April 2006 PC Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 5th April 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall
Park and Ride
Table of Contents
District Councillor George Beckett and County Councillor Charlotte Bailey both reported on their various meetings concerning the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility being planned by Hampshire County Council. The main thrust of these meetings is to ensure that there is true consultation with interested parties on the location of this proposed facility. To this end, a “briefing” meeting with Hampshire County Council is to be attended by representatives of Compton and Shawford Parish Council and Otterbourne Parish Council on Thursday 6th April 2006.
Additionally, a “Park and Ride Stakeholders Advisory Panel” is being established which will meet at the end of May 2006 and will continue its involvement throughout the whole process. At the same time, it is understood that Mrs Pat Edwards of Winchester City Trust is exerting pressure for the correct and appropriate Management of Bushfield Camp which may well have an impact upon the eventual location of the proposed Park and Ride facility.
Finance and admin
Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported upon the draft accounts for the Financial year 2005/2006. These accounts showed an overall deficit of £3,281-00 which was explained by the fact that the final payment for the Jubilee Pavilion had been made, such payment being made out of reserves as was originally intended. In addition, a sum of £12,000-00 had been taken out of the years accounts as these funds were in respect of previously agreed projects which had not been started during the year in question. Such monies will be brought back into the accounts for the new Financial Year, when it is hoped that the specified projects will be started.
Councillor Jeremy Dolphin reported on various Planning matters, one of which concerned the Planning Permission granted for the Old Shawford Goods Yard. This Planning Permission has been granted with numerous conditions imposed which encompass the requirement of low level lighting, restrictions to single tier 20ft containers and road sinage at the entrance. It was pleasing to note that the Planning Authority had taken note of the Parish Council’s and Resident’s submissions in this respect.
Jubilee Pavilion Landscaping
The proposal to proceed with the landscaping of the area surrounding the Jubilee Pavilion Car Park was deferred until the next Parish Council meeting. It was considered incorrect to proceed on the basis of only one quotation for the work, contrary to the Parish Council Financial Regulations. A further two quotations must be sought, however it is appreciated that it may prove to be impossible to obtain the required quotations from suitable Contractors to undertake this work. Should this be the case, the Parish Council will be forced to go with the one quotation already received.
New Tennis Court Landscaping
The landscaping around the third Tennis Court at Memorial Playing Field haws been delayed due to the weather which has resulted in very wet ground. However, the Contractor has given his assurance that the remaining work will be completed by the end of the coming month.
Play Areas
Discussions took place upon the proposal to develop a Play area in Shawford Village. It has been suggested that a simple flat grassed area, suitably fenced, is all that is needed. The provision of Play equipment is not part of the suggestion. However, before this matter can be progressed toward any definitive proposals, Councillor Mary Shaw was charged with identifying a piece of land which the Parish Council can either purchase or lease. Various enquiries will be made and proposals will be submitted to the next Parish Council meeting. Such a proposal conforms to the Open Space Strategy as published by Winchester City Council and could be funded out of the Open Space Fund.
Annual Parish Assembly
Much discussion took place on the subject of the Annual Parish Assembly due to be held on Wednesday 26th April at Shawford Parish Hall. Details of the Agenda and Annual Report were finalised and arrangements for such documents to be distributed to every Household in the Parish were made.
The theme for this year’s Guest Speaker, Mr. Michael Widén of St. Mary Bourne Parish Council, will be the development of a “Parish Plan”. The Parish Council is keen for Compton and Shawford to develop a Parish Plan and it is planned that such a project will be launched at the Annual Parish Assembly. However, it must be noted that whilst the Parish Council may initiate such a project, it must not be a Parish Council led Project. It is essential that it is a Community led project with involvement by as many parts of the Community as is possible.
Commonwealth Silver Medal Civic Reception
Cllr. G. Beckett thanked, on behalf of the family, the Parish Council and CASCA for the reception to celebrate Julia Beckett’s silver medal in the recent Commonwealth Games Julia had very much enjoyed the evening. The Chairman, Cllr A. Walmsley, expressed the Parish Council’s thanks to CASCA for making the Parish Hall available, free of charge, for the occasion. In terms of timing and organization the evening was felt to have been a great success and we hope it can serve as a model for future community events.