequate consideration to the proposal or even undertake meaningful consultation with the neighbouring residents. The Tennis Club will be requested to provide the required information for the matter to be considered further.

September 2003

Playing Fields

Representations had been received from a Parishioner concerning the boundary fence on the Memorial Playing Field which borders his property. The problem of footballs etc., being inadvertently kicked into the back gardens resulting in players trying to retrieve such balls, has caused a problem in the past and is likely to do so with the onset of the new Football season. There were many differing views as to responsibilities on this issue. It had always been the Parish Council’s position that boundary fences on the Playing Fields were the responsibility of the neighbouring householders, not the Parish Council. However, as there was no consensus view on this matter, the subject was deferred for consideration outside of the meeting.

June 2003

Memorial Playing Field

The long outstanding matter of screening the refurbished Tennis Courts at Memorial Playing Fields, from neighbouring properties has now been finalised. The Tennis Club have planted the three ornamental trees along the boundary fence in accordance with the Parish Council’s wishes.

April 2003

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on further incidents of graffiti appearing on the new Children’s Play Equipment in the Compton Street Play Area, together with incidents of “rowdy behaviour”. Councillor Shaw also reported that the first grass cutting of the season on both Playing Fields had been completed.

February 2003

Memorial Playing Fields

Considerable discussion took place regarding the agreed screening of the tennis courts from a neighbouring property. Mrs Ros Pugh who was attending the meeting clarified the position regarding the planting of trees. The addition of Trellis on top of the boundary fence, being the first part of the screening issue, had been completed. After some discussion, it was agreed that the Tennis Club will plant three ornamental trees within one metre of the boundary thereby completing the agreed screening. The type of ornamental trees will be ones that will not drop undue amounts of debris onto the Tennis Courts.

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw advised the meeting that the bench seat, together with commemorative plaque, that had been purchased with surplus funds resultant from the Golden Jubilee Celebrations, has now been installed within the Children’s Play Area at Memorial Playing Field. It was considered that the location and type of bench seat was most attractive.

December 2002

Playing Fields committee

Councillor Mary Shaw reported that there had been no action in respect of the screening of the resurfaced Tennis Courts from the neighbouring properties. This, despite the Tennis Club having agreed, as part of the resurfacing work, to undertake such screening. A response to a letter from the Parish Council to the Tennis Club is awaited which hopefully will resolve the situation to everybody’s satisfaction.

November 2002

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported on the re-turfing of the Goal Mouths in the Compton Street Play Area, the repairs to the gate in the Compton street Play Area, the replacement of the Liquidambar tree on the Memorial Playing Field which was damaged during the recent high winds and repairs needed to the windows of the storage shed on the Memorial Playing Field. The subject of screening the resurfaced Tennis Courts from the neighbouring properties was further discussed and negotiations with the Tennis Club continues.

October 2002

Play Equipment

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw expressed her disappointment that graffiti has appeared all over the new Children’s Play equipment in the Play Area in Compton Street. It is very disappointing that having spent such a large amount of money, most of which was generously donated to the Parish, the results of all the hard work can be so vandalised, spoiling the Play Area for other Parishioners. Fortunately, the graffiti is written with Chalk, which, it is hoped, will be washed off when it rains.

June 2002

Playing Fields

Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw reported on the successful completion of the installation of the new Children’s Play Equipment at the Compton Street Play Area. Agreement was reached on the proposal to resite the Football Pitch in the Compton Street Play Area in order to allow the grass in the goalmouths of the existing football pitch to regenerate itself.

May 2002

Memorial Playing Field Committee

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported that the new Children’s Play Equipment in the Compton Street Play Area is currently being installed.

Cllr Mary Shaw also reported upon her investigations concerning the proposed Landscaping/Screening of the Tennis Courts subsequent to their being resurfaced. This issue is causing some problems as agreement on the solution, acceptable to all parties, is proving to be difficult. Cllr. Shaw will continue with discussions.

April 2002

Memorial Playing Field Committee

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw reported on her investigations concerning the possible installation of Basketball facilities in the Compton Street play area. Initial enquiries result in a potential cost of approximately £2,000, funds which the Parish Council do not have in this financial year. However, a smaller facility would cost less, but such a smaller facility would not attract any possible grants. The matter continues to be pursued.

Cllr. Mrs. Shaw also reported on her discussions with local residents concerning the landscaping and screening of the Tennis Courts at Memorial Playing Field. Having obtained the views of affected residents, a plan of proposals will be put together for further discussions and hopefully agreement from all parties concerned.

