Buses and Bus Stops
September 2009
Table of Contents
County Councillor’s Report
County Councillor, Charlotte Bailey, was pleased that the threatened temporary closure of the 63 bus service had been successfully rebuffed. Supported by the Council’s transport representative, Roger Lowman, she had raised the issue with HCC officers and the Stagecoach operations manager. It was subsequently agreed that, while the service would not serve Shawford, it could still serve Compton, Sainsbury, the hospital and city centre. The bridge works at Shawford are still due to be finished by mid November.
November 2004
Bus Service
Councillor Joanne Ford submitted various complaints received from residents of Compton village concerning the Bus Service. It is understood that sometimes the Bus service did not run according to the timetable and that passengers were left without the expected transport. The matter is to be investigated further through Hampshire County Council who awarded the franchise to Stagecoach for this service and the question of the subsidies being paid to Stagecoach for a service which is not in accordance with the franchise, will be raised.
November 2003
Bus Shelter in Atwoods Drove
Councillor Mrs Celia Simmons reported that the new Bus Shelter had been installed in Attwoods Drove and reimbursement of its cost is awaited from the “Delegated Fund”. It was generally agreed that this new Bus Shelter looks good and is entirely suitable for its location. It was noted, however, that there is already some graffiti on it, which is disappointing.
October 2003
Bus Shelter – Attwoods Drove
Cllr. Mrs. Celia Simmons reported that the new Bus Shelter, to be installed at the end of Attwoods Drove, will be installed on the 20th October 2003. The delay has been caused by the very large Public Liability insurance demanded by Hampshire County Council, Highways Department. However, the contractor has resolved this issue and the project can now proceed to fruition.
July 2003
Bus Shelters
Cllr. Mrs. Celia Simmons reported on her progress regarding the installation of a new Bus shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. The need for this Bus shelter is even more evident now that Compton Stores has closed. Unfortunately, it was reported that one local resident is not entirely happy with the siting. Accordingly, a review of possible locations for this proposed Bus shelter is to be undertaken.
June 2003
Bus Shelters
Cllr. Mrs. Celia Simmons reported on progress in installing a new Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. Quotations for the appropriate style of Bus Shelter are now being actively sought.
It was also reported that Human excreta had been deposited within the Bus Shelter on the main road, Southampton side. It is very disappointing that such behaviour has occurred within the Parish and gratitude was expressed to Mrs Jan Russell who had the un-enviable task of cleaning it up. The Bus shelter will be painted again as will the Bus Shelter in Southdown Road, which also needs repainting.
May 2003
Bus shelters
Cllr. Celia Simmons reported that plans to install a new Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove are well under way. Hampshire County Council have agreed in principle that the Shelter can be placed on the grass verge and local residents are to be canvassed to ensure that they have no objections.
April 2003
Bus Shelter
Councillor Celia Simmons reported on progress of the installation of a new Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. Funding for this project was in place and it is now necessary to determine precisely the type of shelter that is required. Consultations with the Compton Tenants Association will take place in order to determine this.
December 2002
Bus shelters
Councillor Celia Simmons reported upon her progress regarding the installation of a Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. Further investigations into the most suitable type of Bus Shelter are to be undertaken.
November 2002
Bus Shelters
Cllr Celia Simmons reported on her investigation into the provision of a Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. A need has been confirmed and investigations reveal that currently no second hand Bus Shelter is available. A new one, suitably Vandal proofed, would cost approximately £3,500. Grants for 75% of the cost are to be applied for with the remainder being funded by the Parish Council in the next financial year.
October 2002
Bus Shelters
The provision of a Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove has been investigated by Cllr. Mrs Celia Simmons and Cllr. Mrs. Jude Vallis. It is accepted that there is a need and research into obtaining a suitable Bus Shelter, together with the issue of funding, is being undertaken.
September 2002
Bus Shelters
Cllr Celia Simmons had received a letter from the Compton Street Tenants Association, requesting a Bus Shelter at the end of Atwoods Drove, Compton. This was discussed and Cllr. Simmons will undertake a detailed investigation into the options available to satisfy this request.
December 1999
Bus shelter for Southdown
Councillors on the Highways and Byways Sub-Committee confirmed, following inspection, their unanimous decision that the bus shelter on offer from the city council was considered acceptable for the southbound stop at Southdown. The Parish has received confirmation that it is eligible under Winchester City Council’s scheme for a free second-hand bus shelter, but no date has been given for allocation.
