September 2006 PC Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 5th September 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall
Shepherds Down School
Table of Contents
This meeting was exceptionally held in Shepherds Down School, in an effort to encourage a wider attendance of members of the Public at the meeting.
Road Works on Otterbourne Road
During the session open to the Public for questions and submissions, Mr David Thomas raised the issue of disruption to Residents due to continual Road Works on Otterbourne Road. He enquired as to whether the Parish Council had any influence on the Management of these numerous and disruptive occurrences of digging up the road.
It was pointed out that the Highways Authority at Hampshire County Council give the necessary permissions to the various service providers for such Road Works. Hampshire County Council are not in a position to co-ordinate the activities of these various Service Providers and the Service Providers themselves do not appear to co-ordinate their activities which require the road to be dug up. Unfortunately, Otterbourne Road being the main road, has all the services buried beneath it. Hampshire County Council have to be guided by the Service Provider when granting permission, as to how long a specific piece of work will take. The fact that on occasion there are minimal numbers of workmen undertaking a specific task, and such work appears to cease at 3.30pm each weekday and no work takes place at weekends, seems to be part of the plans submitted to Hampshire County Council when permission is sought to dig up the road. The resultant disruption to Residents appears greater than need be and a greater degree of managing the process appears to be necessary. To this end, County Councillor Charlotte Bailey was requested to relay the views of Residents and the Parish Council to the appropriate Authority within Hampshire County Council. It was noted that the current round of road works is now extended to 9th October 2006, due to technical difficulties encountered.
Parking in Attwoods Drove
During the same open session, Mr. and Mrs. Rickaby raised the matter of Car Parking in Attwoods Drove. Congestion is increasing to such an extent that due to parked cars, emergency vehicles are finding it difficult to access dwellings in the area.
It was considered that part of the problem is caused by the design of the housing where some dwellings do not have a road frontage. Unfortunately, it was conceded that the Parish Council has no power to improve the situation. The installation of “While Lines” will have minimal effect as they are not enforceable. Installation of “Yellow Lines” preventing parking may well make the situation more difficult for the Residents in the Area. Councillor George Beckett, in his capacity as District Councillor, will raise the matter with the Housing Officer at Winchester City Council, but he is not optimistic about a satisfactory outcome.
Park and Ride
County Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported on the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility, Shawford Down, a proposed new bench seat at Highways Road, the Gas Main replacement in Otterbourne Road, the introduction of “Booster Seats” in cars legislation for any child under 4ft. 5ins. in height to be introduced as from 18th September 2006 and Heritage Open Days.
Itchen navigation
Councillor Tom Threlfall reported on the refurbishment of the “banks” of the Navigation. It is understood that a grant has been obtained and it is also understood that such refurbishment work will extend along the Navigation to Eastleigh.
Parish Council owned land
Councillor John Richardson reported on the continuing work in registering Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry. Additionally, the Finance and Administration Committee will be reviewing the new Fire Regulations as far as they affect Parish Council owned Property, together with requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.
Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported upon Planning Applications that had been submitted in July and August. It was noted that a significant number of Planning Applications had been submitted for developments in the Compton Down area. It is believed that these applications had been submitted for consideration before the “Compton Down Local Area Design Statement is adopted.
Playing Fields
Councillor Mary Shaw reported on various matters relating to the Playing Fields, one of which was the request from the Tennis Club to install another tarmac path to the third Tennis Court. In addition it is proposed to install a chain and padlock on the main gate to the Play Area in Compton Street. This to prevent un-authorised Car Parking on the Compton Street Play Area.
Councillor Patricia Caffyn reported on numerous issues, but most importantly upon the Parish Council notice boards. It is proposed that the Notice Board at the junction of Shepherds Lane and Field Way will be removed and discarded. The Notice Board at the entrance to Compton Street will be re-sited to a location nearer the Church and School. All other Notice Boards have been refurbished.
Horse Droppings on footpaths
Councillor Caffyn also reported upon the excessive deposits of horse manure which have again appeared on the Footpath between Hurdle Way and Compton Street. Hampshire County Council have again been contacted to clean this Footpath. However, it is now decided that notices will be put up at the beginning and end of the Footpath, advising Horse Riders that if their horses are seen fouling the Footpath, the riders will risk being reported to Hampshire County Council who may take further action.
The Chairman, Councillor Jeremy Dolphin, expressed the Parish Council’s thanks to Shepherds Down School, and Councillor Patricia Caffyn, for allowing, and arranging for, the Parish Council to use the School for its meeting.