
PC Annual Meeting Agenda 2 May 2023

Members of Compton & Shawford Parish Council are hereby summoned to the

Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council

7.00 pm Tuesday 2nd May 2023 at Shawford Parish Hall


  1. Election of the Chairman
    • To elect the chairman and receive their declaration of acceptance of office
  2. Election of the Vice-Chairman
    • To elect the vice chairman
  3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interests
  4. Minutes
    • To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 7th March 2023
  5. Outstanding actions
    • From the minutes only
  6. Appointment of portfolio holders and representatives to external organisations
  7. County and district councillors’ reports
  8. Public Session (15 minutes)
  9. Finance and administration – Cllr Willcock
    • To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
    • To note financial statements and payments made since 1st March 2023
    • To review and adopt the standing orders and financial regulations
    • To receive an update on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
    • Sports club lease – Parish Council to be updated
  10. Planning and community – Cllr Strange
    • Annual report and agenda for Annual Parish Meeting
  11. Playing fields and play areas – Cllr Cooper
    • Compton underpass – quotes have been received for the removal of graffiti
    • New grass maintenance contractor for MPF and QEII playing fields to be agreed
    • Update on matters raised at the Compton and Shawford Sports Club (CSSC) AGM
  12. Highways and public transports – Cllr Bell
  13. Footpaths and environment – Cllr Hunt
  14. Schools and Police liaison
  15. Matters arising but not for resolution
    • Items to be added to the next agenda
  16. Date and venue of the next meeting

Louisa Robertson, Parish Clerk | 25th April 2023  

Printable version

See also:

Minutes of earlier meetings