November 1999
Bus shelter opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
Three members of the Council will be inspecting a second-hand bus shelter to see if it is suitable, and weather proof, for installation on the east side of Southdown Road.
October 1999
Bus shelter requirement opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
Following a request from a parishioner for a bus shelter at Southdown for those travelling towards Southampton, it was agreed that the parish council could not fund a shelter of similar style to others in the parish at present. It was agreed to initiate research into alternative types of shelters, particularly second hand ones from Winchester, the costs involved and the ownership of the land on which the shelter might be situated.
May 1999
Bus shelter requirement opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
No progress to date. Sight line affected – corner of Compton Street and Otterbourne Road. A bush is obstructing visibility at this junction and Cllr Wilmshurst is to discuss cutting it back with the owner of the property.
April 1999
Bus shelter requirement opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
A parishioner had offered to provide information on usage to enable the Parish Council to build a case for a shelter. The Parish Council is still waiting for details..
Romanse Project (Bus Signs).
Final testing to take place within the next month following rectification of communication problems between vehicles and bus stops.
March 1999
Request for bus shelter opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge
Further support for the project has been received from parishioners and the matter has been discussed with HCC. The Parish Council will have to make a case for the project with the help of local residents in order to attract financial help from HCC.
February 1999
Bus shelter requirement opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
Further support for the project has been received. HCC have no suitable (used) bus shelters but WCC have offered a grant of £1000.00 towards this project in the next financial year and HCC may have money available at the end of this financial year but the PC will have to make a case for this with the help of local residents.
December 1998
Parish Transport Representative’s Report.
A written report had been received from Mr M Eyre with a recommendation that the Council continue to press hard for a proper, quality bus service. The report contained a suggestion that diversion of sufficient journeys on the 29A route (Winchester and Compton and Shawford) should be made to provide a service on more days and with more choice of journey times. Cllr. Wilmshurst reported that with its new timings the daily service was now more useful to shoppers and was being well used. Cllr. Wilmshurst put the view that a well used once daily service from Compton Street might be easier to sustain than a more frequent service where each bus was lightly used.
Shepherds Lane bridge – Bus Shelter:
Following requests from parishioners, the Council is to investigate sources of grants towards a new shelter for the southbound side.
November 1998
Public Transport
Minutes of the Public Transport Forum, held 9th September, stated that Hampshire County Council are seeking to retender for the route between Winchester and Compton and Shawford and that a consultant has been asked to consider solutions to the complaints regarding the poor service to the villages. Also, the lack of a bus timetable at the stop outside Compton Post Office.
Request for a bus shelter.
The Parish Council is to consider the request of a parishioner for a bus shelter to be provided on the east side of Otterboume Road near the junction with Southdown Road
October 1998
Public transport.
Group Captain Dawson had submitted a report of the Public Transport Forum meeting on 9 September, where he had repeated our request for a bus stop notice board and proper time table for the 27B Bus Service, and had been promised a reply in writing. There are concerns over the lack of co-ordination of timetables when more than one bus company operates over the same route, and the report went on to suggest that HCC request parishes to carry out a survey to determine requirements for the frequency of services they require and then make budgetary provision to meet the demand. This might raise problems for HCC in Council Tax terms but without adequate public transport we cannot expect to reduce dependence on private cars.
September 1998
Bus shelters.
A submission is to be made for improvements to siting of the bus shelters, opposite each other on Otterbourne Road, and for the provision of public transport from the village to Twyford Surgery.
April 1998
Rural Transport Survey
The Parish Council had been asked for its opinion on the additional powers granted to Parish Councils in the 1997 Local Government and Rating Act. In brief, the Parish Council would welcome being given more devolved powers if and only if our Council Tax contribution to the central County Council were reduced in recognition of funding more services at the parish level.
Parish Project:
Cllr Whitaker reported a revised estimate for noticeboards: a double hardwood noticeboard will cost £750 including installation.
March 1998
Parish Project:
It was decided to nominate 4 replacement noticeboards (estimated cost, £450 each) for the Winchester City Council Parish Project grant in the 1998/99 financial year.
Parish Project:
it was decided to nominate 4 replacement noticeboards (estimated cost, �450 each) for the Winchester City Council Parish Project grant in the 1998/99 financial year.
February 1998
Parish Project 1997/98 – bus shelter.