March 2002

Memorial Playing Field Committee

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw reported on various activities of the Playing Field Management Committee, included in which were proposals for repair to the football pitch in the Compton Street play area and the preliminary investigations into the provision of Basketball facilities. Additionally, discussion took place concerning the possible screening of the resurfaced Tennis Courts on the Memorial Playing Field. This would be part of a proposed landscaping exercise necessary once the existing Courts are resurfaced and the new Court constructed. All immediate Residents in the area are being contacted to establish their wishes.

February 2002

Memorial Playing Field subcommittee

Councillor Mary Shaw reported on the Public Meeting held on Friday 1st February, to discuss the new Children’s Play Equipment to be installed in the Compton Street Play Area. Whilst only three Parishioners attended the meeting, it was established that additional “Junior Swings” are required. Additionally, requests for renovation of the Football pitch and the provision of Basket- ball facilities were received. These latter two issues will be looked at separately from the Play Equipment issue.

January 2002

Play Equipment

Cllr. Mrs. Mary Shaw advised that the Financial Agreement covering the final major charitable donation for the Children’s Play Equipment Project has now been received. This enables the project to move forward and work on the Compton Street Play Area may now commence. An initial part of this phase of the project is to publicise the proposals for the Compton Street Play Area and to obtain feedback from the local residents.

September 2001

Playing Fields Sub-committee

Cllr. Mrs. M. Shaw reported upon the Playing Field Sub-committee’s activities. Of specific note was the misunderstanding that had arisen on the question of a Survey covering the Children’s Play Equipment in the Compton Street Play Area. As fundraising has been ongoing, based upon specific proposals, it was considered inappropriate to undertake a “Requirements Survey”. However, it was agreed that local residents should be acquainted with the detailed proposals, and asked for their comments.

The issue of undertaking a Survey, relates to a Survey being undertaken within the Parish covering the needs of Older Children and the youth of the Parish. This to establish the facilities that would be desired by such older children and youth. This issue is being pursued by Cllr. Mr. M. Bell.

July 2001

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported that the new Children’s Play Equipment is now operational and is being utilised. A letter of thanks to the Parish Council for putting this new play equipment in place was received from a Parishioner. Cllr. Mary Shaw also reported upon complaints she had received concerning rowdy behavior in the early hours of the morning on Memorial Playing Fields. These are to be investigated and representations to responsible parties will be made.

June 2001

Memorial Playing Field and Play equipment

Cllr. Shaw reported that the installation of the new Children’s Play Equipment at Memorial Playing Field is nearing completion with the turfing of the area. Watering of the new turf has been ongoing and the Parish Council gave a vote of thanks to Mrs. Joan Olsen for allowing use of her water supply in this respect. The new Children’s Play Area should be ready for use by the middle of the month. Cllr. Shaw also advised that Cllr Simmons is undertaking a survey in Compton Street to obtain local resident’s views for the proposed new Children’s Play Area in the Compton Street playing field. Complaints have been received by Cllr. Shaw concerning broken glass bottles on the Memorial Playing Field, the culprits are unknown.

May 2001

Playing Fields

Cllr. M.Shaw reported on the exceptionally waterlogged condition of the Playing Fields. Remedial action such as spiking was considered, but rejected because it is thought that would not be effective. These exceptional weather conditions have prevented the new Children’s Play Equipment from being opened for use. The ground, being so waterlogged, prevents the contractor from completing the groundwork. The situation continues to be monitored.

April 2001

Playing Fields

With the unusually wet weather recently, work on replacing the Children’s Play Equipment at Memorial Playing Field has been delayed. The ground condition being so poor, has prevented the installation from being undertaken in accordance with planned schedules. Similarly, grass cutting on the Memorial Playing Field has not been possible due to the ground being waterlogged.

March 2001

Memorial Playing Field

Installation of the new Children’s Play Equipment at Memorial Playing Field is to commence during the next week. Cllr. Mary Shaw’s efforts in obtaining donations for phase two of the project covering the Compton Street Play Area are bearing fruit in that donations totalling £850-00 have already been received.

February 2001

Playing Fields

The Playing Fields subcommittee had started on the second phase of Play Equipment replacement by sending out Grant Applications and letters for financial support for the Compton Street Play Area up-date. Rather than take out of service the swings on the Memorial Playing Field as reported last month, temporary repairs have been made until the new equipment is installed later this spring.

January 2001

Playing Fields:

Quotations for replacement Children’s Play Equipment on the Memorial Playing Fields have been accepted. Work on the new Children’s Play Area will commence within the next few months. Unfortunately, due to the state of repair of the swing, it will have to be taken out of service for safety reasons. A weekly recorded inspection of the condition of all play equipment will now be carried out.

