
Finches Lane Closure February 2024

Closure of Finches Lane, Twyford for about 1 week from 12 February 2024

Finches Road Closure starting 12 February 2024

The road is expected to be closed for 24 hours a day for about one week.
To visit Twyford by car you will probably have to go the long way round.

The notice below is reproduced from the Twyford Information Email system.

See also https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/plannedmaintenance

Twyford Parish Council

Hampshire County Council’s contractors are due to build an improved crossing point facility where the current footway crossing point meets Finches Lane from School Road. This work has been programmed in for week commencing Monday 12th February 2024.

All work will be undertaken between 08.00 hours and 16:00 hours, to minimise disruption. No works are expected to take place over the weekend.

However, for the safety of the contractors and the public, it will be necessary for the contractors to close the road for 24hrs a day throughout the duration of these works. It is anticipated that the works will take one week to complete. During this time, access to properties and businesses will be maintained.

Please note that these works are weather dependent so may be delayed if there is a period of inclement weather. When possible any significant changes to the scheduled date will be made clear on the yellow sign boards located at the works limits.

The details of the work to be carried out can be viewed on Twyford Parish Council’s website at http://twyfordhants.org.uk/finches-lane/

Twyford Information - Finches Lane Closure
Twyford Information Emails Twyford Parish Council

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Copyright © 2024 Twyford Parish Council, All rights reserved.

Twyford Parish Council
Parish Clerk – J.P. Matthews PO Box 741, Winchester. SO23 3QA

With thanks to the Twyford Parish Clerk for permission to reprint this from the original Twyford Information email.