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Voter Id at 2023 Local Elections

WCC Elections 4 May 2023

Winchester City Council – Badger Farm and Oliver’s Battery

For much more detail about the elections, see https://www.winchester.gov.uk/elections/winchester-district-and-parish-elections-2023

and https://www.winchester.gov.uk/elections

The Elections Act 2022 was granted Royal Assent and passed into law on 28th April 2022.

The Act’s changes include

  • Requiring photographic Id to vote
  • Changing the voting system for mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner elections to First Past the Post.

Acceptable types of Photo Id include:

  • UK Passport
  • UK Driving licence
  • Blue Badge
  • Older person’s or Disabled person’s Bus Pass

For full details see

Postal voters will not be affected and will be issued with their postal ballot papers as usual.

Deadline for receipt of postal vote applications: 5pm Tuesday 18 April 2023.

You can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if

  • you do not have accepted Photographic Identification
  • you no longer look like the photo on your Photographic Identification
  • the name on your Photographic Identification is different to your name on the electoral register.

You will be able to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online, via paper form or in person.

Deadline for receiving VAC applications: 5pm Tuesday 25 April 2023

See https://www.winchester.gov.uk/elections/voter-id

If you choose to vote by proxy, then the person who you have trusted to vote on your behalf will have to take their own photographic identification to be issued a ballot paper at the polling station.

Please download the relevant proxy form from the Your Vote Matters website – the deadline to apply to vote by proxy is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

Our parish is one of the five parishes which make up the City Council Ward now called Badger Farm and Oliver’s Battery.

We have three City Councillors who have staggered four-year terms. In each of three years of a four year cycle, one of our City Council seats comes up for election. In the fourth year of the cycle, there are County Council elections.

If you wish to stand for election to the City Council, see https://www.winchester.gov.uk/elections/standing-as-a-candidate-district-parish-elections-4-may-2023

You may already have received a letter which Winchester City Council is sending to all households in February.

This letter is to check they have the correct details for all electors at your address and to explain how the photo ID process will work.