PC Meeting Report May 2023
Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council
Held Tuesday 2nd May 2023, 7pm at Shawford Parish Hall
The first item on the agenda at the May meeting was the election of the Chairman. Cllr Simon Willcock was elected as the new Chairman, Cllr Martin Bell was re-elected as Vice Chairman. It was agreed that there would be no change to current portfolio holders which will remain as follows:
- Finance and administration: Cllr Willcock;
- playing fields and play areas: Cllr Cooper;
- highways & public transport: Cllr Bell;
- planning & community: Cllr Strange;
- footpaths & environment: Cllr Hunt.
- The position of Police & School Liaison was filled by Cllr Neyroud.
Financial statements along with the 2022-23 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) were approved in readiness for the clerk’s upcoming meeting with the internal auditor.
The PC approved costs for a new lease for the Pavilion on the MPF. The original lease was written in 2003 and is in need of updating, taking into account new developments in law in the last 13 years. It was also agreed that the term of the lease should be 25 years.
The PC received quotes and voted on a new contractor who will manage grass maintenance at the MPF and also at QEII Playing fields. The contract commenced on 3rd May 2023 -25.
Cllr Cooper is working on a number of grants on behalf of the Parish Council to improve the play equipment at both of the playground sites.
Cllr Strange reminded the PC of the two consultation sessions for Bushfield Camp. Friday 19th May from 3pm until 7pm at The Refectory, Great Minster Street and Saturday 20th May at Badger Farm Community Centre from 11am until 3pm.
Cllr Bell informed the PC that the installation of the village gateways has now been completed, all signage is now in place on Otterbourne road. Hampshire highways have been informed about concerns regarding Shawford road and the unsafe conditions as a result of the faded yellow lines, a job has been raised for them to be refreshed.
Cllr Hunt informed the Parish Council that the lengthsman contract has been renewed by HCC for 2023-24. Cllr Hunt will be joined by Cllr Jan Warwick and a representative from Hampshire Countryside Services (HCS) to discuss any outstanding work that should have been completed after the removal of ash dieback.
The next meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday 4 July 2023, 7.00pm at Shawford Village Hall.
By Louisa Robertson, Clerk to the Council
PC Meeting Report May 2023 – Links
- See the Minutes page for minutes of the meeting (which should be available as a draft pending formal approval by the Council at its next meeting).