7pm Monday 11 December 2023 in the Parish Hall
Come and support CASCA
who manage this wonderful community asset for the parish.

Notice is hereby given that the
Annual General Meeting
will take place on
Monday 11th December 2023
at 7.00 pm
in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall
The CASCA Committee oversees the running of the Village Hall
in conjunction with the hardworking caretaker, Frank Smith.
We would welcome your support at the AGM
About the Parish Hall
Built by public subscription in 1896 for £750, the Shawford Parish Hall celebrated its centenary with two weeks of special events at the end of 1996.
Since its refurbishment and extension, it is now a handsome and popular complex with a charm all its own.
It is managed by CASCA under lease from the Parish Council.