July 2006 PC Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 4th July 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall
Aircraft Noise
Table of Contents
District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported the significant increase in Aircraft Noise over the village. He reported that this increase was due to new trials in Aircraft Routing being undertaken by Eastleigh Airport, which had been in operation for some ten days and is likely to continue until the end of the month. Councillor Macmillan is arranging a meeting with interested parties, (restricted to Parish Councillors and representatives from affected Parishes), on the 18th July 2006 at which the format and content of a resolution to be presented to Winchester City Council for onward submission to Eastleigh Council, will be discussed. In the meantime, it was emphasised that it is vital that as many residents as possible raise complaints concerning the increased levels of noise. Such complaints should be from individual residents as it is the number of complaints received that may have an impact. Councillor Macmillan would be pleased to receive these complaints and he will then forward them to the Airport Authorities as appropriate.
It was pointed out that enquiries of the Community Officer at the Airport resulted in a different answer to that being reported by Councillor Macmillan is being given. It appears that different stories are being given out by the Airport Authorities. Accordingly, Councillor Macmillan will be getting the assurance from Mr. Chris Butler, M.D. Eastleigh Airport, that the increase in noise levels is as a result of the new routing trials and not because of a breakdown in the I.L.S. systems.
Mr Richard Trussler and Mrs Angela Trodd attended the meeting and raised the matter of significant amounts of Horse Droppings regularly being deposited on the Footpath between Hurdle Way and Compton Street. This footpath is not a Bridleway and therorectically should not be used by horses and their riders. This matter is of great concern to many parents of children using this footpath to walk to and from Compton primary School. The state of the footpath is considered to be a threat to the health of the children using it. No notices appear at the beginning or end of the footpath, prohibiting the use of the footpath by horses and their riders and it was requested that such notices be put up.
Councillor Patricia Caffyn had undertaken much research into this issue and found some problems concerning the putting up of notices. The Landowner can give permission for horses to use a footpath crossing his land. In this case the Landowner is unknown. Hampshire County Council disclaim any responsibility and it is therefore believed that the Highways Agency may be the Landowner. If the Parish Council put up the requested signs, legally the Parish Council could be responsible for any subsequent accident that occurred because of those signs. Accordingly, The Parish Council is reluctant to put up signs. However, the Parish Council is pursuing the matter of who owns the Land and at the same time will request the Highways Agency to clean the footpath on a weekly basis. Additionally, “polite” signs, requesting horse riders not to allow their horses to foul the footpath, are being considered. These signs which will not create a liability on the Parish Council could be placed at the beginning and end of the footpath.
Finance and Admin Committee
The Clerk reported upon a successful Audit of the Parish Council’s accounts for the Financial year 2005 – 2006. No issues were raised and the Accounts were therefore signed off by the Chairman, The Clerk and the Internal Auditor. The Annual Return will now be submitted to the External Auditor for the external Audit which is due to take place on 29th August 2006.
Park and Ride
With regard to the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility, it had been determined that the proposal may be partly funded by central Government. Due to this fact it was thought appropriate to involve the local Member of Parliament, Mark Oaten, in the campaign to ensure the selection of a Location for this facility, is the least intrusive upon the village. To this end, the Chairman will be writing to Mark Oaten.
Memorial Playing Fields
The recently commenced Landscaping work around the third Tennis Court at Memorial Playing Field, has not progressed as expected. Because of this, it was found to be necessary to terminate the contract with the selected contractor and to arrange for the work to be finished by the Parish Council’s existing contractor who currently maintains the Playing Fields.
Children’s Play Area
At a recent meeting in Shawford, the issue of a new Children’s Play Area in Shawford village was raised. Unfortunately, there appeared to be limited interest in the proposal fro local residents. However, as this issue is specified as being a requirement for Shawford in the Winchester City Council, Open Space Strategy document, Councillor Mary Shaw will continue her investigations.
Parish Plan
It was reported that work continues on the Parish Plan project, the Committee having now been elected. The first meeting was held on the 27th June and dates for a further three meetings were set, at which work will be undertaken on the questionnaire and plans for an “open day”.