June 2006 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 6th June 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Park and Ride

District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported on the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility. At a recent exhibition, it was evident that there is a possibility of the preferred “Old Tarmac” site be utilised rather than the Bushfield Farm site put forward by Hampshire County Council. However, there is still much work to be done before a decision as to the location for this facility, is made. Ongoing work in respect of Landscaping of the various proposed sites is being pursued.

Southampton Airport

District Councillor Macmillan continues his involvement with the Southampton Airport Stakeholders Conference and keeps the Parish Council informed of developments.

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on the South Winchester Park and Ride, Quality Bus Partnership, Shawford Down, the Local Area Agreement, Village Design statements and Parish Plans, Hampshire Minerals and Waste and requested Questions for the Highways Agency to be provided to the Environment Policy Review Committee.

Finance and Admin Committee

Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White reported upon the Parish Council Accounts and reported upon his work in respect of Registering Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry. Considerable confusion exists at Hampshire County Council as to what land is owned by Hampshire County Council. A Mr Mark Housby is undertaking a five year project to resolve these confusions and has been most helpful to the Parish Council.


Cllr. Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported on Planning issues, the main ones being at Longacre, Hurdle Way, and Littlestowe, Southdown Road. The development at Longacre requires two further Planning Applications, due to the demolition of the original dwelling. The Parish Council concluded that it would support both of these Planning Applications.

The proposed development at Littlestowe has resulted in a high density Planning Application being submitted on the recommendation of the Planning Officers, Winchester City Council; this to comply with the requirements of PPG3. Many local residents are opposed to such a high density development in this location, together with the fact that the proposed development is out of Character with the area. The Parish Council concluded that it would object to this Planning Application and request that it goes to Committee and not decided under “Delegated Powers”. With this in mind it is hoped that the PPG3 requirement can be over-ruled. It should be borne in mind that PPG3 is a guidance only and not necessarily enforceable.

Playing Fields

Under the Playing Fields Management report, Cllr. Mr. Nick Campbell-White advised that significant problems had been experienced in getting the contracted Contractors to commence the various Landscaping works at the Memorial Playing Fields. The situation is being closely monitored and it is hoped that the work will be undertaken shortly.

A proposal to extend the terrace outside the Jubilee Pavilion, was considered by the Parish Council. The proposal put forward by the Sports Club is to extend the terrace in a South Westerly direction to enable members to sit out there overlooking the Tennis Courts and the playing field Pitches. Neighbouring householders are being consulted by the Sports Club. This is a very small extension to the terrace, but is considered to be significant improvement in the amenities offered. The Parish Council approved the proposal. There will be no costs to the Parish Council associated with this project.

Highways and Byways

Complaints concerning the broken bench seats in Compton street have resulted in the Parish Council in initiating repairs. Whilst not all of these bench seats are owned by the Parish Council, it was agreed that on this occasion the Parish Council would arrange for the repairs for the sake of Public Amenity.

The question was again raised concerning the deposit of horse manure on the footpaths in the Parish. There is very little effective action that the Parish Council can take in respect of this matter. The installation of yet more signs requesting horse riders to clear up after their horses seemed to be inappropriate. Accordingly, it was deemed appropriate to publish another article in the Parish Magazine in order to bring this problem to the attention of horse riders.