Because the capital cost for a new bus shelter has risen above the £3,500 qualifying limit for a City Council “Parish Project” grant, the Council decided to shelve plans for a shelter in the southbound bus lay-by on Otterbourne Road, opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
November 1997
Grp. Capt. Dawson continues to press the County Council over the timing of the 27B bus route to Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s. The County Council have apologised for the lack of consultation before the latest timetable changes, which resulted in too long a wait for the return bus. They have not yet agreed to improve the timing.
October 1997
Bus Timetable
The Parish Transport Representative is also to make representations to the County Council that the new timings for the daily bus service from the Post Office to Badger Farm Sainsbury’s and Winnall Tesco are unsatisfactory.
September 1997
Bus Signs – Stopwatch Project.
The Romanse Project Engineer, HCC, has moved the ornamental column for the bus stop “Stopwatch” at Compton Street from the pavement to the grass verge and is to reinstate the column display at Southdown in a more suitable place. Although a number of parishioners were unhappy with the design, the Parish Council felt that the bus information which would be displayed would be useful and welcomed our involvement in the experimental project.
July 1997
Bus signs – ornamental columns for stopwatch displays.
Concern was expressed at the siting of these columns on the footway, particularly at the northbound Compton bus stop, and enquiries are to be made. No consultation with the Parish Council had been invited prior to the installation of the ornamental columns by HCC at three bus stops within the parish.
March 1997
Parish Project 1997/98 – provision of a bus shelter.
Decided that application for a grant towards the cost of a new timber bus shelter be made to the Winchester District Association of Parish Councils. The bus shelter to be sited at the bus stop in the lay-by on Otterbourne Road and nearly opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
January 1997
Parish Project 1997/98.
Decided that the Parish Project for 1997/98 be the provision of a bus shelter at the bus stop in the lay-by on Otterbourne Road and nearly opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge.
Parish Transport representative
With effect from 5 January 1997 a revised 27B Bus Service is being operated by a different company, Countrywide Travel instead of Jacob’s Coaches. The new service provides a daily return journey Monday to Friday, including Shawford Station and Compton Street, stopping at Sainsbury’s Badger Farm, Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester Broadway and Tesco’s.
December 1996
Bus shelter opposite Southdown Road – replacement.
A new timber ‘Guildford’ type bus shelter, exactly similar to that recently erected near Compton Street, has been satisfactorily erected.
September 1996
Bus shelter opposite Southdown Road.
Work soon to commence following enquiries of companies regarding position of gas, water, electricity and telephone cables/pipes.
Winchester City Council funding of bus shelters.
Following a government initiative for councils to put forward bids for a specific projects, WCC has chosen bus shelters as such a project. The Parish Council made a submission for bus shelters to be provided at the stop in the new lay-by opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge, and at the new bus stops, opposite each other, just south of the new Shawford Bridge.
July 1996
Bus shelter opposite Southdown Road.
An estimate for site works for the replacement bus shelter has been accepted but costs of erecting the shelter are to be examined.
April 1996
Provision of lay-bys at bus-stops:
a letter had been written to the County Surveyor seeking provision of bus lay-bys at the two stops recently provided, opposite each other, on Otterbourne Road, just south of Shawford Bridge, as these bus stops are clearly potential accident spots for traffic when overtaking stationary buses.
November 1995
Southdown Bus Shelter
Agreed to accept £1000.00 from the M3 contractors, in lieu of repair works, towards the cost of a replacement shelter to be sited a short distance from the existing one.
April 1995
Representations have been made concerning the siting of the new northbound bus shelter near the corner of Compton Street. It is probable that the shelter will be resited and/or the bus stop made a compulsory stop when it will not be necessary for waiting passengers to emerge from the shelter to signal buses to stop.
The Hampshire County Council has confirmed that there will be a twice weekly bus service from Compton Post Office, No: 27B Jacobs Coaches, running via Badger Farm to Winchester and returning, commencing 19th April. Depart Compton PO 09.45 – returning Broadway 11.35 on Market Days, Wednesdays and Fridays.
March 1995
It was reported that the (Olivers Battery/Winchester bus route diversion to Compton village is to be implemented shortly; also, that the temporary bus stops near the new Shawford bridge will both become permanent stops and that a hardstanding will be constructed on the north bound stop. The question of providing new bus shelters is under negotiation. The delay is due to Tarmac not admitting liability for damage.
February 1995
It was reported that it is hopeful that a small bus on the route Olivers Battery/Winchester will be diverted to journey on Compton Street to serve Compton village.