
PC Meeting Agenda 4 July 2023

Members of Compton & Shawford Parish Council are hereby summoned to a

Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council

7.00 pm Tuesday 4th July 2023 at Shawford Parish Hall


  1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interests
  2. Minutes
    • To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd May 2023
  3. Outstanding actions from the previous minutes
    • Pavilion Lease update
    • update on Parish Survey
    • Graffiti in the Compton underpass
  4. County & district councillors’ reports
  5. Public session (maximum of fifteen minutes)
  6. Finance and administration – Cllr Willcock
    • Introduction of new Clerk – To include confirmation of start date and probation period
    • Internal & External Audit
      • Conflict of Interest for external audit to be signed
      • Exercise of Public Rights
    • Payment schedule for May & June 2023 & CIL Account update
    • Compton & Shawford Parish magazine contribution
  7. Playing fields and play areas – Cllr Cooper
    • Quotes for MPF Playing Fields
  8. Planning – Cllr Strange
    • Report from Bushfield Camp consultations
  9. Community engagement – Cllr Strange
    • CASCA – Solar Panels
  10. Highways and public transport – Cllr Bell
    • Highways Road – Bus stop shelter
  11. Footpaths and environment – Cllr Hunt
  12. Police & School Liaison – Cllr Neyroud
  13. Matters arising but not for resolution
    • items to be added to the next agenda
  14. Date and venue of the next meeting

Louisa Robertson, Parish Clerk | 28th July 2023  

Printable version

See also:

Minutes of earlier meetings