May 2006 PC Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 2nd May 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Table of Contents
This being the Annual Parish Council meeting, it was necessary to elect the Chairman and Officers of the Parish Council for the forthcoming year. Councillor Mr. Jeremy Dolphin was elected Chairman and Councillor Mr. Adrian Walmsley was elected Vice Chairman.
The Officer elections resulted in Councillor Mr. John Richardson taking over as Convenor of Finance and Administration, Councillor Mr. Adrian Walmsley taking over as Convenor of Planning, Councillor Mrs. P. Caffyn continuing with Highways and Byways, Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw continuing with the Playing Fields Management Committee, Councillor Mr. Tom Threlfall continuing with Footpaths, Compton Lock and Tree Warden and Councillors Mrs Jean Millar and Councillor Mr. Nick Campbell-White continuing as the Parish Council Representatives on the CASCA Management Committee. Various other appointments were made including Councillors Mr. Adrian Walmsley and Mrs Jean Millar being appointed to serve as Parish Council Representatives on the Parish Plan Project Steering Committee which is to be established on the 23rd May 2006.
Full details of all these appointments and Committee Membership can be viewed on the Parish Council Website, or alternatively upon request to the Clerk.
Concern was expressed over the re-organisation of the Police cover in the Parish which has been occasioned by the recent Police re-organisation. The report given at the Annual Parish Assembly by the Police Representative, indicated that the level of Policing will be reduced. This, apparently due to the very low crime figures within the Parish in recent years. It is accepted that the Parish Council has no authority over this issue, it is the responsibility of the Chief Constable and the Police Management Authority. The Parish Council can only monitor the situation and make representations when things go wrong.
Park and Ride
County Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility, Compton Down roads and the suggested conversion of Footpaths designated as RUPPS to BOATS. On this last point it was stated that as the applications for conversion were submitted after January 2005, such conversion will not be allowed under the terms of the Government’s Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill.
Finance and Administration
Under the session concerning Finance and Administration, the Parish Council adopted the Parish Council accounts and Annual Return for the Financial Year 2005/2006. Additionally, the modest increase in the Parish Council’s Insurance Premium for the Year 2006/2007 was accepted.
Play Areas
Councillor Mrs. Mary Shaw continues her investigations in respect of a possible Children’s Play Area in Shawford Village. Certain issues have come to light such as the very high Insurance premium should such a facility be located on Hampshire County Council land at the bottom of Shawford Down. Additionally, the fact that all the main utilities pass through the piece of land at the Bottom of Shawford Down which was considered suitable for a play area, may prevent that piece of land from being utilised. Investigations will continue.
Victoria Jubilee Memorial
The issue of refurbishing the Victorian Jubilee Memorial in Shawford village continues. Certain problems have arisen over the question of who owns the land upon which the Memorial stands. This is being researched further before any commitment to refurbish can be finalised. An on-site meeting with all interested parties is being held on the 4th May 2006 to discuss the scheme in detail.
Parish Plan
The subject of the Parish Plan was discussed and the meeting was advised of a planned Public Meeting to be held on 23rd May 2006, at which a Chairman and Steering Committee will be appointed. It is hoped that representatives from all parts of the Community will attend. To this end, the Chairmen of the various Residents Associations are being contacted to ensure that suitable representatives from each of their Associations will attend. Additionally, it is proposed to undertake a “leaflet drop” to every household within the Parish, advertising the Public Meeting and to encourage attendance.
As a word of caution, it was pointed out that the contents of the eventual Parish Plan document are the aspirations of the Community, towards which the Parish Council and other Authorities will seek to work. The fact that an issue is documented as a need within the Parish, it does not mean that such an issue will automatically be progressed to fruition immediately. The document will be a guidance document and used for prioritising future work within the Parish.