December 2000

Playing Fields Sub-committee

A change in contractors cutting the grass on our playing fields was agreed. A reduced rental was agreed with the Sports Club to take into account the condition of current pavilion facilities. There followed a long question and answer session about the proposed refurbishment of the play area on the Memorial Playing Fields. The needs survey was produced. The proposal to spend £19.625 was eventually agreed. Concern was voiced about the condition of the existing play equipment following engineer’s reports. Confirmation of third party liability insurance will be sought.

November 2000

Playing Fields Sub-committee

The committee has accepted a quote for the planting of “millennium trees” funded by the City Council. These will be on the Memorial Playing Fields and the village school. Having circulated detailed plans for the refurbishment of the children’s play equipment and having obtained approval from the City Council, the decision to go ahead has been delayed by a “point of order” raised by the chairman. Concern was expressed about the safety of the play equipment, but some preferred to prioritise the pavilion project.

October 2000

Playing Fields Sub-committee

An open meeting was held to discuss play equipment. Ruth Bishop attended and spoke about Open Spaces policy and funding. Whilst there is an urgent need to replace children’s play equipment, it was also clear that facilities for teenagers were lacking. It was decided to investigate the demand and suggestions for improvements. A longer term plan is needed, as is clarification of funding availability from the parish council.
An application by a parishioner to lease a strip of the Memorial Playing Fields was turned down.

September 2000

Playing Fields Sub-committee

Costings and proposals for dog bins were discussed. Formal proposals will be put before the next parish council meeting. Councillor Shaw has confirmed that £2000 is available for Millennium tree planting. Following a meeting with the City Council planting plans have been drawn up and were agreed by the Council. Specimen trees will be planted at the Memorial Playing Fields and All Saints’ School. Councillor Shaw has obtained a number of quotations for the provision of new play equipment on both sites. To help finalise plans an open meeting will be held (Monday 2nd October 8.00 p.m. at The Scout Hut ). The meeting is to get ideas and feedback from parishioners. Firm proposals will then follow.

July 2000

Playing Fields Management Sub-committee

Councillor Shaw raised the matter of Dog Waste Bins and it was agreed that the sub-committee would produce a plan recommending sitings for the bins within the Parish, costings and whether Hampshire County Council could provide financial assistance to what was becoming an ever increasing problem on Shawford Down.

The subject of the poplar tree roots was again raised. It was decided to produce a solution costing up to £375 by the next Parish Council meeting by which time the question of Parish liability should have been resolved.

Councillor Shaw reported on the Millennium Tree Project that made £2,000 available to the Hampshire Parish Councils for the purchase and planting of trees. If any parishioner has ideas of the type of trees and where they should be planted please contact Councillor Shaw.

June 2000

Playing Fields Management Sub-committee

Councillor Shaw reported that the gang mowing on the Memorial Playing Fields had been well below standard and she had spoken to the contractor. She had also arranged to have the edges strimmed. Mrs Shaw said that Councillor Simmons and herself had concluded that a more exciting play area should be built on the field. They had visited other play areas and would return to the next meeting with some new ideas.

There was concern about the temporary electricity store on the Memorial Playing Fields as it was very untidy and had spilled over onto the field. Mrs Shaw said she would be writing to Southern Electric about the state of the store, and reminding them of the undertaking to reinstate to “as was” on completion.

Councillor Shaw said the condition of the car park and the area around the polar trees on the Memorial Playing Field had been discussed at the sub-committee. She said she had found a contractor to undertake the work but his quotation was over budget. She was asked by the Chairman to reconsider with her sub-committee the matter of the potholes as well as the danger to the public of the poplar tree roots and to make recommendations at the next Parish Council meeting.

April 2000

Play Equipment

A meeting has been arranged for 18 April with Playground Services to finalise the plan for improvements to the playgrounds. The next step will be to obtain tenders and then the City Council will be approached to release some of the Open Space Fund monies earmarked for our parish.

March 2000

Play Equipment

A number of parents have registered their ideas for improvements to the play equipment. The most common complaint was the lack of fencing around the play grounds thus allowing dogs to foul the area. A meeting has been arranged with Playground Services of Hungerford to discuss a programme of improvement. The initial proposal from the Council is:

  • Install a twin swing at Compton and at the Memorial Playing Field so that the cradle swing can be separated from the plain seat swing.
  • Install a slide at the Memorial Playing Field.
  • Install two items of “toddler” equipment at both sites.
  • Fence both areas allowing for any additional items at a latter date.

It is hoped to have a firm proposal for the next Parish Council meeting. If you have any further comments please pass them to the Parish Clerk on 01962 713143.

Cricket Square

The restoration work on the cricket square should commence soon as the finances are now in place. The Parish Council has agreed to pay £1,000, Open Space Funding will provide £1,099 with the Sports Club contributing the remaining £1,000.

February 2000

Play equipment

Our playground equipment in Compton Street and the Memorial Playing Field recently passed the annual safety inspection carried out by the Parish Council’s insurers.

The subcommittee met with Winchester City Council to review the two playgrounds within the Parish. The City Council advised us to reassess our equipment in the light of forthcoming new guidelines. For example, they suggested that play areas be fenced off, larger safety surfaces provided, and swings for older children kept separate from those for younger children. The Parish Council felt that further professional advice and feedback from parents with young children should be sought before any decision is made. Any parishioners who have ideas for improvements, including safety aspects, should contact the Parish Clerk on 01962-713143.

Cricket Square

As reported last month, the subcommittee has been investigating alternate sources of funding for essential remedial work to the cricket square. Winchester City Council has confirmed that such work is an appropriate use of the Open Space Funding money which the City Council holds for us. The Council decided that, subject to the Finance and Playing Fields subcommittees’ evaluation of three estimates to be provided by the Sports Club, and a contribution of £1,000 from the Sports Club, the PC would apply to the City Council for the release of up to �2,000 from the Open Space Fund for the cricket square.

January 2000

Memorial Playing Field – cricket square

The cricket square on the Memorial Playing Fields needs extensive work (about £2000 to £3000 including work and material) and the Sports Club had asked whether the Parish Council would pay for the work. There is no obligation in the Sports Club Licence for the Parish Council to pay for maintenance of the square. Councillors asked the sub-committee to see how much the Sports Club would be able to contribute to the work, and to investigate grants. An interest-free loan was an option.

December 1999

Playing Fields

Members on the Playing Fields Management Committee have been looking at the following areas:

  • Estimates for top soil to cover the roots of three poplar trees on the playing field.
  • Funding for the purchase of a new slide to enhance the play equipment.
  • A request from the Cricket Club for funds to restore the cricket square.

July 1999

Trees, Memorial Playing Field

R Wilmshurst authorised to obtain suggestions and quotations for lopping or possible removal of the 3 large poplar trees at the NE corner of the fields.

June 1999

Overgrown grass

around the seats at the Memorial Playing Field and on the bank opposite the school, Compton Street, is to be investigated for appropriate action.

April 1999

Gang mowing.

Reported that the contract with Artel Services had been renewed for grass cutting at the same costs as last year in respect of the Memorial Playing Field and Children’s Playground

July 1998

Skateboard Ramp.

Following enquiries from a parishioner about the practicability of providing a skateboard facility for local children, the Council has established that a Midi Steel Ramp (16′ wide x 37′ long x 6′ high) would cost in the region of £12,000.00 assembled, plus installation/site costs. In the absence of any known appropriate site, and the costs, it was decided to take no further action but to bear in mind.

June 1998

Grass cutting.

Cllr Whitaker had met representatives of Winchester City Council to discuss grass cutting in the Parish for this year including cutting inside the road barriers to provide clear sight lines. The handover from Mott Macdonald to HCC of motorway and ancillary works is imminent and the continued need for tree guards will be discussed. A problem area, as regards maintenance, could be the car park opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge as nobody accepts responsibility or claims ownership. The Parish Council take the view that as it mainly serves users of the Down, the car park, like the Down should be the responsibility of the County Council.

May 1998

Trees and grass cutting.

Three dead trees at the Memorial Playing Field have been replaced by two Cherry and one Sorbus at a cost of £96.00 plus VAT, and a contract agreed for mowing and strimming of the former M3 surplus land, adjoining the Memorial Playing Field, four times per season for the sum of £240.00 plus VAT.

Compton Street children’s playground.

Fencing is to be removed and replaced with new 1.8m high galvanised chainlink and repairs to gates carried out for the sum of £303.02 plus VAT. A notice erected at the playground to deter older youths from outside the village had caused concern to local residents. The notice is to be removed for consultation over a revised form of wording.

March 1998

Public bench seats and notice boards.

Quotations are being sought for wood preservative treatment of nine public bench seats and two bus shelters.

December 1997

Memorial Playing Field

Three replacement trees, 2 Cherry and 1 Sorbus, are to be supplied and planted by Holmes and Sons for the sum of £96.00. As the gate in the NE corner is in poor condition and not serving any purpose it is to be removed and the area tidied, and repairs are to be carried out to the pavilion.

Childrens Playground. Attwoods Drove.

Prices are to be obtained for a new gate post and hinges and for replacement chain link fencing on the West boundary. Following complaints of balls continually entering the shop garden, a notice is to be displayed reminding the public that the playground is for children up to 14 years old, in the hope that it will prohibit entry of older children who cause the problems with balls.

November 1997

Memorial Playing Field: Trees;

We should soon be able to accept an estimate for replacing the cherry and other trees which had to be removed, and give instructions for the replanting to go ahead as soon as possible.


The subcommittee will assess the state of the various noticeboards in the village and make a recommendation on whether they should be refurbished or whether, in line with the resolution passed at last month’s meeting, we should plan to replace them.

October 1997

Parish Notice Boards

Because of the continuing unsatisfactory state of many of the notice boards, it was decided to budget, over the next several years, to replace them all with stronger and more weatherproof ones.

September 1997

Cars on the Memorial Playing Field.

The registration numbers of cars driving on the playing field and causing damage have been obtained. The matter is being pursued by the police.

Trees – Memorial Playing Field.

Awaiting prices for trees to replace those felled, except 1 Cherry tree, which are expected to be within budget. It is anticipated that the order will be placed very soon.

April 1997

Memorial Playing Field.

Cars have again been seen driven over the playing field damaging the playing surface. The local police have been informed but there is little they can do without details of the vehicle involved.
Tenders are being obtained for trees to replace those felled.

March 1997

Trees at the Memorial Playing Field.

Mr Beckett’s offer having lapsed, estimates are to be obtained for the purchase of trees to replace those felled.

February 1997

Trees at the Memorial Playing Field

As the long standing problem of tree works and felling has now been completed, members decided to follow up the generous offer of Mr George Beckett to provide replacement trees.

September 1996

Playing Fields

It was reported that another tree had died and would be felled, after which all the stumps would be ground out. The Sports Club has voted on the location of the southernmost football pitch, which had been resited for a trial period of one year: it is to stay in its current position pending a decision on the lease negotiations and the overall layout of the field.


Reported that the 6ft high chain link fence to Compton Street Playing Field had been cut completely from top to bottom and left gaping open; also, that the ‘School and Dog’ sign erected in Compton Street had been severely damaged and found in trees between Compton Street and Hurdle Way. Both matters are to be reported to the police. Graffiti has also appeared on the playing field safety surface.

July 1996

The Memorial Playing Field has been satisfactorily treated with weedkill, tree stumps are to be ground out and strimming of grass around seats is to be carried out.

June 1996

Weed killing at the Memorial Playing Field has been undertaken and grass cutting is under way. Three prohibition notices are to be erected – “No cars/motorcycles/cycles/fouling by dog/horses.” An order has been placed for safety tiles to be laid at the Children’s Playground

May 1996

Reported that the external painting of the pavilion at the Memorial Playing Field had been completed and that an order is to be placed for safety surfacing to play equipment at the children’s playground.

January 1996

Bowling Green and Basketball

The Playing Field sub-committee is to consider a proposal from a parishioner that a bowling club be formed on the Memorial Playing Field by merging with an existing club which could contribute finance, and will also respond to an offer of a grant from Winchester City Council to provide basketball facilities

October 1995

Compton Children’s Playing Field

Following complaints of a caravan and vehicle being driven across the children’s playing field to gain vehicle access and parking in a garden of adjoining property, it was agreed to write to the resident advising that the route over the field was not a right-of-way.

June 1995

Relocation of Football Pitch

After consideration of correspondence and a wide ranging discussion, concerning the nuisance of footballs entering a resident’s garden from the Memorial Playing Field, the Council gave its agreement to a resolution passed by the Sports Club, that the southernmost pitch may be moved up to 15 metres east for a trial period of one year, during which period the effect on the tennis courts will be monitored.

April 1995

It was reported that the Tennis Club had carried out a tidy-up around the pavilion at the playing field. Also, that a survey and report on the trees at the playing field is to be carried out shortly by the Council’s playing field maintenance contractors.

The Parish Project for 1995/96 is for safety surfacing tiles to be provided to the swings at both the children’s playground and playing field, which project will attract grant if accepted by the Winchester District Association of Parish Councils.

January 1995

On recreation ground matters, it was reported that the Secretary of the Sports Club, Mr Gordon de la Mare, had fixed a security light and sensor at the sports pavilion; and that the Parish Council are prepared to permit the installation of floodlights to the tennis courts, subject to the Tennis Club’s lighting contractors confirmation, in writing, that the installation/connection will be in accordance with Southern Electric standards.